Reassure me that it's hard to get banned from Steam

Reassure me that it's hard to get banned from Steam.

I don't like the idea that part of the agreement to use the shit I PAID FOR is tied to my good behavior and ability to not be denied use of their service.

I don't think anyone has been banned out of being able to play their games. Bans are usually caused by cheating with literal hacks in specific multiplayer titles that use Steam's VAC as protection. That's about it. I literally can't think of any other way to get banned in any way, and even a VAC ban only applies to that one game you cheated on.

You don't get banned from your games unless you actually commit a crime like buying games with stolen credit cards.

I figured once you were banned from Steam it would no longer let you connect to their network. No connection = can't download anything = can't play anything besides what you have installed.

Well, that's not how it works.

If that's the case then you wouldn't be able to download games that you've bought but don't have installed

Right, which is why I was bitching about it in this thread. I figured that's what happens and your ability to use what you paid for remains contingent on not getting yourself banned.

If that's not how it works that's fine. If you keep your digital entitlements even after a network ban then there's no issue with that.

>Reassure me
No. You are free to get banned. Fuck off, go buy some air on GoG or something.

I don't think you can get locked out of all your games desu. You can get banned from individual games' multiplayer, community hub and the market.

You can only get banned from accessing your library if you purchased shit with stolen credit cards.

VAC bans only apply to people who cheat in VAC protected games and that only bans you from the MP in said games.

You can be banned from individual community message boards, but that still doesn't effect your overall account.

So in short: You gotta do a crime to get the time. So unless you're an actual irl thief you're okay

>renting digital copies of games packed with extra DRM and a bloated botnet client
>not just pirating all your games

inb4 "but then I couldn't play online with screeching 14 year olds with cartoon and furry avatars and show them my epic achievements"

You can only get banned from specific games usually for shit like hacking. I've never heard of anyone ever being banned from their library.

That's only for hardcore shit like ddossing or stolen credit cards or something. Even with the latter, using a stolen key doesn't mean you get banned, you just might get that one game revoked. You likely only get a super ban for using a stolen credit card right on Steam.

Don't you also get hard-banned for trying to reverse-charge Valve?

Is OP really asking Sup Forums for legal advice? Read the EULA yourself. Do more research than none at all, you fucking idiot.

Maybe. It's hard to say what kind of ban that is, it might just be a store ban and even then, you might get to keep playing your library, just not buy new games.
Community Ban
Store Ban
Account Ban
I think those are all the types.

Thankfully it doesn't work like that. A vac ban can only be issued while playing a vac protected game online. The vac ban only prevents you from playing any vac protected game online. If you get caught cheating and are bamned in counter strike on vac servers, you won't be able to play tf2 on vac servers.

You can get banned if you activate russian keys via VPN, that's against the rules and while they generally remove the game you activated from your library, if you keep doing that they can ban you for real.

You won't be able to access your account if you reverse charge them.

The only times I have heard of somebody getting BANNED FROM STEAM, as in unable to access their account anymore, is when they directly sent a death thread to Gabe or directly sued Steam. It might also happen if you've been buying stuff with stolen credit cards, but just being rude hasn't been cause for them to delete your full account.

As for VAC bans, those only affect online multiplayer and go into effect if you misbehave in online multiplayer. So, don't be a dick with others if you still want to be able to play with others. If you aren't doing that, then it doesn't matter. Basic stuff.

>VAC Ban
You get banned from VAC protected servers. Punishment for cheating on VAC protected servers
>Store Ban
Buying shit on the Steam Store with stolen credit cards or by using proxy on the Steam store in order to get cheaper prices. Blocks your account from buying things on the store.
>Community Ban
Bans you from posting in Steam Hubs/Forum/Chat - Pretty much everything community related. Punishment for those who shitpost there or spam/stalk.
>Account Ban
Steam completely shutting your account down. Usually never happens unless your account only exists to bother other people - Be it for shitposting, criminal activity or whatever. Happend a lot years ago with russian spambots trying to scam people.

Only an account ban stops you from accessing your games and those that get an account ban usually had no games to begin with.