holyshit, Xbox one all over.

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Gonna go old-school here and say *ahem*
Link or it didn't happen

Thanks, user. Well if it's as strong as we're lead to believe and actually GETS games that aren't all cancelled it might do fine.

Still cheaper than the ps3 at launch.

If it lives up to the flops boasting then that is more than a fair price.
That being said I don't know who is going to buy this and what there will be to play besides shooty bang bang vroom vroom and kickball.


Also have a feeling MS didn't want this info leaked ahead of their conference. Probably wanted it to be a surprise

But what if something cha?

Is Geoff Keighley, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

But thats a good price.

Shh, sonybros are trying to troll.

I paid as much for my last graphics card, are you poor or something xbone gamers?



>The Scorpio is $499 unless it isn't

Don't forget the hand gestures!


fucking richies get out.

Microsoft paid Keighley to tweet this. The actual price is $399 and this will make it come as a "shock". Just look at the way he worded it too.

>if it's as strong as we're lead to believe

If it were an actual next gen console I'd agree with you

But this is just a high spec Xbone, and comes with all the baggage of the Xbone.



Thats a reasonable price.
Why is everyone being retarded?

If they're dumb enough to price it like that it will sell less than the ouya

Exactly. Jeff is a man for hire. He's shown that time and time again.

I have a PC with a gtx 980ti, a PS4, and I am saying that if the scorpio can live up to a $499 price tag, I will buy it

You would buy an Xbone, right now, for 500 dollars? You think the exclusive library is robust enough to justify spending that much to play Halo in 4k?

$499 for games dependent on Devs to give 4k scaling features. For games that won't surpass the threshold on PC gaming quality.

No new games in the next coming year worth an exclusive purchase, no new franchises worth getting into xbone for.

I'll say it again, if Microsoft didn't focus on putting 2.5 Billion dollars into Minecraft, and instead put it into the development of its gaming brand, things wouldn't have turned out like this.

But Xbone is the butt of this current generation and constantly making the wrong moves. No Scorpio titles will be exclusive, Sony had their PSVR mistake, Microsoft has Scorpio.

>499$ for a console that is equivalent to a 2000$ PC

and this is somehow bad ? are you literally retarded ?




Typical M$ marketing. Just like the article that came out about a week ago saying they unlocked another 1GB of RAM for developers. This was the plan all along but coming out and saying they "unlocked shit" is a good news-worthy story.

Not him, but I would buy it for $499 as a 4k gaming machine that runs at 60fps.

I am only considering the tech amd the cost of manufacture. For what is in it the price point is reasonable.

Faggots like you just don't want to pay what things are worth.


Make it less obvious

Possibly, although dorito pope will take a credibility dip if that's what goes down

Why can't I like something?

>I am only considering the tech amd the cost of manufacture.

Then you're looking at it in a vacuum, which from a consumer standpoint is utterly meaningless.

It doesn't matter how good the tech to price ratio is if you have no fucking games. I'm not spending $500 for Crackdown and Halo.

>hating on something objectively good and shilling sony is ok
>being reasonable is somehow not ok

really made me think user

Why would you like a piece of shit

Canada uk and aus will get fucked over as usual, Microsoft hates Anglo

You don't know its one yet

>a console that is equivalent to a 2000$ PC


>Xbox is the butt of this current gen
>Xbone 30 million consoles sold
>Wiiu 13 million consoles sold
Technically the Xbone has outsold the Switch and Wiiu combined thus far.

Oh fuck, are we going to see the reprise of XBone's original announcement?

>price revealed
>background audience is cheering
>audience proper is dead fucking silent

then build me a PC that can run true 4k at stable 60FPS that also has a high quality BluRay drive to watch 4k movies.

That's the point though. I won't be buying it regardless of price, but why would I spend 500 bucks on a console when I can just buy a nice pc and play the same games with better performance? Because consoles are dying that's why. People with any sense by a pc

>owning two consoles

Sup Forums would complain whatever the price was

Shut the fuck up about this

That's just you stupid opinion.
Not considering cost is idiotic. Comes are always an investment for future games.
Console sales are how they get future games.

Even at that price I bet they are selling at a loss.
You are just an entitled pricl

looks like a good deal


>that can run true 4k at stable 60FPS

Good thing there's no chance of Scorpio doing that either, or they come up with some dumbass catch like everything else is set to low/medium

Spencer please, you have a conference to get ready for.

sony.cucks in full damage control :')

I would find that hard to do if you had to start with a 1070 and a 30 dollar cpu.

Now you have 1600 left over for case, power supply, motherboard, and ram.

keep the cunt on /bant/ please


kys reddit

Wiiu is definitely the loser of this gen but if you put a gun to my head and made me buy one of the two I'd pick the wiiu. With wiiu at least name 5 exclusives that I want to play.

-Say no more $499

The xbone launched at that price and it has done well so far. I can see it work
I would've bought it at launch if it was $400, so I'll just wait for price drop. If it launches with a Crackdown 3 bundle I might also bite since the game is $60

it's @399 you fucking idiots.

Dissappoint us now and then BAM ! suprise us with $399 annopuncement at the conference.

the specific hardware doesnt matter because consoles are way more optimized than a PC. and I doubt you can build a PC that runds true 4k with 60FPS with a BluRay drive for under 1000$ user. also dont forget the form factor it has to be small enough so that you can travel with it.

Ifit costs $500 it willNOT be able to play current gen games at4k60fps.

Thisis a fact.

It's just Ponies being butthurt that their #ForTheShareholders machine is outpowered 2:1 by a console that costs a mere 100$ more.

Didn't have ps4, bought PS4 Pro.
Didn't have xbox one, will buy the XCancer.

People bought a PS3 for $599 despite having nogaems until 2009.

if PS pro gets a price cut MS will be dead

That's still way too high, I imagine. Normies are gonna see the scorpio at $500 then the slim at $250 and go "jeez, easy choice".

If you think normies will for a second be willing to overlook the price because it looks better, well, I refer you to the PS4pro.

Basic version for sure.
Adding more NEEDED memory = 600.

Still, 4k on consoles is a meme, and developers will be forced to scale quality for the less powerful console nonetheless.

1070 owner here, no, you can't do 4k 30FPS on that card, at least not if you want to play on Ultra or high settings.

Better than the $600 that most people expected. If they hit the power they aimed for it should easily be $600 since a pc of equal power would be $600 as well. Scorpios biggest benefit will be all of those cheap tricks to get games to UHD that a pc of $600 couldn't do.

I don't get it, why did you crop her panties?

drink bleach

just like the PS4Pro? LOL

>Sup Forums is always wrong
>15 simultaneous 'scorpio is fucked' threads
so glad it will do alright

>Owning anything at all

you know why

They look the same, 3fps is nothing to write home about.

>drink bleach
Stick my foot up your ass until it comes out your mouth.

>No games.
>Still increases the price of the new console.

What will people even use it for?

No, I don't.

Multiplat games and the Microsoft exclusives that are also on Windows 10 but all the PCfags refuse to buy because "MUH BOTNET!! WINDOWS STORE SUUCKUS!!"


3 FPS does matter when you're talking about a non-variable refresh rate display. Since TVs don't have that, and neither does the PS4, you're going to get stutter or screen tearing if you drop below a multiple of 60.

>most powerful console ever
>actually does 4k native[if they didnt lie]
>only 499 US DOLLARS
How is this bad, ps4pro was 400 US DOLLARS, so you pay 100 extra US DOLLARS and get native 4k.

>30 million shipped

MS stopped giving out sold-through numbers years ago. They've shipped 30 million Xbones, and millions are still on shelves and in warehouses. Estimates put it at 14-15m sold when MS said they had shipped 23m, its nowhere near 30m sold.

>meat and potatoes

His Twitter account isn't secret. Search for it on Google next time, faggot.

A $500 machine that can play games at 4k 60 frames is a steal. Now as for whether or not the Scorpio is actually capable of that, we'll see.

>actually does 4k native

Console kiddies will believe anything, even when they told them a APU could do 4k.

>499 dollars
>For no games

>60 frames
30 with drops

shh. Let the user dream.

For what it is, that's great value. It isn't PS4 Pro. It's substantially more powerful. Premium product. S is $199.

>muh 4k


Small price to pay for greatness. Halo is going to be freakng epic on this beast of a machine.

>500 burgers + tax for consoleshit
>plus 60/yr just to play online


Just like the last 2 games right?