What's the best MMO, Sup Forums?

What's the best MMO, Sup Forums?

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all of them have incredibly shitty game design


actual games > shit> ffxiv > wow > the rest

FFXIV is the only one that's been steadily growing, they gained more than double the active players in the last 7 months according to XIVcensus.

It's so good that it ruined the genre


Every MMO I've played has been so lackluster since wow. I'm honestly surprised no ones managed to clone it properly without missing features or being a grind fest. No MMO has such an interactive world like wow.

the fuck is tera doing there? and why the fuck is ashes of creation and crowfall there but not Pantheon and Camelot Unchained?

garbage op

>All this high-fantasy sword & sorcery gobshite

No wonder people complain the franchise is dying. Why make the same setting that 20 competitors are also doing?

>Guild Wars 2
>Ashes of Creation

Stay away from these two.

found the under 21 years of age poster

You end up with Tabula Rasa.

Runescape 2007

Because people like things that are familiar and easy to understand. It's also a very versatile aesthetic and you can incorporate pretty much anything you like into it.

OSRS is the best faggot


MMOs are dead, sorry.

I don't think they'll ever be revived either, it would take a fucking miracle

pandaren monk ftw

>bought black desert during the sale for $6
I still feel ripped off.

>playing sci-fi

Why? Can you elaborate? Genuinely curious.

The one getting an expansion soon

I just hope The Secret World relaunch is good. That game had such potential let down by it's shitty mmo trappings.

WoW but simply because I love the races/universe so much. MMOs in general are shit though

Anything that isn't korean or kickstarted.

>play less popular mmo
>wow, this is pretty fun but there's not very many people playing and there's some flaws holding it back from being truly great
>play popular mmo
>wow, this is really polished but it's so boring to play. I'd rather play that less popular mmo but it just doesn't have a large enough playerbase so I guess I'll stay here
how true is this?

Yeah, I can't wait for it to drop back down when the expansion hype dies down.

WoW is still the only MMO worth playing at all, and it's not even good anymore, it's been shit since cataclysm. Still the 'best' one though.

MMO's are a terrible genre. People figured that out and moved on to better multiplayer games.

FFXIV and ESO are literally the only MMOs on that list getting a new expansion this year and next year, that says a lot about how those other MMOs are dead.

Did you finish your daily quota of gay cock up your ass?

>moved on to better multiplayer games.
yeah, like mobas and shooters such as overwatch
*rolls eyes*

With the unending trend towards online games, we'll swing back to them eventually. Not in the current form or gameplay though. They'll lie dormant for a few years but it's only a matter of time until some company thinks "All those faggots playing these online crafting/survival/shooter games... we could let them pay for the servers too!"
Having an open world and an "unlimited" number of players is just the next logical "feature" for those games.

>tfw still mad about gw2

As much as I hate WoW now, this is the only right answer

definitely ff14

As someone who's played Guild Wars 2 for a very long time, I'll tell you my person gripes with the game. Leveling was the best part of the game, but then they made a ton of changes which made no sense. Tons of stuff like ability slots and that are locked before you reach a certain level. Considering that most classes have 13 keys to press at most, it's really glaring when you can only use three abilities before you hit level 30.

When you reach the endgame, you will find there isn't much to do. PvE is either doing boring raids, running dungeons with full damage gear or doing the same five fractals over and over again for gear that is only marginally better than the gear you had previously. WvW is a mode which had potential, but has been neglected by the devs.

PvP is the single biggest clusterfuck I've ever seen. Guild Wars 2 is a horrible competitive game because the inherent design of the game. There's little way to keep track of what is actually happening because a billion particle effects and aoe circles will pop up at once. On top of that, most classes have little to no resource management, so it mostly boils down to spamming your cooldowns as fast as possible. Players which play tanky builds can basically be impossible to kill because they never run out of steam. I remember one game where there was a guy which took three people to kill. When you only have a team of five on an objective based game, the only way to win a fight with him is just to avoid him completely. Most classes only have one viable build too, mostly due to the developers adding elite classes in the new expansion which outclass base classes in every way imaginable.

The story is one of the most retarded I have ever seen in any video game and the Sylvari are one of the cringiest fantasy races in existence.

>Ashes of Creation

It's literally a pyramid scheme that's overpromising shit before its kickstarter is even up.

I tried them all and FFXIV is the only one that "feels" alive.

>*rolls eyes*

The gameplay is still far superior than MMO's ever will be. Even if you don't like MOBAs, it's still more rewarding to play than WoW PVP.

ARPG's are better skinner boxes, like PoE. And even shit like Dust and PUBG has more rewarding exploration and communities.

Besides Stormblood, Marrowind and the two at the bottom I'd say Neverwinter.
Good story, good gameplay, P2W but you can get that currency by playing the game.

Does anyone knows what happened to the foundry?

wildstar is alive, i swear

I'd say EvE but the economy is about to be irreparably destroyed.

WoW has the best pve end-game content by miles, so WoW.

>gay pride event

>ARPG's are better skinner boxes, like PoE
nobody actually believes this.

WoW will probably get theirs next year since they're a little over halfway into Legion.

wow has a decades worth of content to do but ffxiv is much more appealing to play. hate it how every pve encounter in wow must have flashing text on screen

Camelot Unchained doesn't exist yet my man

i will never not be mad about gw2

anyone still play Anarchy Online?

dead, outdated shit
shit, weeb trash
p2w korean grind trash shit
garbage shit
had an idea but the game would have been better having no devs than the retards they have now
never heard of it, shit and garbage
shit and trash

You forgot to mention that running raids in GW2 has no rewards either. In other MMOs you run raids for loot, you kill a boss and it drops a bunch of gear or items that people usually want because it's the best gear in the game at that time. GW2 doesn't even have that, raids don't drop any actual loot, it just drops garbage you don't even need or care about, along with like 5g tops (which is literally nothing in GW2 market, pennies at best).

There is no reason to do anything in GW2 from a progression stand point, you don't progress anything once you're max level, you get exotic/ascended gear and you're done for life.

pedobait garbage

>>Ashes of Creation
>It's literally a pyramid scheme that's overpromising shit before its kickstarter is even up.
do you have a single fact to back that up?

Out of my way.

Best MMO coming through.

if you're going to make a retard-level post like this, don't bother posting it all as it's basically spam


It's on kickstarter. That's all the proof and evidence in the world that it's a scam, same as every other game ever put on kickstarter. Yooka Laylee is the only game that even came out in a mostly finished state, and it was still bad.

mmos died because players have unrealitstic expectations set by single player game design ideas that won't be profitable or workable in a multiplayer environment that houses 1000+ individual characters on one server.

I wanted to say you're wrong, because you can only get legendary armor in raids, but then ascended armor has the same stats, so nevermind.

only right answer

I'm enjoying Black Desert Online on a private server and Tera.

>That's all the proof and evidence in the world that it's a scam
so how about you post that "proof and evidence"

But which one has the best nude mods?

>flash UI
>took the company to get to the brink of bankruptcy to let the game become free
>unoptimized as shit
>forced sex scenes
How about no? We don't even know how they will deal with the F2P system.

This MMO never should have failed

They should try again, Warhammer universe is too good to pass pu

>You will receive 15% of their account purchases back in our Intrepid Bucks, which then can be used for either; reducing your subscription cost (even to zero), buying unique cosmetics in-game, or even cash rewards.

>Interpid Bucks
is that a new worldwide currency?

>nude mods

I mean are you asking me to type out the word kickstarter.com for you? Are you a low functioning retard?

Lord of the rings online
MMOs are only good for comfiness now that player interaction has inexplicably disappeared from them, and nothing is more comfy than Lotro

i loved gw but when i heard gw2 was basically going to be buy to play + cash shop i lost all hope. havent played it once, probably a good choice.


I thought Sup Forums told me ffxiv was dead? I just took this webm on a random north american server.

Action combat is better than tab target combat.

well mmo's are kind of an investment, so I guess ffxiv since it still has at least 10 more years of guaranteed support and a not dying community. Plus subscription based mmo's are the only worthwile ones.

10/10 proof, you have opened my eyes.
thank you.

and now post real evidence that its a scam

Don't fall for the action combat meme. What matters is that the game is designed around the combat system. You can't just slap action combat on an mmo and have it fix everything, see black desert.

secret world was pretty nice but of all the mmos ive played id had the most elitist and toxic players of all of them.

I'll never get over how horrible the aesthetics of this game are. Looks absolutely disgusting.

AoC is vaporware though.

Warhammer Online was released at the wrong time, going against World of Warcraft in it's hey day, EA should have not tried to steal WOW subscriber base.

The game would have done so much better if it was released now since WOD/Legion is current fucking shit, re-using characters which are supposed to be dead.

WEBM doesn't do the game justice.

Make way for the best game ever!


Sometime i wish i never came across GW1, at least i wouldn't get so goddamn upset at GW2.
Then i remember GW1 is probably my all time favourite online game.

It released at the right time
It was just managed horribly

FF and GW2
GW2 is more casual and your rewards are only cosmetic.
FF is probably the best one atm.
WoW is still WoW.

You should have read the whole post user, came off as having no clue at what your talking about.

suck my balls dude

wtf is this

I went from WoW to Rift to Archeage to Black Desert, while trying pretty much every game in-between, but those 3 games are the only ones that held my attention for any significant amount of time.

BDO is definitely not for everyone though, but I'd suggest everyone interested at least try it out since they have a free trial.

I tried to play that but the quests are such a generic garbage it felt like I was playing a wow knockoff instead of LORD OF THE RINGS. Even the mediocre war in the north did a better treatment to the IP.

I miss Aion.

There's no really good MMOs at the moment, and I say that playing MMOs more then any other genre at the moment. I've always like time sink games, where I Can just zone out, chill, and play. FFXIV is the one I like the most right now, but it has a lot to dislike, and its not like it does anything new that changes the formula up. I've always like FF so it obviously caters to me to a degree. Started playing ESO recently with a friend too, and I'm mixed on it. I like the character customization, building a character's skills seem pretty cool, but theres just something kinda off about the game, combat feels a bit wonky at times.

No man, it was released in WOW's heyday, Warhammer was going against WOTLK.

If the game was going against Warlords of BoreDraw or Legion. Warhammer online would have stolen most of WOW's community.

Wasn't it the subscription debacle that killed it because people had to pay more than once to play?

Aion 2 don't worry

>fall for the FFXIV meme
>try the trial
>loading screens every 30 seconds, invisible walls in every single place

what kind of cheap-ass chinese game is this

Phantasy Star Online