E3 Blanket Fort thread

>E3 starts in 3 hours
>No blanket fort thread

Where comfybros at

Reporting. How's your interior?

Interior is mad cozy. How's yours?


I have to work in an hour, does pinning a blanket to two sides of my wall and sitting in the corner count?

Is that flag touching the ground you unpatriotic fuck? Might as well burn it if you disrespect it so much.

If you want to half ass it, sure.

I'm not inside a fort but I'm on the same position on my comfy ass recliner.

Seems like it was used as cumrag.
It touching the ground is the least of your problems

What is the point of forts?

wahts the purpose of this? are you all below 10 yo holy shit

For me, it's a combination of comfort and nostalgia. Used to build room sized architectural wonders with my Bros in high school, but since we've moved across the country, we build smaller ones and Skype during the conference.

Also they're cozy as fuck

It's not even touching the carpet, but I do think I'm gonna adjust it soon.
It's hard to get a good picture, but it's actually pretty roomy

If I didn't have work + school this week, I would build the greatest pillow fort ever.

>3 hours

it starts at 2pm PDT.. thats 5 pm EST

grow the fuck up you autistic man-babies


Its a Sup Forums tradition i remember back in the days these threads had a ton of forts its was really fun.

>but its childish and lame
normies out please

i'm working this year so no forts for me i guess

we've always had fort threads you fucking summerfag

who /snackan/ here?

2 chicken cesar salads and 1L of chocolate milk
monster zero ultra (tm)

>tribes in africa have always raped babies to prevent the spread of AIDS

Just because you've always done it doesn't make it any less autistic and childish.


I think I'll have to vomit

Shit. I haven't made a blanket/pillow fort in years.

What comes in three hours? what conference?

>a group of boys gathered together inside a small covered little shelter made of blankets touching themselves

that's kinda gay if you ask me

It's okay user, there is enough room in my fort for two.

>tear in the American flag
fuck you wetback

OP here, I fucked up the time difference.

If I knew how to sew, I'd fix it, but that tear was there before I inherited the flag from my grandfather

>telling us to go to reddit because we were doing something we've always done

no, you go to reddit.

I'm just doing classic "cover yourself with blanket and hold it with your legs/hands fort"

we'll try keeping this thread alive buddy dont worry

>caring about a fucking flag
kill yourself you nationalist redneck

I have three two-liters of Mountain Dew Voltage, five big bags of Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos, and two large chicken bacon BBQ pizzas.

t. reddit

good shit nigga

Hey don't talk shit to that faggot for caring about the state of my flag you filthy fucking Europoor

me too except I'm not holding it up

Why the fuck are you guys still doing this?

I'm just laying in bed

>tfw barely anyone makes a fort for e3 anymore
>tfw everyone but you grew up

Just because you don't love your country (you leftist cocksucking favor) doesn't mean everyone who does is a nationalist. I bet you're on welfare and food stamps and still complain about the government. Die soon.

The magic is gone when you're not a kid

It's just a piece of rag, commie.

>calling someone a commie for being a patriot


If that's gay then #gaypride senpai idgaf

If I wasn't teaching in Korea, I would be at home in Cali smoking weed and enjoying the new vidja and cringe.

Those were the days.

The magic is never gone as long as you believe, user


Yeah, just like what your father should have came into instead of creating you

dewd weed haha

>love your country
It's just a mound of soil, commie

Enforcement of flag code was deemed unconstitutional by the supreme court and in direct conflict with the first amendment that is the one of the biggest founding aspects of the country. Flag code wass only allowed to continue as a guideline going forward.

There's is literally nothing more American than disregarding flag code. I have bunch of American flags in an unfolded jumble in my closet right now even though I know how to properly fold them.

sorry i meant crack


>There's is literally nothing more American than disregarding flag code
I'm disregarding the fact that there's nothing more American than disrespecting flag code. What now, turboqueer?

E3 Command Center.

Comfybro here, for our 3rd consecutive E3 autism fort we decided to do something special and converted the entire lounge of the share-house.

Why do you have Stallone on your wall, user? Are you a gommunist?

>ywn have this much fun

Fucking noice.

When I move out I'm going to hang rugs on the walls.

Does anyone have the pic of user who did the same?

Is that fucking Sarah Palin?

thouse fucking newfags I swear to god

>Palin and Stalin poster
I don't even know what kind of ideology that is

>People are autistic enough to do this

>I disregard that you can't enforce flag code
So you're gonna go around trying to enforce flag code?

>What now, turboqueer?
Presumably you attack somebody for having their flag out on a rainy day. They call the cops on you and you're arrested for harassing somebody for a law that is no longer in effect. If it manages goes to court you lose tremendously.

>Jim Bean
your're gonna need it


He just likes people whose name ends with "alin"

>I'm going to hang rugs on the walls.
>Does anyone have the pic of user who did the same?

every slav user?

Nah this dude totally covered his walls. It was like being inside a carpet.

I'm not a cop, so I can't exactly enforce it. That said, if someone does shit to disrespect flag code on my property, I'm gonna shoot because I live in Pennsylvania: the Texas of the east.

me too

They're more there for conversation starters sake, considering I live in Australia

>not realizing Sarah Palin is a socialist with a hard on for telling the federal government to fuck off



Doesn't E3 start in another 4 hours?

Theres room for one more, user..

Just ignore it. You're above him.

>interior design shitposting
Of course you're an Aussie

>conversation starters

looking at your room I find it very unlikely that anyone ever visits you

>There's is literally nothing more American than disregarding flag code.
This is the most retarded thing I've ever heard. It would be like saying there's nothing more American than spouting anti American commie bullshit, just because you can.

what happens when i put my hand inside?

>giant tear in flag
>letting it touch the ground

You have to help your bro stay warm by rubbing him. It's just showing respect.

A blanket fort in 90+ degree weather? Fuck no.

America is probably the most Anti-American country in the world

Is...Is that a german Todd?

oh i wouldn't want to disrespect him

>Carmelita Fox pillow

What happened to this place. Forts and E3 have been a Sup Forums tradition for over a decade. Why the backlash now?

>Emperor of mankind Trump edit
>Sarah Palin
Very confused desu

>America is probably the most Anti-American country in the world
America is a planet, not a country. You probably mean "The United States of Ameriga" or just USA.

>people got this triggered over a flag

Yea, libs are self hating depressed people that want to be European but won't just fucking move there

>my country is literally a gaggle of every culture and people in the world
>doesn't have an official language

How can you be patriotic about this? It's completely beyond reason- just like americans.

E3 has been shit for ages
Also a decade ago you weren't a 30 years old manchild

Better than no fort at all, my man.

>people irl get upset if the flag touches the ground
why? I remember in 8th grade I was suppose to draw the flag so I took the flag put it on the ground and the teacher started yelling at me

It's as if celebrating the symbolic destruction of the nation is corrosive to civic cohesion. Really makes you think.