Please let Kingdom Hearts 3 release in 2018. I need it. Holy shit it looks hype as fuck
Please let Kingdom Hearts 3 release in 2018. I need it. Holy shit it looks hype as fuck
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That Jap Hades voice actor is fucking amazing. It sounds exactly like James Woods speaking japanese.
>Trailer been up 11 hours
>Already passed 1 million views
Impressive as fuck. The demand for KH is at an all time high. Square needs to ride this hype wave and never go silent again
Why is Japanese Hades identical to his English counterpart but everybody else sounds like shit?
it is James Woods
Is that a lot? I remember FF7 getting 3+ million views within hours with its trailer.
>hype as fuck
It looks like retarded puke just like every other game in that franchise and on the autism spectrum.
I hope Larxene comes back as a human and bullies the fuck out of Sora in HD.
>people here think that James Woods wouldn't learn Japanese and go to voice Hades just to have a chance to voice act for him some more
XV fucking sucks and the mehanics in it are just Kingdom Hearts-lite, it never made its money back and its a failure on every kevel, worst story, worst kevel deisgn, worst characters, Versus-XIII would have been far better than that trash. Stop bringing it up in KH threads.
It isn't
>(Ja:) Kyusaku Shimada
This. We need to take a second to appreciate the Japanese voice cast instead of regurgitating "Disney in japanese sux D'X" memes.
Hades sounds exactly like James Wood and Xemnas is motherfucking Wakamoto.
FFXV combat is not even close to KH2. Go blame someone else.
not the same VA as the other games
>KH 1 comes out when I was 10/11
>KH 2 comes out when I was 13/14
>The next numeric KH still isn't out and I am 26 now.
Why is this shit okay? Why are they allowed to do this?
>friendless autismos getting triggered about Final Fantasy in a Kingdom Hearts 3 thread
KHfags are just that desperate
You know there are other games that are as important for the plot than the numeric entries, right?
How do we kill this series Sup Forums?
it's Nomura so it's somehow ok
No it is the same guy
Peoples' dreams will NEVER die!!!
>trailer is composed entirely of footage from one world
See you at E3 2018.
Why are people so mad?
>thinking the series won't just come back as a Heartless
Borderline the same. I played KH1 when I was 13.
I actually re-played KH1.5+2.5 with my son, and I'll do so with KH3.
Great way to bond, really.
It's Sup Forums. Everyone's always mad.
it's just XV-kun
Why didn't you read the message at the end of the trailer before posting, user?
And your message is wrong, we can clearly see Sora in Twilight Town
It's not 2FM so it's trash
The problem is the average casual fan will only play the numerical games. The time between 2 and 3 is unacceptable.
Where the fuck my gummiships at?
KH2 had the best Lylat Wars sequel and it's not even made by Nintendo.
>The problem isn't people too dumb to listen everyone telling them to play the other games, it's Nomura/Square Enix/fanboys (pick one) fault
>square enix
that company died long ago, son
Shitposters latch onto the newest video game thing out and will use it to bait responses from people.
I just want this game to come out so I can fucking play it. I don't know how a 10 year cycle of teasing with trailers is still acceptable
The oldest trailer for KH III is from 2013 and even then, it didn't hype anything
Or like a said, a lot of people don't care enough about the series to play all the games and want to play the "main entries".
Just because the others are important doesn't mean people are going to go out the way to play them. A shit ton of people didn't play Chain of Memories but play KHII.
The game started production in 2014. That's not 10 years.
>he thinks this game will release before 2023
People are disappointed for a number of reasons.
- We were shown the exact same underwhelming looking boss from THREE (3) years ago
- The UI/HUD ooks plain bad. 3D renders instead of Nomura's art were a mistake.
- The camera quite literally can't keep up with the fast attacks like Sonic Blade.
- Spells obscure your field of vision. More effort needs to be put into the visual composition.
- The lighting/models in the cutscenes are awful. Pic related, Sora looks like a lesbian butch.
- Shotlocks, one of the worst mechanics in the series, is back.
- Floaty Sora after performing a mid-air attack.
No need to strawman. It's ok to get hyped but don't be a blind fanboy.
Magic looks fucking sweet this time around, it was always kind of plain before
Or like I said, a lot of people are too dumb to listen other people telling them to play the other games.
Just because Square Enix released all KH games on ONE console that is NEEDED to play the next KH game doesn't mean it's those people fault.
I've never played KH before. Where do I start?
There's a difference between constructive criticism and just blatant shitposting. The latter is what happens majority of the time.
Don't it is fucking stupid.
Only reason why people are playing it still is because they got trapped into it when they are younger and want to see it fucking end.
What do you guys think of the gameplay in 0.2? Do you think it's a good base for 3? What would you improve?
It is not 2FM, so it is trash
There's HD collections on PS4 which have all the games. Start there and play in release order.
I haven't been able to watch stuff with James Woods lately, is he still in good acting conditions? I ask because he sounded tired and like he had throat problems in the cutscenes of Re:Coded HD, and considering he's doing the role since 1997 i wouldn't blame him.
But since it could also be a result of Square-Enix' typical bad voice direction for the english voicover in its game, i've asked.
With the first game
Short answer, buy 1.5+2.5 and after that 2.8 that's it
1.5+2.5 on PS4
>Look at me, I'm edgy
>Disney sucks LOOOL
this is you right now
>wanting to get on Nomura's Wild Ride
Spare yourself the pain. Or start with Kingdom Hearts 1.5 if you're some kind of masochist.
What is the likelyhood of KH 1.5/2.5, 2.8, and 3 coming to switch?
I have no problem with them on PS4, but if switch is an option i'd rather have them all on a Nintendo platform with my other KH games.
So if the Scorpio turns out to be more powerful than PS4 Pro, is it a possibility that the definitive version of KH3 will be on a Microsoft console? That would be weird to see.
never ever
You're thinking of Square Soft. Square Enix is the parasite still eating of the their putrid corpse.
oh look XV-kun is back
1.5 on ps3/ps4 or just emulate 1FM and the GBA CoM since the 3D version is complete aids
2FM, Days, BBS, and Re:Coded are all easily emulated as well and from there you can just pick up 0.2/2.8 if you don't have a 3DS with CFW
Sony always wins baby.
Honestly this. I want off Nomura's shitty wild ride. I'm excited for KH3 because the gameplay honestly looks like a lot of fun and I don't see anything wrong with it. But I'm not holding my breath at all for the story. I've seen it through this far, I can't just stop right before the end.
I don't think this game is even within a year or two of release, not sure why you'd bother listing the UI/HUD as a negative when there's NO way that's the final one. I'm under the impression they aren't NEARLY as far along as people seem to think they are.
FFXV is the worst game I've ever played.
has the frame rate been confirmed?
The thing is, that's what people said about 0.2's HUD when the trailer came out.
Why are you entitled you little assfucking nigger cunt kike ass spic bitch cum guzzling thundercunt faggot fuck
Of course not.
two can play this game
It's great and its mechanics are deeper than KH. It made all its money back plus more profit, and is a success on every level, great story, great level design, great characters, Versus XIII would have been far worse because it was FNC. Stop shitposting about XV just because this is a KH thread.
I think that was kinda a rushed out mini-episode thing though in the end. This is THE kingdom hearts 3
I think it's basically been confirmed to be 60fps. 0.2 on PS4 was 60 and it used the same engine as 3.
>black box
>YorHa base in space
>get another Deep Space
>Logic Virus Heartless
Don't crush my dreams Square, please.
To be fair, the trailer was uploaded in the middle of the night on a Saturday, and most people didn't know about the concert
If Dragon Quest and Star Ocean molested you it was well deserved.
>KH3 has launchers
>FFXV doesn't
How does this happen?
well i hope its not 30 even though the game looks too good to not be 30
Didn't FFXV have all kinds of different HUDs? I recall one having the character's faces, then there was the Episode Duscae one too.
Because Nomura is completely loony. Consider the fact that in a trilogy you're meant to use the middle one to establish what the main threat is, and the fact that for kingdom hearts that didn't come until fucking 3D
Well, KH2 had a launcher as well. People just forget.
They didn't even show off Herc doing Herc stuff despite confirming 4 party members god dammit.
KH 1.5 on steam next summer lads. Remember this post.
>Implying the series hasn't already been heartless since they started with the spin-offs and ignoring the numbered series
oh i havent played that yet. people were saying its a short tech demo
>Consider the fact that in a trilogy you're meant to use the middle one to establish what the main threat is
It was established in BBS, not 3D
I appreciate how seriously japs take voice acting
>Games production started in 2014
>Game is now on full focus now that XV has ended though that game will still have DOC
>Expecting it on 2018
Am I the only one who has waited patiently & totally fine with them taking their fucking time? Jesus Christ.
>No attraction flows shown at all in the trailer
Good, I hope they got cut.
Stop posting XV-kun
Nope. True Org XIII and the creation of the Xehanorts, not beardy.
I completely understand the disappointment with the UI, KH2's was absolutely god tier.
>that feeling when the UI changes for each single world you visit in Kingdom Hearts 2
>it even changes between Halloween Town and Christmas Town
Makes me orgasm everytime I play that game. It's also a reminder that FF XV could have had a much better UI than the blasé shit it got.
No, there's two of us user.
>Stitch world
>not Wall-E
DLC* Fucking Typos.
That doesn't mean a lot, since KH 2 FM is the best ARPG of all time and will always be
Who do you think is leading the true org
Who do you think is the source of the keyblade war that will come in kh3
Who do you think is the source of the main antagnoist in 1 and 2
>4 years for production is too little
Not every game needs a fucking decade of development time. its Kingdom Hearts for fucks sake.