>Battlefront comes out >Everyone: "wtf this is garbage, no vehicles,typical EA season pass bullshit, no replayability, and only one era of star wars???" >Dice: "SAY NO MORE SENPAI"
Logan Martinez
How brain damaged eo you have to be to make a post like this? Regardless of context.
Joshua Cruz
i guess im just not a bitter lonely faggot like you that thinks morrowind and quake are the only good games
Angel Rivera
friend, i respect your opinion but your post was rude and mean
please log off this forum and do not return
Alexander Ross
You're clearly a bitter lonely faggot on top of being a retard, as shown by this post.
Cameron Murphy
>Still no vehicles on-map >Can't commandeer vehicles >Still can't have simultaneous battles in space and on the surface (haven't even seen space battles yet) >Still can't have battles the size of the old BF games >No droidekas >Disney shit >No Plo Koon >DLC ability modifiers >Air combat looks stiff >Darth Maul can't deflect blaster bolts It's garbage
Justin Jenkins
Eh. Its cool that they're making DLC free like with Titanfall 2, but the map they showed off looks like a cluttered mess, it still looks like Battlefield with a Star Wars skin, and after how shit Battlefront 2015 was I'm not going to pay $60 for the sequel, granted I never even paid for BF2015 in the first place.
Xavier Baker
>Darth Maul can't deflect blaster bolts
Really!? That would be really lame no way the game goes live like that still early
Justin Nelson
>Still no vehicles on-map >Can't commandeer vehicles ??? It was seen in the stream >DLC ability modifiers ??? >Darth Maul can't deflect blaster bolts We dont know that. It just wasnt shown in the stream.
Eli Stewart
>release battlefield 3 >miss like half of the features that were in battlefield 2 and basically rebrand the game for modern console gamers >make sequel and reintroduce features that were in battlefield 2 as 'brand new innovation' and say you 'listened to fan feedback' >profit
>release battlefront >miss like half of the features that were in battlefront 2 and basically rebrand the game for modern console gamers >make sequel and reintroduce features that were in battlefront 2 as 'brand new innovation' and say you 'listened to fan feedback' >???
bonus points >years ago say you will never charge for maps because splitting up the community is wrong >start charging money for maps and split up the community
>years later say you will never charge for maps >????????????????????????????????
Easton King
Nah, they said that it's a set-in-stone decision for "balance purposes"
Christopher Bailey
Fuck off marketer
Jace Morris
>??? It was seen in the stream No, you get vehicles by getting points and spending them to get vehicles, just like the heroes. >We dont know that. It just wasnt shown in the stream. On stream, they explicitly said that Maul can't deflect blaster bolts because he'd be "overpowered"
Camden Adams
William Anderson
>No droidekas fucking DROPPED
Tyler Bell
im not i just saw something on normiebook and got excited
Wyatt Butler
>listening to normiebook opinions on vidya Either a retard or marketer, either way don't post anymore and lurk.
Wyatt Barnes
The point system seems pretty good imo
Blake Murphy
>no galactic conquest trash. literally if this was added i would buy the fuck my ass edition
Lincoln Flores
>ea e3 2017.gif
Elijah Evans
No it doesn't. It's ea so let me tell you how this will work. The drop rate will be low, very low. But there will be a paid boost system for 200% drop rate.
Mason Peterson
>Don't support first game properly >Sell expansion pack as full price sequel >Pay astroturfers and iJustine to sell this to idiots
Nathaniel Miller
but how good will the bots be? will they even be in the game? it's what gave battlefront lasting power
Ryder Martinez
I was a little excited for this but now it's back to disappointment
Easton Barnes
>no droidekas >no plo koon mother fucker. next you're gonna tell me there's no supers.
Landon Perry
Money talks. Or shitposts, rather.
Juan Brooks
>Sup Forums >forum
Luis Rodriguez
Fortunately, there ARE supers, wrist rockets and all. Not sure if those memorable quotes are returning though.
Chase Myers
Didn't hear "Watch those wrist rockets" even once.
Cooper Robinson
>vehicles can not be gotten into they must be bought and if you want to get out you are forced to respawn they actually made vehicles worse
Nathan Sanchez
so vehicles are still just a stupid power up like in the previous game?
Ryan Nguyen
I'm pretty ok with the vehicle deal. Getting in and on off a vehicle with no repercussion has always been the most casual thing in multiplayer games. I'm glad DICE is doing something about it with their two games.
The point systems also makes it so that the best players are the one getting this rewards and no fucking casuals. >Still can't have battles the size of the old BF games I can agree with you here but that's tied to the design of the game, it's clear they want an even more fast paced Battlefield. So the player count is lower but the maps are designed to that player count so it ain't that bad. >No droidekas Obviously still in development, you can't have prequel stuff without Droidekas >Air combat looks stiff Did you even play the old BF's? >Darth Maul can't deflect blaster bolts Because he is already OP as it is, he slaughtered everyone in the stream. >No Plo Koon Again, still in development, you think we won't get to play as the most based jedi? >DLC ability modifiers This is also something I'm quite happy seeing in modern games, customization of base classes to fit a more narrow playstyle. How could you be against variety? People will say is p2w but AAA companies don't do p2w.
Jason Robinson
Seems like it
Robert Walker
>still cant play galactic conquest on the original online it hurts
Isaiah Edwards
>Darth Maul can't deflect blaster bolts Oh that's why being a sith looked weak as fuck What the hell were they thinking?
Wyatt Fisher
Are heroes still tokens, or random selections?
Besides that it looks like they made some good changes. Secondary weapons, card abilities actually seem useful now, heroes have regeneration.
I still think it'll be shit like 1 though
Lucas Morales
>Obviously still in development >b-but its a beta >you think we won't get to play as the most based jedi? Yes, because he's an irrelevant background character in the movies and nu-Star Wars fags won't recognize him. > People will say is p2w but AAA companies don't do p2w. hhahahahahahahahaha
Brody Turner
EA Battlefront will never be good.
It will always be remembered for killing battlefront 3
I don't care if they make the best star wars game in history, I wouldnt buy it out of plain spite
Parker Phillips
Not him but >being too retarded to understand the joke >being so retarded you don't know what "forum" means