What the fuck is his problem?
What the fuck is his problem?
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He actually has not any problem with anybody, he just wants to fuck with people and manage to pull off unfair trades
he's a jew
He dindu nuffin except give people what they want
I'm not sure why I sympathized with Ogreid, dude was a fucking asshole to his wife. I saved him in the end tho because I wasn't about to let some Magical Jewish gypsy win.
i imagine being immortal makes you bored as hell and look for more and more radical entertainment like olgeird did
You'd be pretty bored too if you were an immortal inter-dimensional demon that's too big brained to simply get off on killing people.
He's just doing the equivalent of poking bugs with a stick.
What's his real name?
Spooky Shauan
dude nihilism lmao
To be fair Orgreid did get thoroughly punished enough as it was.
Damning his soul to eternal hell is a little bit much for just yelling at his wife and killing her dad.
And that shit wasn't even his fault because his heart being made of stone turned Orgred into an aspie.
Objectively the best merchant in any video game.
He did alot more nasty shit than that user. Besides Orgrimmar wasnt even changing his dick ways untill Gelato came along.
Evident by him wanting to kill the frog prince and burn a nobles family home to the ground
Eldritch Enrique
>not letting him take his soul and asking for nothing
He got what was coming to him, better have as little coming to me as possible
You've got no sense of justice. Might as well have offered your ass too so you can please your master, dog.
Humans before space demons.
He got a perfect sense of justice lol.
You are the one going "MUH FEELINGS THOOOO". Make the deal. Pay the debt.
Orgerd would have sold your ass in a second if the roles were reversed
That's what I did. It's the objective correct choice.
as rotten as a person may be i doubt anyone deserves eternal torment in hell
Justice is a meme, Olgierd knew what he was getting into when he made his pact, and if he didn't then he shouldn't have made it in the first place. If a spider looks venomous would you put it in your mouth in order to find out?
I watched my friend play it the first time. This is exactly what he did as well. It took everything in my inner being to keep myself from raging at him.
It wasn't so much a deal as a coercion.
You were unwilling put into debt from a seemingly innocuous interaction. The same way as Mr.Stoneheart.
It's only up to you to get back at that Jew and be the final solution, ending the cycle.
Only reason Ogre would have sold you was because he got robofied.
>deserves eternal torment in hell
HE FUCKING CHOOSE THAT. I didn't decide to let the fucker rot in hell, I just didn't help him jew out of his deal.
>The same way as Mr.Stoneheart.
He summoned him, for the purpose of making shitty deals, BEFORE he had a stone heart, he sold his brothers life. He wasn't tricked into anything, he just thought he could outsmart the devil.
whats this guy's deal with spoons?
He sold his own fucking brother before getting "robofied" user. He would have sold geralt for a copper. Dont kid yourself
Olgierd was a victim too. By being immortal he stopped feeling and went Manhattan towards life. He truly had - a The Wticher 3 Heart of Stone Expansion-.
>Credits roll
Its probably some type of symbolism you need to be polish to get. But they do that a fair amount if you look for it. Especially in this DLC.
It stirs the tea
Again, if you don't know what you're fucking with, don't fuck with it. If you do then the outcome is on your head alone.
To say nothing of the fact that these people live in a universe where pretty much everyone who dies without being 100% satisfied in life comes back as a murderous wraith or worse and where every single town has at least one person who went into 'seemingly innocuous' woods and got straight up torn to pieces by some folkloric horror. If someone clearly weird as shit who knew things he shouldn't came up to me out of nowhere and presented a 'seemingly innocuous transaction' I'd bolt and not look back. Olgierd didn't, his mistake.
I liked Gaunter until he shoved that drunkard's eye in with a spoon
I mean what the fuck what's your problem
>If someone clearly weird as shit who knew things he shouldn't came up to me out of nowhere and presented a 'seemingly innocuous transaction' I'd bolt and not look back. Olgierd didn't, his mistake.
He literally was summoning demons to make deals it's all stuff you find out in the iris section. He summoned the master of mirrors because he thought he had a deal that could never be fulfilled.
that guy did interrupt him after all
Besides Olgierd fucking knew he was messing with the devil. Thats why he made those 3 shitty wishes to try and outsmart the devil himself. It didnt work out (big surprise) and now he gotta pay his debt.
If O'dimm would have offered to spare him in exhange for Geriatrics soul then Olgierd would have fucking served you on a silver platter
To be fair I zoned out a little after the fifth memory 'puzzle' thing, but in that case he's just a straight up retard and deserved it even more
Literally this
I'm Geralt of Rivia and this is a demonic jew from another dimension preying on humans, of course I'm going to banish the kike
>there are dishonest people in this very thread right now, that can't bake gingerbread with the perfect combination of moistness and crunch
simply dreadful
>not picking the best option
Fucking Witcher whoresons
He had a problem? Also not trying to save Olgierd's soul is the non-completionist route. Enjoying missing two swords. Apart from that, though, there's little reason to do it. If saving his soul kept me eternally branded I would've had different reason to stick with it. Instead you just get a pretty generic hellscape sorta place and a "riddle" you can solve with minimal effort.
I have no love for Toussaint. It was appealing at first but it feels as though there's actually far too little to do for a space so large. I can't be assed to try for the Skellige tournament either since you need to dedicate a portion of your fucking soul to play Gwent with 24 people. That and I don't find Detlaff sympathetic in the slightest. Am I wrong? Is there something i'm missing that would make it that much better?
>He saved Olgierd
>killed Detlaff
He who sups with the devil should have a long spoon.
detlaff was an autist
Is B&W any good? I finished the main story for the first time two days after playing pretty much every day for more than a week, then played through HoS yesterday and I'm a bit burnt out. Is it worth going back for to cap everything off?
This famalamborghini. He was a vampire autist who couldnt calm the fuck down.
Its a great expansion but HoS cant be beat. Go in with that mindset and judge BW on its own merit and you will like it
Horrific Humberto
detlaff raped the comfy town i felt peace at
people were nice and helpful. no fucking way i would forgive an autistic beta cuck vampire thrashing muh duchy
also i want to fuck henrietta so bad. why the fuck cant you fuck that little royal slut? FUCK YOU CDPR
He cursed a women to hundreds of years of hairy tits for refusing to give him a free hand out, he's a cock.
if it wasn't for that stupid spoon scene, it would be clear that olgierd is a fucking cunt who gets what's coming to him from a neutral force of nature.
instead the spoon scene shows master mirror as a chaotic evil character who can't really be supported.
B&W isn't a dramatic story you should treat it as a epilogue and the last adventure of Geralt before his retirement from his profession.
>why the fuck cant you fuck that little royal slut
Because she's your bro's bitch. Geralt isn't Lambert.
It's much more lighthearted than the main story and HoS, but it has a load of content, a great ending, and is comfy as hell. Great expansion that you need to play.
> taking other people's souls would be a neutral force of nature if not for the spoon scene
Rumplestiltskin exists within the Witcher universe.
He's a different person to O'Dimm
>a chaotic evil character who can't really be supported.
He's literally Satan, you were never supposed to support him.
This. Gaunter is a fucking master manipulator. He only likes to fuck with people, it doesn't matter if they "deserve" it or not. Who the hell knows if he didn't, little by little, influence Olgierd to do all the shit he did?
What if he was the one that made the prince fall in love with Olgierd's waifu? That made him get interested in demonic arts?
Dude is fucking evil incarnate, if you let him go and take Olgierd's soul you're a shitty-ass witcher.
Wait, really? Damn this game has everything.
It's fantastic, is all completely new locations and has some of the best quests in the game, so yes, definitely play it.
Book geralt wouldnt have gotten involved at all so letting o'dimm take olgierd is not being "a bad witcher". Besides you dont destroy him. He just appears somewhere else the second you beat him. And now hes got a reason to fuck with you
Yes, in one of the books he's described as a Halfling who invokes the law of surprise on the Princess, when she doesn't hand over her kid they both die of plague.
It's in the Last Wish in the story about the banquet in Cintra
>Flashback to best girl Iris and greatest decision in the game
Why did you remind me her?
i cry everytime
>Book geralt wouldnt have gotten involved at all
He was kinda forced into getting involved?
Yeah, you don't destroy him, that's obvious. But you still didn't let everything go the way he wants to. Seriously, after acting like his little bitch for the entire expansion, just letting him take Olgierd's soul at the end is literally THE most un-Geralt thing to do. If you do you may as all let Yennefer cuck you and Ciri get raped by black elf cocks.
Its pretty. That much is true. Its colourful and has a lot of vibrancy to it. Toussaint Castle is really impressive, though like all architecture in the Witcher mostly pointless since you almost never spend time in any that isn't caves/catacombs/dungeon/etc. Your vineyard's nice but mostly useless if you're not running some sort of necessary sleep mods or somesuch, not counting the mutagen breakdown tables. The mutations are kinda fun but aren't anything fantastic that late into the game.
The super sward you get is fucking great but is almost meaningless by that point in the game. Shaelmaars are one of the less straight-forward enemies in the game; though that says little in regards to W3 and you fight maybe three total. The new Gwent deck means fuck all. There's still no great way to make money like the glitches did, though money is practically meaningless outside of grandmaster gear.
Its a good twenty or so hours of gameplay and at least has some amusing quests. Its not as poorly paced as HoS but also isn't nearly as concise. Its kind of funny that while Hearts of Stone adds very little to the world in terms of map and the like it certainly takes it and makes great use of it, whereas Blood and Wine has a huge map but most of the locations are so very, very nothing.
Did you take her rose, user?
You monster.
A man of fine taste I see.
>There's still no great way to make money
Haggle with those rich fops begging you to clear their wine and cheese caves, they'll pay anything you ask.
Gaunter is just a dude with superpowers, maybe demon, maybe angel, who knows. Point is, when you can make a The Room reference- you make a The Room reference.
>cucking your friend
Gaunter O'Dang
I think I remember doing six or so of those. My number could be off. Unless i'm mistaken their payouts are within a sub-2k range for maximum. Even then, a full set of Grandmaster gear costs around 20k, maybe more? I could very well be wrong that, however. I made two with my massive fortune from selling monster bits I never used and then couldn't be assed to make the rest.
I liked how when you ask where Ciri is, he actually has a bit of warmth in his voice and tells you that you'll find her, but gives you advice on how to get the best ending.
>Tfw saved olgierd just because i wanted to be a dick to a deity/demon (?)
There's enough caves to fund your entire Grandmaster collection
>Killed olgiers
>Killed main B&W characters making the land grimmy as velen
>Let Ciri die
Fite me, Witcher 3 is for bitter ends, not the happy ones
>not letting Geralt get a happy end in his fever dream as he lay dying from a gruesome pitchfork wound
my only complaint with the witcher 3 is how you have to get the bad ending in order for the 3rd crone to die
it would have been nice if there was a quest where you can hunt her down
Fuck off Vilgefortz
>Killed olgiers
>Let Ciri die
>Killed main B&W characters making the land grimmy as velen
They deserved it desu
So at what point did Oliver's heart turn to stone?
Because if it was before he started acting like a total dick, then none of it is his fault and his whole character becomes pointless.
It's his fault for begging favors from Satan in the first place, that's kind of the point of grim germanic Faustian bargains
> cucking
He's with Priscilla now, he shouldn't care
Everyone should see the
>Anarietta dies
ending desu. What they did to the city's atmosphere for the funeral is fucking magic.
According to an old legend, Twardowski was a nobleman (szlachcic) who lived in Kraków in the 16th century. He sold his soul to the devil in exchange for great knowledge and magical powers. However, Twardowski wanted to outwit the devil by including a special clause in the contract, stating that the devil could only take Twardowski's soul to Hell during his visit to Rome – a place the sorcerer never intended to go.[1] Other variants of the story have Twardowski being sold to the devil as a child by his father.
With the devil's aid, Twardowski quickly rose to wealth and fame, eventually becoming a courtier of King Sigismund Augustus, who sought consolation in magic and astrology after the death of his beloved wife, Barbara Radziwiłł.[3] He was said to have summoned the ghost of the late queen to comfort the grieving king, using a magic mirror.[3] The sorcerer also wrote two books, both dictated to him by the devil – a book on magic and an encyclopedia.
After years of evading his fate, Twardowski was eventually tricked by the devil and caught not in the city, but at an inn called Rzym (Rome in Polish).[1] While being spirited away, Twardowski started to pray to the Virgin Mary, who made the devil drop his victim midway to Hell.[1] Twardowski fell on the Moon where he lives to this day. His only companion is his sidekick whom he once turned into a spider; from time to time Twardowski lets the spider descend to Earth on a thread and bring him news from the world below
Lambert pls
He had a broadside school up his bonebulge.
kino meme cuck bane
this has to be the best cinematic/trailer for a video game ive ever seen
too bad you couldnt hunt down Orianna in game
I like to think that at least some of it is him.
At first driven mad with the obsession to un-fuck himself, and later when you meet him it's him chasing highs just so he could feel something.
Detlaff did absolutely nothing wrong.
I warned him about bitches and whores. I told him bro.
P good story.
Also, Faustian bargains are a recurring motif in European folklore, it's not like CDPR
from a particular source.
Pretty much the entire witcher cycle is about inverting old fairytale tropes.
i dont like how OP vampires are in this universe
everything should be killable
also why dont witcher hunt dragons?
He did everything wrong.
he did
I wish you could've killed him without Regis interference
Geralt doesnt hunt intelligent beings who are not evil
there seems to be a general rule that witchers dont hunt dragons though
not just geralt
Gaunter's character seems to represent certain aspects of the characters "Holländermichel" and "Glasmännlein" (ger.: glas-man), from the German fairy tale "das kalte Herz" (ger.: the cold heart) by Wilhelm Hauff. In this story the benevolent forest spirit "Glasmännlein" grants the protagonist 3 wishes but, much like in the game, at first only 2 and later the 3'rd. Later in the story, the protagonist makes a deal with the evil sorcerer "Holländermicher" who takes his heart and gives him in return a heart of stone and an infinite supply of money.
They hunt everything that even once harms a human. That's why the witchers were created when humans entered the world the game is set.
Because like Witchers, they're rare Golden Dragons are considered a myth