How come the only girls you kill in these games are high ranking main enemy characters?

How come the only girls you kill in these games are high ranking main enemy characters?

Why are the common enemies all men? They both kill hundreds of men but only a couple women a piece. Hell, the only person Nathan Drake failed to kill was that sheboon.

What do I have to do to start video game related discussion? Post anime bitches with big tits?

Haha holy shit she thicc

If Sup Forums has nothing to contribute to a thread discussing uncharted or tomb raider (combined they're some of the most played third person shooting games this generation) then I guess you guys really don't talk about games

Humans are hardwired to see men as expendable and women as valuable. Simple biology really. One man and a hundred women can continue the human race. One woman and a hundred men on the other hand...

Most people find violence against women disturbing.Some find it hot.

stop asking questions you already know the answers for op

>Tries to make a bait thread
>Nobody falls for the bait
>N-n-n-n-no seriously guys! I'm just trying to talk about v-v-v-v-video games! W-w-w-w-what do I have to do to get n-n-n-n-noticed? :(

Human beings are hard wired to be protective of women. It's the reason people do women more favours, generally cater to them, or give lighter punishments. Neither devs or casuals want to see them die en mass.

Neither matters as much as fucking logic, in most games enemies will be soldiers and those are men of course
It's just common sense
And a ton of games have female enemies, division comes to mind

>hard wired meme

Your thinking is backwards.

There is no ingrained reason to consider women special over men. Games are goose-stepping you into these conclusions.

I'm killing a bunch of guys in this game so the life of men is meaningless, I'll squander it without hesitation

>There is no ingrained reason to consider women special over men.
They just actually provided the reason. It's an evolutionary necessity and actual biological adaptation of our species, inherently tied to our survival and reproduction, natural aspect of the very fact that we do have sexual asymmetry.

because killing women is sexist

but killing men is not

get it?

You can't survive without men and women both

girls literally can't die

But you don't need the same ratio of them, and both have different roles and physiology which results in the necessity of different treatment of them. Are you retarded? It's literally right there. Women - among many things, form reproductory bottleneck much more significantly than men.

Ever heard of a bottle neck? A man can do his reproductive duty several times a day. A woman takes 9 months a baby.

Every time a game has women getting openly killed in the sometimes gruesome ways that video games can be known to do, the media freaks out. Check out Gears of War when they added a woman and everyone going "well maybe they shouldn't have them be killed by chainsaws because watching that happen to a woman isn't appropriate."

If it kept happening then people would stop giving a shit

No one gives a fuck about video game violence against men nowadays because it's been going on for decades now. Salty assholes would flip the fuck out over Mortal Kombat in the early days, where's the outrage now?

>No one gives a fuck about video game violence against men nowadays because it's been going on for decades now.
Actually, violence towards males has been tolerated more than violence towards women in our society for centuries across all media. You are pretending as if violence towards men was normalized over the course of decades: no, it has been normalized across many, many centuries.

That is the fucking point: discomfort towards violence towards women is a pretty profound notion, not just a matter of a few decades.

It's also easier to just have one gender as the main enemies because it's twice as much work to make female enemies with different varieties of outfits and animations.

This thread is garbage.

This thread is now a Nathan Drake thread.

Why is uncharted so much better than Nu Tomb Raider?

I think it's the writing and characterization. Skully is the best character and the banter between the different people is palpable. The dialog in tomb raider is half "I can do this Lara" and half groans as she flings herself on different obstacles. The puzzles are also way better in uncharted and the locales are varied but interesting.

Because it has character and it values FUN.

It's not gritty like Tomb Raider tries to be. Sure it has emotional punches it likes to throw, but they wouldn't be nearly as effective if you weren't already having a fun time with the characters.

It's surprising how much of a character arc Nate has actually gone through of the years.

Aren't there twice as many women in the world than men?

Just lookin at this still image reminds me of the good fun times I had with that game series. I know Sup Forums likes to shit on Uncharted but I honestly prefer it to bloodborne. In fact BB is the worst From software game they've ever made.

Whoa friendo. I was totally on board with you right up until you called the best From Soft game the worst one.

The main antagonistic force in Uncharted games are mercenaries and I guess art mirrors reality in that respect since there aren't that many female mercs in real life.
That would be my guess.

I do wonder if this will change if future Naughty Dog games directed by Neil Druckmann if one of his core pillars of design actually is diversity. It's weird. I like his games but the more I learn about his design process and his analysis and observations of why things works in games etc. the less confident I am that I'll like his future games if he has more control.

Not twice but there is more. Mostly old ladies clogging up retirement homes since their husbands died a decade before them.

I think it's something like 49-51 in favor of women so not really much of a difference.

As someone who loves the Uncharted series I gotta say you have shit taste. For me Uncharted was one of the best series until I saw behind the curtains and the illusions disappeared.

>the illusions dissapeared

How do you mean? A making-of documentary dampened the enjoyment you had of a series well after the fact? How is that?

I still don't understand people's concerns with Neill.

I think the diversity bullshit is a ploy on his part. A ruse.

Take The Last of Us.
The two "strong" female characters in the game, Tess and Marlene. Both die, while the straight white male protagonist in charge of keeping safe a girl (muh damsel in distress) lives on.

I have yet to see Neill force a single politicized issue into his games.

People always bring up the kiss in The Last of Us' DLC. Two really close preteens get really into each other for a very brief moment, do something that probably confused the two them in the end, and literally never bring it up ever again. But Sup Forums loses their fucking minds before going back to jack off to /u/.

Mark my words. If someone dies in The Lost Legacy, it's going to be Nadine.

Because it's sexist to not give women special treatment, silly.

Same with blacks, muslims, gays, snowflakes, etc.

I meant more in the sense that when you realize the mechanics of the various sequences they lose a lot, sometimes even all of their appeal. The tension you feel is based on a lie told to you by the developers. And Uncharted is by no means the only game that does this. In fact most of today's triple A titles employ these kinds of tricks in one way or another. And while Uncharted does it really well the sad truth is without them there's really not much there other then the story itself.

I don't want to ruin Uncharted for you but think of how many RPGs give you multiple choices for dialogue but they all have the same outcome. It's kind of like that.

There was an interview or something where he talks about Uncharted 2 and he's trying to say that the reason a certain setpiece worked was because it was woven into the story. Now either the people interviewing him showed the wrong clip or I have no idea what he's talking about because I felt like that couldn't have been further from the reason why that was good. The encounter in question is the helicopter rooftop chase you have in Tibet. To me that has zero relevance to the main story beyond a fun action encounter you get to play through.