>"I'm a one-man apocalypse."
Not anymore!
>"I'm a one-man apocalypse."
Not anymore!
Other urls found in this thread:
Him and junkrat will have to work together, as they were meant to
he only got a nerf because the many DPS shitters kept complaining the couldnt run around where ever they want.
Im done with this game now. enjoy your pharmercy watch with genjis and tracers having free roam in the back line
Roadhog should be with the team, grabbing people and having the whole team drop on them.
Plus tracer still gets killed by hook combo.
Good thread OP, I'm enjoying your quality posting! Keep it up!
Good nerf this fat gay fuck to the ground
Nerf fagrat as well
So, can anyone tell me why is bad that hog can one-hit kill most of the cast with his hook+shoot combo, while hanzo being able to one-shot em with their broken arrow is fine?
Because Hanzo takes skill :^)
Because Hanzo requires skill and aiming, unlike fatass
Hanzo needs to aim to kill squishes. Remove arrow curve pls Rito
Scatter is slightly harder to execute, and hanzo doesnt have 600 (900) Health.
Good, fuck him.
Whoever thought the hook was a good idea needs to be fired. At least Hanzo and Widow take some skill, this fat fuck has been broken since day 1.
lmao ok crybaby
>Hook is a projectile that does not guarantee a kill with each successful hook
>Hook can be easily broken if you are aware of your surroundings
>Arrow is a projectile that if it makes contact, is almost a guaranteed kill
>Vertical mobility
>Better ult
Yea hanzo requires skil
Hey Overwatch faggots, could you please start using some universal term in the OP every time you start a new hourly bitching thread? Manually hiding this reddit cancer every time is exhausting, give me something to add to the filter.
Maybe it's the CC element of the hook and his HP pool. At least Hanzo's squishy.
>Because Hanzo requires skill and aiming
You can filter all the characters' names, this one has "roadhog" in the image name field.
>I've come in to a thread about something I don't like and I've started posting!
>And now I'm ANGRY!
>How could this be happening to me?!
Dude just deflect Hanzos arrows.
Good luck deflecting a hook.
I haven't played in like a month what has changed ? Are DVa and Solider still viable ?
There's a new hero.
No, no.
deflect stops hook...
d.va is one of the best characters in the game and soldier is as good as ever
>ever being picked
hi silver
more so than fatass
Good. He was shit binary game design.
fuck off ableist skum...
>not being picked
Hi gold
>tfw huge D.Vafag
>tfw don't even have the game
>tfw only played during the Anniversary's free weekend
Fuck me for being a poorfag. I hope she's still top-tier when I eventually get the game.
Imagine deflect working like a pyro's airblast instead of this 360 degree 5-second invincibility BS.
>play tekken ranked
>have fun
>win or lose because of my own skill
>play overwatch ranked
>boring as shit
>win or lose because of RNG teammates.
>600 hp pool
>One shot hook combo
>Right click instagibs
>One of the highest dps in the game
Something had to give. Roadhog was always broken as fuck.
Reflect works on hook, though.
Really this whole situation is the result of people who don't know how to play the game complaining. Roadhog is honestly not a very strong hero against a coordinated team. Any landed hook should be met by the opposing Dva immediately diving to disrupt the Hog's followup shots, at which point he is completely defenseless and food for your team's ranged heroes. If you can't kill Roadhog, then you're fucking around without your team's support or you're playing the game with low level players.
Underages who refuse to play anything but Genji just can't handle the fact that there's actually something in the game that counters and prevents them from doing whatever they want with total impunity, so they cry and get Hog nerfed repeatedly until he no longer fills his intended role. I guess completely neutering his hook mechanics to the point of actually breaking them so that people get pulled to completely random unpredictable positions wasn't enough. The other day I hooked a Symmetra who proceeded to fly over my head to the opposite side of my character for some reason, leading to a teamwipe and then a total game loss. And this is before the upcoming damage nerf. They might as well just remove him from the game at this point, since it's clear that they think his entire design was a mistake and will never return him to viability.
>Roadhog gets nerfed
>Mei remains unchanged
Mei is way more dangerous than a Roadhog hook
shut the fuck up fatass main
>Roadhog gets nerfed
>Pharah remains unchanged
>Mei remains unchanged
>D.va remains unchanged
Mei cant instant kill half the roster in one second though.
Im not even a Roadhog main, I play Junkrat and Winston more
No, it takes her 3 seconds.
Having any faggots that run around by themselves one shotting as and when they can is fucking retarded to the team based game they're trying to make.
>one of the main genji counter is now off course
good think I dropped this game, I can almost feel the happy weebos with a full kit screaming others to git gud while doing everything they want
yeah but Mei isnt an ult farm for the other team, and she is a staler she does what she was designed for, Roadhog is a counter to offensive characters while also being fuel for their ults, now he doesnt counter them, he is just an ult farm
not if the character is designed that way
>mfw pharah mercy after not getting touched and hog nerfs
>having a character design that's the antithesis to the game's design is a good idea
You can react and escape from Mei though.
D.va can boost away
Tracer can blink
Reaper can Wraith Walk
Sombra can Translocate
Phara can Boost
Mercy can fly to an ally
Genji can dash
Junkrat can mine jump
Winston can leap
Mcree can roll
Widow can zipline
Zarya can bubble
Everyone else can be pretty fucked though.
Unless you're a tank, a Roadhog hook is instant death. You cannot do a single thing to prevent yourself from dying unless the Roadhog player literally lacks a right hand to press M1 or M2.
Hey retard parrot maybe you should read the post before you spew your memes he clearly doesn't want to see your faggot ass threads but you faggots make that difficult
>having a character that hunts down the characters that deal the most damage, and is designed to keep himself alive, bad idea
Roadhog can still perform his role as a hard to kill flanker and as a TANK will now need assistance from his team to take down hard targets.
He can no longer just walk into the middle of every map and force everyone to hide from him or die in a single hook.
Good. Fucking. Riddance.
>having a character designed to work by himself instead of the team, bad idea
Yes, you're absolutely right.
And a fucking tank no less, the role intended to play close with their team.
Hog players are braindead.
watch, flankers and DPS will run the meta now, cause they dont have a hard counter keeping them in check
Good, its more fun to play as and play against than the survival horror bullshit roadhog turns a game into where everyone is just hiding and peeking all the time.
he is barely a tank, he is a massive target with no armor, no defense abilities apart from a self heal
>"I'm a one-man cheeseburger apocalypse."
Thing is, you're not describing Roadhog, but the characters that he counters. A Roadhog off on his own is basically dead if he encounters any two heroes working together. A Genji, meanwhile, plays constantly separated from his team and can do so with no consequences and very little fear of death as long as his kit is used correctly.
He can survive ambushing anyone in the game, can disable high priority targets and does good damage point blank.
He can play chokepoints better than any tank in the game.
Problem is that right now hes also the best offense hero in the game.
They ought to remove all the annoying characters and just make the game soldier 76 desu
>can you stop posting about video games on a video game board? some of us have e-celebs to suck off
>He can play chokepoints better than any tank in the game.
Mei is better at chokepoints thank Road is anyday
but he still counters them
Actually if you want to get technical you should be posting this shit in /vg/ but you faggots refuse to go to your containment board
>fps game
>needing a hard counter
Maybe if the game wasn't so fucking garbage and allowed each character to do more than one specific thing this wouldn't be an issue.
>Being separate from the team = not working with the team
>hooks them, shoot
>doesnt kill them
>they get away
>get healed by their healer
>fuels healer's ult
yeah sure, i guess if chasing them away counts as a counter now
Every OW thread on this board is cancer. Its just a bunch of diamond and lowers complaining the game is broken because they died once and they suffer from a severe faggot complex.
>does kill them*
he still kills most squishy heroes you mouthbreather
What are the nerfs? I didn't see anything.
The game didn't rely on bad Roadhog mains that much
sym still needs to be removed from the game
He can't hook and oneshot the entire cast anymore.
his damage was reduced by 33%
BUT his fire rate went up and his clip size went up from 4 to 5
(woopty doo)
All these people bitchin about hp ignoring his massive hitbox larger than almost everyone else's
Hog has Garbo tier ult
>woopty doo
>have more damage against the barrier meta
Fun fact: people didn't pick Roadhog for his ult.
stopped playing this casual shit game because of the pharah mercy cancer
>Roadhog is honestly not a very strong hero against a coordinated team
This is bullshit and you know it. He's a must pick hero on any tank-based competitive comp. He's a mandatory pick against dive comp. During the 4 tank meta, he was the core damage of the group.
I sure didnt, his ult is garbage
His dps is the same
She just needs a big nerf to her gun; either in damage or the aiming thing
Sym mains never know how to aim - death recap is like watching someone shoot a video with a wet noodle
How the fuck did they think a team based shooter with so many characters was a good idea? 1 year after release still trying to balance the game, half the heroes still unusable. Great game design blizzard, probably just added characters according to the shitty writers whims, and they keep adding more characters. Blizzard is run by senile old fools. Imagine if team fortress 2 just kept adding more characters every third of a year. It would bu an unplayable mess.
not when you factor in the extra shot; this is against barriers, remember, so he can hit every shot easily
>install OW
>pharrah shoots me with a rocket
>Wtf blizzard I never lose please nerf
>Roadhog hooks me
>Wtf blizzard I never lose please nerf
>tracer pulse bombs me
>Wtf blizzard I never lose please nerf
>soldier shoots me
>Wtf blizzard I never lose please nerf
>mccree flashbangs me
>Wtf blizzard I never lose please nerf
>Reinhardt hammers my anys
>Wtf blizzard I never lose please nerf
>Zarya bubble saves someone from my ult
>Wtf blizzard I never lose please nerf
>mercy rezzes my kill
>Wtf blizzard I never lose please nerf
>D.va guns me down like a faggot
>Wtf blizzard I never lose please nerf
>Symmetra snipes me with her 7m beam
>Wtf blizzard I never lose please nerf
>genji and ana nano blade my bumhole
>Wtf blizzard I never lose please nerf
>Winston punches me off a ledge
>Wtf blizzard I never lose please nerf
>Lucio speed boosts the enemy team away
>Wtf blizzard I never lose please nerf
>Zen throws a discord on me and I die
>Wtf blizzard I never lose please nerf
>orissa sucky suckys me off the ledge
>Wtf blizzard I never lose please nerf
>reaper wraith forms away
>Wtf blizzard I never lose please nerf
>Widow snipes me
>Wtf blizzard I never lose please nerf
>Hanzo scatters my pee pee
>Wtf blizzard I never lose please nerf
>get stuck in junkrat trap
>Wtf blizzard I never lose please nerf
>bastion heals himself
>Wtf blizzard I never lose please nerf
>torbjorn gives armor to someone else
>Wtf blizzard I never lose please nerf
IF they don't nerf every single character except my main I'm rioting. Everyone else just plays bullshit op characters that's why I'm stuck in gold rank on xbox.
So now I'll shoot, hook and shoot again.
The hook shoots out instantly after a gun shot, I've been taking out non-squishies like this all the time.
Every game, no matter what genre, has balance issues when there are multiple characters - the multiple characters and unique gameplay for each characters is what makes Overwatch stand out
More like:
Why was FtH nerfed but Roadhog's gun wasn't?
How exactly are you supposed to play hog now?
I noticed every game where we have a solo tank that picks hog my team gets stomped.
It feels like every one counters him now
Well that's just fucking retarded. Most roadhogs were shit anyway and couldn't even shotgun a tracer after hooking her most of the time. Now they'll pretty much have to hook and have perfect aim.
>I walk up to barriers and shoot them as roadhog
>walk up to
are you like triple retarded or something
just right click nigga
He's meant to capture points and hook people in to get stomped by the rest of the team
Don't pick hog for solo tank? That's been true in all comps since ever.
D.Va just needs to be reworked. There is no reason a Tank should have that kind of mobility, with two lives, and Defense Matrix has absolutely no counter-play unless you pick Zarya.
Overwatch might be the least skill based multiplayer FPS ever made.
why's your team retarded enough to let hog solo tank
What if Ult charge reset on death
how does the game change?
what heroes become more viable?
which ones are less viable?
>all games are equally unbalanced
disingenuous turd, if the multiple characters are what makes the game so good why are half of them unused? Overwatch doesn't just have balancing issues it has an issue that half the cast are just weaker versions of other cast members.