Klonoa Thread
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graphics of this game are so aesthetically pleasing and refreshingly bright for the genesis palette. It's too bad the gameplay isn't all that great
witcher 3 is best witcher, fuck off.
Are you the same guy that said the N64 RPG thread was over after 10 posts, and then the thread got like 40 more replies?
can you play khajiit and not be furry?
Vampy is core!
Why is bubsy black?
Isn't Woolly World good? I never bothered with it since I hated Epic Yarn, but people seem to have liked it.
Demon Front uses mostly new assets and runs at 60fps, that surpasses Metal Slug right there.
No the sites are entirely separate.
If I put the hackerbux I got from my first char into the bank and then I use it for my second char, Will I get fucked?
What the fuck is going on in this thread?
Wish she was still used in HLs
HAHAH DEMI KASHTHA ?? ! XD :))) Take me hak t o o good ol time ;((
My nigga
I just started playing Power Battle and this stuff is underrated as fuck
>playable Protoman and Bass
Who knew, I didn't.
I played it years ago. All I remember are the robot arc and the fact a new character appears when you have finished all the others. I was thinking thank fuck this is nearly over.
>599 USD meme trending
Might be true, if so MS loses spectacularly.
Yup I agree that game is sooo overrated
Shill your video elsewhere
we do klonoa threads a bit differently here
>there are people who will play this and then insist that video games are a serious medium
Fallout 1.
I mean yeah you can go back in and meta this shit later but you're gonna have a far more engaging time when you do this shit organically
Is my CRT too sharp?
I'd unironically love to gangbang klona with Sup Forums
nah i don't use that shit
nope, mine is X5 MSP X3 Xanos
Do you have pictures of Cleaveland? I can't seem to identify which one is her.
used to play it. Mainned Ciel. too busy with other games nowadays.
same 2bh
>ywn fuck his gaped tailhole using other anons cum as lube
Are you following the instructions from the spoiler?
Modern cards literally don't have a DAC so they can't generate the analog pins on the DVI-I connector.
What ever happened to the movie?
Do I miss anything by going through either EOU's story on Picnic for grimoires to use on NG+ and shit?
The VMU support for Tennis 2K2/Virtua Tennis 2 is radical. It accurately plays back the entire match live using simplistic but effective simple shapes. It has a moving camera and everything. Utterly useless but pretty cool.
>Shin Megami Tensei V
Please be real. Just fucking pleeeaaase.
>Is it essential to have an old PC for retro gaming?
Only if you're a fan of very temperamental games like pic related. It just doesn't run well in a VM or directly on modern hardware I own.
i was maintaining 400k dps with no legion traits, ilv 800 daggers and shit gear
plus i said sub will be good for 7.2.5 you idiot
post the comic
Why don't you find out?
Would this skill tree be good for firestorm? poeurl.com/bk7j
There are PVMs and BVMs with at least 21" displays (because I own several)
ebby looks better dead
Can you do the rest of the alphabet? thats a very nice "Y" shaped ride
It's the best.
Providing welfare stipends to the unemployed from the taxes they collect from the busin- wait a minute
What he posed to do?
Bust a nut on the eggs?
>tune in at 5pm sharp
>have to wait another 2 minutes for it to start
>copying the look i posted yesterday
Are you really planning on using it for playing?
I mean, why? It's not cool or special, it's just bothersome and shit.
I've run into this guy like once in 2 dozen games. I don't know. People just suck. I haven't lost a game.
i can do better
>Saturday night RTS life support group
Fixed that for you, senpai, no need to thank me.
Does this make some roms work better?
Off-maps at least 203mm and above. Set to barrage.
Sounds great minus the monster tits.
Except there's no real PvP in this game, so it's incredibly easy to make sure the Hector you're fighting doesn't have buffs.
Nevermind the joke that +Res is anywhere near as common as +Atk
>Achievement popup causes frame drops and makes you die
That and completionism autism, some people like to complete a checklist of chores for whatever reason
>undying death angel
more like 'ima pussy out of every 1v1 i cant win'
I love klonoa
The Wii's box was definitely GOAT though
Get the dash boots and learn to dash with the dash button vs. double tapping. It will keep you from getting sucked into his vortex, and will help you dodge his missiles.
Why do Klonoa fags keep latching onto that movie? Do they really think it's going to be some big blockbuster that resurrects this franchise?
Why did so many PC publishers decide to do ports to the N64 anyway?
why is there a detergent tablet under the vita