ITT: Obscure CD-ROM games only you played

I feel bad for you underage steamfags that'll never know the joys of the 90s WalMart computer games section.

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Anyone else remember a medieval game where you have to find like 10 or so heroes, find their cool looking shields, and then take back your castle? There was also a spooky dinosaur "game" which was basically claymation and just watching different clips of carnivores tearing grass-eaters to shreds.

Sucks i was so young I cant remember the name but jesus it was fun. Probably a ton of CD-ROM games that will never be known again since review sites where relatively new.

Sorry OP but I played that game too. Thanks for the nostalgia.

Movie was popular so probably not but fuck I loved this

>that lava race

My first point and click. I could never beat it, but its still sitting on my PC shelf. ONE DAY

Looks neat, is it comfy? The one thing I noticed about most 90s point and clicks is how easy it is just to immerse yourself. Aesthetic backgrounds and sound design usually.

Its got that perfect blend of FMV and 90's CG that hits the eye just right. You wander around a bar full of cool aliens and talk to them, trying to solve a murder. It would be a 10/10 comfy game if not for the fact that ingame events run on a timer, so you can't take your time or you'll get a game over. I think there's a full LP of it on youtube somewhere if you're interested.

Also it was written by the guy that wrote the Hitchhiker's Guide IF game

>that spooky fuck museum game where their skeletons come to life

Fuck a lets play I desperately want to play some comfy 90s shit. Dont know if today's computers can even run them though.

I just remembered this game, probably not obscure though

>its a mosquito episode

A lot of games from that era are unfortunately nearly impossible to run on modern machines.

Bums my shit man. Might as well be lost media

>PC Jurassic Park games
Hell yeah

Thats fucking beautiful though. Think about it. Only a select few will ever be able to say they had those adventures. Thats the beauty of unplayable media. The experiences all the more special.




That game was legitimately terrifying at times. I never beat it

That red light green light minigame scared the shit outta me as a kid. Say what you will about Jurassic Park 3, it had the best games and merch.

>DK educational games


I actually feel really confident that no one else who posts in this thread will have actually played this thing. Hell I wouldn't have played it had my dad not bought it for whatever reason.



I remember this dinosaur game where you ran around and had to specifically eat and drink or you'd die. I wish I could remember what it was called. That shit was old af like 89 old

Oh get the fuck out of here. Played all of them, even the futuristic one where you get to play as a raptor


>tfw too scared to hunt carnivores

Probably my first jumpscare was getting jumped by a raptor. And the bullshit of TRex only killable through the eyes is beyond insane

Never played but looks cool. Fun?

I played that game too user. It was cool and scary at the same time.

spooky as fuck.

Its my favorite point and click. Top notch atmosphere. Its on GOG.

I fucking dare you to say you've played this

You know you can just run a virtual machine right?

I did it for the Myst remake and it worked fine.

You're basically just emulating an older OS

I think the low detail gives a spookier vibe than what we have today. I would gladly have it back

played dis

It came in my frosted flakes box I think

Of course, but it would be nice to pop a disc in and have it work or just download a patch.

That game was my favorite as a small kid.
>Lets play Save the Dinosaurs!

I know the Nancy Drew series isnt obscure but theres just too many to have played all.

Who else played this nightmarefuel? Silent fucking Hill for kids

Reminds me of this spooktastic Egyptian pyramid discovery game I played. The 90s aesthetic was uncanny enough but every corridor you felt a mummy was going to jump out




I think my sister's played all of them.
They were the only videogames she'd play besides Rollercoaster Tycoon and Sims 2.

Holy crap I loved this book. What's the videogame like?

Book fairs were lit

I miss going through those "100 in 1" game CDs as a kid. Most of the games where demos and then you stumbled upon gems like image related. The dungeon crawlers and rogue-likes were my favorites.

>"Didn't I die? In the, in the movie, I died..."

A game can be fucking shit for me but cheeky lines like that show the devs care

Get on my level

Its exactly like the book except interactive