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Shit meme

for a moment I thought we might get a cool mission where you play as one of the Nachthexen, but then I remembered that was WWII. I also just remembered that all of the DLCs are just more multiplayer maps and guns. Fug, why did I buy Premium for this shit ded gayme

That women's bataillon of death was a WWII thing though I dont get it

They better let you rape them
at least it would add some authenticity

On the contrary, they were specifically a WW1 thing. Except they were introduced and used by Provisional Government (i.e. not fucking Tsar, on the contrary, people who came after) mostly for morale purposes (that is, shaming men who were mostly demoralized and didn't want to fight a pointless war) and did not amount to much.

Russia actually did have a special unit of women that fought on the front. They were mostly paraded around for propaganda purposes by the new government as an attempt to encourage more men to fight and more women to work, but they did fight briefly.

I'm sure DICE will make a bigger deal out of it than it was, but they certainly did exist.

Notice the lighting in these posters, its always dark and off the figure, so you can't fully see their race at first glance, it really makes you think what DICE means by this.

>in the name if the Tsar
>women's battalion of death was created by the revolutionaries who overthrew the Tsar

Good history lesson DICE

They wanted to say Russians are Finno-Slavo-Turkic mongrels.

It's good to see Russians in WW1 finally portrayed as the thicc women of colour they were.

Did their periods attract bears?

Do you have to pay for this? It's pretty shitty to announce a paid expansion in the same press conference where you announce Battlefront 2 will have all of it's DLC free.

Women are now literally slav niggers of Battlefield 1.

More like "free".
This is still EA so suspect everything be gated by loot boxes or something.

Isn't it WW1?

I just find it amusing and strange that they make the most hated class either black or women in this game.

Either they do it because the general animosity to it or it is a popular class to play.

Is that supposed to be a woman?

I though it was an average nigger.

Nachthexen are WW2

As a woman of size, I find this thread completely unacceptable.

Why do people keep spamming threads about this garbage WWI game?
Nobody cares about the game, nor for the boring setting.

Why are people so scared of opening a history book?

>boring setting
uncultured, third-world swine

Careful. Now that the normies know they existed, it will soon be considered misogyny to imply that fewer than 50% of WWI solders were female.
