Are you still angry?

Are you still angry?

Other urls found in this thread:émon_Prism

Had it coming

That's what happens when you create something using anything but your own creations

Not really. Once he started fishing for money using Patreon, it was only a matter of time. Nintendo absolutely hates even the mere idea of someone not them making money off their shit without their say-so.

>This the future that awaits all patreon babies

Why couldn't he just do it out of passion like he used to?

>freely uses IPs worth hundreds of millions for profit
>stabbed in the back
Everyone should have seen this coming

What a fucking drama queen

Is it true?

if yes, that's just sad, with all the animations he make, why is he unemployed? he could easily be recruit for some cartoons.

Remember the Weegee fad and Mushroom Kingdom Fusion?

>autistic furry with depression
>drama queen

In other news e3 is shit every year and half of Sup Forums still watches it.

That entire Yoshi island fight scene is better than DB

No because he was a raging drama queen on the BBS and the only reason he even considered rebooting SMBZ was because his furry art was too generic to pay the bills.

>Mushroom Kingdom Fusion
What ever happened to that?

Why didn't he just make a more generic "support my creations" Patreon the first time?

>do it out of passion
lmao fuck that, if you got the chance to get paid for your work then you fucking do it. capitalize like what that CEMU devs did.

Hell yeah. The three way fight between the heroes, the axem rangers, and the koopa bros was a thing of beauty. A shame it turned out like this. I wanted to see them kill Mecha Sonic.

yup. great pacing, and really inventive as well. Despite having such limited range of motion and camera angles, it's one of the better fight scenes I've seen. definitely the high point of the series.


They're not his characters, though. He has no right to get paid for this.


What a fucking retard, he is mentally 5 yo

I bet you think Nintendo should take money from Let's Players too, gosh.

Fuck Let's Players

He could just have developed expies of the characters and made it "original". Rick and Morty is literally made from a parody of back to the future that Justin Roiland made

If he wants to get paid then he should come up with original characters

>I'm a pioneer of game sprite fanfics
>I'm a depressed incel living in a basement and a welfare queen
>Why won't Nintendo let me make easy money riding on their coattails, a-bloo bloo bloo

A self-pitying robot jerkoff and prideful, entitled fanficcer. What a wonderfully detestable combination.

Literally /Our Guy/.

>I'm a pioneer of game sprite fanfics
Even better, he said:
>I'm THE pioneer of game sprite fanfics

What a self absorbed asshole, holy shit. Sprite comics existed long before you did buddy.

Speaking of sprite animations, anyone remember Sonic's Quest for Power?

Meanwhile, ScrewAttack kills some of Nintendo's characters in Death Battle and even has their channel named after a Metroid power up.

Fuck that nigga, he was never king of sprite flash movies and VGDC is dead.

>oh my god this autism
user you just made me feel like an 8-year-old autismo again

I do. It was fun for all it was. I watched it alongside Xionico Madness and Street Fighter versus Mortal Kombat.

>Guy has talent
>Shows it off to the world, They love him for it, he makes a hell of a name for himself in the early 2000s
>Life gets in the way, fans demonize him for not putting up new content
>Gets sucked into the furry crowd and never returns
>starts making furry porn for a living
>Suddenly decides ten years later to try rebooting his star creation
>But i wont do it for free, you have to pay me
>Cashes in on the kid youtuber crowd
>Nintendo shuts his ass down
>goes back to being a furry porn artist and whines about how he fell from stardom

Yawn. Get a grip man.

Screw attack sponsors charities and makes no profit from their animations. Alvin opened a patreon and said "Give me money to animate fan parodies"

>easy money
Making those high quality sprite animations take up your ass, user.
But you are right, he shouldn't have said "PAY ME TO DO MARIO" but either "PAY ME TO LIVE" in order to avoid Nintendo picking his ass.
And while "PAY ME TO LIVE" sounds bad, as people would know it's related to SMBZ, people would've paid him anyways, SMBZ has a huge fanbase.

>Sonic RPG
>Final Fantasy Sonic X
>Sonic Oddball Crackups
>the several Sonic vs Mario animations
>Sonic Uncut
>The Sonic Show
Newgrounds had so much Sonic shit and I loved it

>At face value I'm the pioneer of sprite based crossover fanfics
Jesus christ the delusion. Who the fuck does he think he is?

ScrewAttack is actually goodm

What about Sonic the Pevert?

I wonder how Pokemon Showdown is still up. It seems like it would be the biggest monetary loss for Nintendo in terms of fan projects, since I know quite a few people who don't bother getting the new games and just battle on Showdown.

>>Sonic RPG
>don't even know what the fuck happened with that
god damn it user stop

>Final Fantasy Sonic X
Remember that bullshit puzzle?



I think so, that was in part 5, wasn't it?

It was episode 2.

These death battles have shit animations and fights compared to SMBZ

His mistake was wanting money for it, im more mad about AMR2 because that one wasn't even for profit and it was pretty fucking obvious Nintendo went after it just because people were more hyped about it then The Feddie Farce.

I won't defend Nintendo shutting down something like AM2R or Pokemon Prism, but Alvin's patreon was centered around his SMBZ work rather than just being a vague Alvin Earthworm page. He was a fucking moron with zero wiggle room. His handling of how to profit from his work was worse than I could have possibly imagined.

I will never stop being angry. This faggot is the reason why I started hating furries so much.

Was too fucking hard, could never get past the first level no matter how hard I tried,

Less angry and just.. dissapointed.
If he wasn't foolish to do what he did, We could have had episode 2, 3, even 5 by now.

>expecting anything at all from an autistic furfag
You have no one to blame but yourself if you didn't see this coming

This shit is the reason I started animating. Maybe I should try and take up the SMBZ mantle. It can't be worse than the nothing we're currently getting.

What happened to the remake of this again?

excuse me but my star fox yaoi cum inflation commission from a furfag artist was made just as I expected

One episode got made, the creator's Patreon got shut down by Nintendo, and now he has depression.

>2, 3, even 5
That's optimistic

Could have had 3 maybe.

C-can I see your work user?

Also if you're willing to take the mantle then better just make your own take with this concept, there have been people trying to continue the series with not much luck, just avoid the biggest mistake that this guy took and don't make the episodes that big and just keep it as simple crossover and with just some fun fights instead of expecting too much money or reconignition.

I would love to see someone take the mantle at this point, this series will be in a constant hiatus, he's always getting depressed
it also happened with the first series. Even though there's ton of people willing to support him and giving ideas on how to continue his series in some profitable way.

Went on for long enough and with enough back and forth changes that eventually everyone involved just burned out

Every fucking time

>put a lot of work on something using IPs that clearly do not belong to you
>know fully well the owner could C&D you anytime
>go make a patreon, website, trailer or something big that makes the project gain a lot of attention
>inevitably get C&D
>omg this company I loved betrayed me, I put so much time and effort on this project but they evil and they only care for money my life is ruined ; ;

If at any point you know you're gonna put that much work on something why not make your own characters. Even something like

Yeah I never really got that, why doesn't he just assemble a team that can help make the episodes for him? SMBZ's popular enough that he'd be able to get away with it.

>Making a Patreon when you're using sprites from nintendo games.

So he's retarded?

Basically, yeah.
He would have gotten away with it if his Patreon was just "pay me so that I can work on my art full-time" instead of "pay me so that I can make this series based on Nintendo characters".

Does this only happen with Nintendo?
Because the dude behind Brutal Doom has a Patreon and we all know Doom is now owned by Zenimax, who are a bunch of assholes

I don't understand why so many people still have trouble understanding what the point of copyright and trademark laws are

If I had anything to show, I'd post it in /f/ and link it's but my hard drive shit the bed about a month ago and I've been more focused on getting back all my game dev progress and art. I could probably throw an episode together about every two months or so though.

Probably because of some pride or something, some content creators always want to start and finish their shit by themselves because of fear of his original vision being ruined due to more people getting in his project, or also the fear that more people would probably bring more issue to his series.

But knowing the following that this series have, most supporters would probably help just to see the series finished rather than anything, heck he even had some e-celebs willing to bring more support to the series if he was interested, i really don't get why he needs to act like that, he should just make a new pantreon for his works and maybe make a video explaining his situation and why the episodes are getting delayed, he literally has almost a year at this point of just being depressed.

I'll never understand people who get mad at Nintendo for taking down AMR2. The guy was flaunting it about for YEARS, finally releases the game, THEN Nintendo took it down. If they wanted to be assholes they would have told him to fuck off years ago but instead they wait for him to finish the game before shutting it down.

It may not be the nicest thing but it allows them to protect their IPs while also letting their fanbase enjoy the game.

>So he's retarded?

Naivety, I think is the better term. SEGA, SNK and CAPCOM are good examples of companies that don't give a shit about fans using their IP's to make fan-games (i.e M.U.G.E.N), flash animations or any form of artwork.

NINTENDO, on the otherhand is absolutely anal about copyright issues. Remember what they did to the development of Pokemon Prism?

I uh, don't know about Pokemon Prism at all. Fill me in?

>Suffering from chronic depression, autism, and suicidal thoughts

What a surprise.

They're actually allowed the Screw Attack name because legally it's filed under "Screw.Attack"

That's how they get away with the name.

Nintendo is the only company that tries to shut down doujins. There's no way they would let foreign people make things for money.

Nazo Unleashed was best.

Prove me wrong.

Wow he must be super talented. Maybe he's talented enough to be original and not steal.

>I uh, don't know about Pokemon Prism at all. Fill me in?

Sure. I'll get the quote.émon_Prism

>Pokémon Prism is a cancelled Rom Hack of Pokémon Crystal, created by Koolboyman. The storyline elapses in the region of Naljo. The game is a sequel of Pokémon Brown, thus, the player can travel to Rijon for a second quest. The Pokédex has 252 Pokemon, including some from each of the first four generations as well as new Elemental Types and TM's.

>On December 21, 2016, Nintendo sent a cease & desist order which ended the game's development. However, an anonymous user on Sup Forums leaked v0.91 (build 0144) of the game, the leaked build is from December 19, 2016.

>The current leaked build is fully functional, but is missing certain things from what would have been the finalized version of the game, such as outdated sprites, missing trigger events for trainers, and a post-game mission from Lance that was supposed to have been released in an official future build of the game.

Who does Nintendo think they are?

Sega shut down the Street of Rage game.

It's run by old men.

he literally is though, in this case he's not memeing


Would it be silly for me to rewatch this whole series again as a 20 year old?

No. Have fun.

That was the only one that SEGA (in their history) shutdown a fangame. On the otherhand look at all the hundreds of fan-games and mods they haven't shutdown.

>He could just have developed expies of the characters and made it "original".
Then no one would fucking care you dumb faggot.

>A Fox in Space is still going and gets weekly updates and streams

Didn't Roosterteeth buy them? The only reason they make so much off RvB is because they've had Bungie's and 343's approval. I doubt Nintendo would be so generous.

I've never understood why some companies shutdown fangames. I mean, as long as they aren't making money, it should be okay right?

They can't keep their IPs if they don't defend them, and their lawyers need to make it look like they're doing a job. Its usually just shitty lawyers.

>zombie mario game
Fucking lamao, and they said nintendo doing fine

So basically, the real folks in charge most likely don't even know about them is what you're saying?

>I've never understood why some companies shutdown fangames. I mean, as long as they aren't making money, it should be okay right?

It should be. However, I think there were other reasons as to why Prism was shutdown. IIRC, Prism's release was near the Official Pokemon Sun and Moon release dates as well. They probably didn't want competition interfering with profits, especially since Prism was intended to be a free game.

this , mostly lawyers and the fucked copyright laws in general. don't defend your property at all turns? well obviously it's free game then.

>all patreon
things like gofundme, kickstarter, greenlight and patreon don't get shut down because one or two project are "breaking the law". however, people who make fan stuff with companies' copyrighted stuff should understand that it's at best a legal gray area which is very risky. if you do get shut down, especially when there's precedent, don't be surprised.

SoRR was a fluke, and I believe SEGA actually issued some sort of statement on it.

>plays all of these fangames including fucking sonic doom 2
>doesn't have srb2 on his channel

How the fuck do you just outright miss one of the oldest and best, for that matter fangames in Sonic's history?

Its not like its some company boss is looking at fan things and going OOOOOOOH WE HAVE TO SHUT IT DOWN, its always some shitty lawyer who sends out C&D notifications.

Didn't even know about this. These should have been your RED FLAGS:

>Quit animation for furry porn

And there you go.

Hey, I just figured that it gets brought to their attention and they either say 'C&D it' or 'Don't worry about it'