Whats your excuse for not buying the Wii U deluxe?

Whats your excuse for not buying the Wii U deluxe?

I already have a Wii U and Switch has no exclusives yet

Already bought mine OP

Probably put about 300 hours into BOTW, 50 into MK8D, 100 hours into Disgaea 5, all while comfy in bed

Can't wait for Arms, Splat2 and the new Mario


you know they could push out a screenless unit akin to the psvita tv and bring back dual screen play
or release an app that lets the switch function as a gamepad replacement

>all while comfy in bed

Did you take a nice bath when you were done?


Is it bad I literally thought that was a new console revealed at E3? It seems like something Nintendo would fucking do.


>Buy Gameboy Advance
>Gameboy Advance SP announced immediately after
>Buy DS
>DSlite announced immediately after
>Buy 3DS
>3DS Huge announced immediately after
>Buy Wii U
>Switch announced immediately after

holy shit fucking stop this nintendo

How the fuck do you spent so long on a game with next to no meaningful content? Is this autism or just stretching out the purchase to obscene levels.

>Buy PSP (1000 model)
>PSP 2000 announced immediately after
>Buy PSP 2000
>PSP slim (3000 model) announced immediately after
>Buy PS3
>PS3 slim announced immediately after
>Buy PS4
>PS4pro and PS4 slim announced immediately after

not saying it's okay when either company does it, but it's not a tactic nintendo does exlclusively. Ironically, Microsoft do this the least-often, despite their many jewist tactics.

Sony does it too but I hardly ever buy sony products.
Why can't they just release the best version out the box, or at least give serious discounts to people who, at this point, knowingly pre-order the inferior product? It's grade-A cuckery

There were literally no meaningful differences between iterations besides screen quality. Only the Go was different and made entirely digital.

Nintendo made:
3DS XL which was a size increase NEEDED for any adult with regular sized hands because the OG was an abomination
A budget model that again changed the form factor and REMOVED features instead of improve them
A new 3DS that has exclusive games and features, and didn't require the circle pad pro.

The jumps between 1000 to 3000 were just better quality jumps.

there's barely any difference between the PSP models and there's no difference between the PS3 models, unless you have one of the original backwards compatible ones

>5 year gaps

>3DS XL which was a size increase NEEDED for any adult with regular sized hands because the OG was an abomination

>A new 3DS that has exclusive games and features, and didn't require the circle pad pro.
And how many years was there between the 3ds and the N3ds?

>Why can't they just release the best version out the box
Because often the technology simply wasn't possible when they first designed and manufactured the product.
>or at least give serious discounts
I think people that bought 3DS's before the price drop got something extra didn't they?
As I suppose that would count if so. As an actual answer to your question, though: the reason is money.
The PSP 2000 revision fixed a common problem with the 1000 where the UMDs would fly out, I'd say that's quite an important revision. The PS3 revision was also basically mandatory as a lot of early models would break down within the first year (although usually this was covered under the warranty, in some cases you'd get a PS3 slim as courtesy)
Main difference is better build quality and slimmer design, however their importance to a consumer is obviously highly subjective. Same can be said for 3DS revisions, though.

No games.

3ds 6.0*

It's not that unreasonable to buy a console 3-4 years after its release

No user, he bought it TODAY, four and a half year after release. It is only fair that Nintendo can't release a iteration until he has had it for five years.

DS Lite and 3DS XL both came out 1.5 year after the original models.

>a lot of early models would break down within the first year
What kind of retarded hands do you have?


t. manlet/chink

No it's not. It's unreasonable to care about the new thing when buying an old console.

Yeah but those are all the same thing.

I'd find source if I knew where to look, but sadly I don't think anyone has an exact statistic for console breakdowns.

Not even. The Lite and XL were massive improvements over the originals and made the originals not worth owning

not him, but I feel the same way about the PS3 slim versus PS3 fat and PSP slim versus PSP 1000.

>What kind of retarded hands do you have?
Normal ones, though I get that someone who's whole family suffer from a birth defect would think that he is the normal one.

Neither, I am also slightly higher than average.

Not enough good games out for it yet senpai