Who hyped as fuck for this new Dragon Ball game?

Who hyped as fuck for this new Dragon Ball game?

Objectively correct and best starting roster:
>Goku ( w/ SSJ, SSJ2, SSJ3 SSJG, SSJB skins)
>Vegeta (w/ SSJ, SSJ, SSJMajin, SSJB skins)
>Gohan (w/ SSJ, SSJ2, Mystic kid/teen skins)
>Buu (Super, Kid skins)
>Frieza (Golden skin)
>Tao Pai Pai
>Captain Ginyu

Other urls found in this thread:


Add the most powerful villain Super 17 and it's good.

use the catalog

What, is DB not good enough to get real representation?

Who the fuck in DB would there need to be?

Tao Pai Pai and Piccolo covers it.

All there really is is General Blue and Tamborine.

Kid Goku, King Piccolo, Jackie Chun, Blue, any fucking number of fighters from any of the fucking tournment sagas, ChiChi

Cut that roster in half and you'll have what the roster in the game will be. Or atleast I'll be surprised if the game has more than 8-10 characters in it's base roster anyway (it'll get more further down the line for sure either way)

I want the old system back where you could equip different transformations and go ssj during the fight..

We need a mecha character like either the pirate robot from red ribbon army or pilaf's robot, or even bulma in a mech suit. Kid Goku is a must and would be one of the most unique characters. But yeah DBZ characters are more well known.

Will it really be that small if this is 3v3? I'd hope for at least 20 characters, even though Arc sys works aren't known for robust starting rosters.

Z Fighters:
>Kid Gohan
>Teen Gohan
>Adult Gohan
>Future Trunks

>King Piccolo
>Fat Buu
>Super Buu
>Kid Buu
>Goku Black

>Android 17
>Android 18

>Bardock (Pre-Order Bonus)
>Tao PaiPai

Jackie Chun really should just be a Roshi all costume.

Wait are they going back to regular fighting games? I figured the next thing would be another Xenoverse game. I hope the next Xenoverse game doesn't come out until the current anime arc is over. Tons of new characters being added. It be nice to get more to the roster than the usual pre-DBS arcs/characters.

Wait what the fuck is this? A new Tenkaichi Budokai game?

What the actual roster will be:

>Goku (w/SSJ skin)
>Vegeta (w/SSJ skin)
>Gohan (teen only, w/SSJ skin)
>Frieza (final transformation only)
>Trunks (w/SSJ skin)
>Cell (Perfect form only)

Other costumes will be paid DLC.

Where were you when Dragon Ball saved the fighting genre Sup Forums ?

what if they made it a season game?

People expecting gigantic tenkaichi-like roster are going to get sooo disappointed

Arcsys is working on it this time as opposed to Dimps

>thinking you are getting anything from super or DB.
All screens show only DBZ.


They only made the 3DS games right?

They made the Guilty Gear games.

Oh right, yeah I knew the name was familiar. Shit this could be pretty good then.

You'd think they would like to at least take the opportunity and advertise Super.

DLC maybe.
The only Iconic characters from super so far are Beerus, Hit, and Zamasu's whole bullshit. Only to the people who have been watching it via the internet.

>All screens
All one of them, yeah.

That's a damn good roster but you gotta remember it's a 3v3 game. It needs to have some more.
I wouldn't be surprised if we got what you said plus
>Goku Black

Adult Gohan and young Gohan should be separate characters, with Young Gohan being permanently SS2 and adult Gohan being mystic/ultimate.
Same for Kid Buu and Fat Buu. Super Buu gets the axe or is DLC.

First actual Dragon Ball Z fighter in more than a decade?

About fucking time.

But does anyone remember what that indie made Dragon Ball Z 3D game is that's more DBZ sim like? Fuck I can't remember what it is it's some DBZ project.

Why would anyone want kid Gohan. Just put in Cell Gohan

Why? They're not the same person.
But then again NRS does something like that with Captain Cold/Mr. Freeze in Injustice

New game by Arc System Works. It's a 2D fighter
>3v3 game with only 9 characters

>this has the chance to completely blow capcom fighters out of the fucking water.
>all this while getting powerlevelfags mad that characters like Yamcha with decent players can beat Cell players.

cant wait.


That's the point. The game just got announced and they already show the big 3 villains and the important heroes. They've gotta build hype for release somehow

You're being too optimistic. This is a real fighting game, not a Xenoverse or Tenkaichi style arena brawler. A 20 character roster is at the upper limits of what you can expect for a first entry, but I'm keeping my expectations at a more modest 18. This game's also likely been in development for a very long time, and we also know from the Xenoverse games that Toei doesn't let the game divisions know what the show plans are. Because of this, I wouldn't expect any characters to appear past the Universe 6 arc outside of DLC, so Zamasu, Kale, Toppo, and even Roshi likely won't make the cut since he hasn't come out of retirement until recently.

Confirmed characters:
>Teen Gohan
>Majin Buu
>Perfect Cell
>Final Frieza
That's six. For characters that are so popular they probably don't even need to be confirmed, there are
>Future Trunks

So we're up to 13. 5 more characters left, and now things get tricky. My best guess would be,


Under normal circumstances I wouldn't include 16, but seeing as this is a 3v3 Mahvel style game with a focus on character synergy, it would be remiss for them not to include the only actual 3-man squad in the series outside of the Pilaf gang. The three humans would also be a notable squad, but again with a shrunken roster and Super's additions, Tien and Yamcha just fall on the wayside. For that reason, I'd include Cabba and Frost to round out a Universe 6 team. Even though I personally feel like Frost would be a wasted slot, it just makes sense. Broly is just obvious. He's the most popular non-canon character in the series, and even weaseled his way into Burst Limit before Buu did.

Now the elephants in the room. Kidbuu and Gohan. The issue I have is that the promo material shows all the villains in their final form EXCEPT for Buu, and TEEN Gohan instead of adult. With a limited roster, I could see buusaga characters be swept away for Whis

>Play Zamasu and Black on the same team
>They become merged when HP is low and meter is high

it just occurred to me that now that since this is a real fighting game made by Arcsys the roster is probably gonna be hella small at first, like 20 sub characters unlike the shitfest we usually get with 108 characters that all do the same shit.

Damn, i almost don't know who i wanna make room for.

They arent going to wast character slots on cabba and frost.

Beerus and Hit are stretches.

I'd rather see Yamcha, Tien and Roshi first to round out the Z fighters.

Chiaotsu will never be cared about.

Golden Frieza best Frieza

Out of the obvious choices, Janemba is a must if you want to have characters with actually unique fighting styles.
A duo of kid Trunks and Goten who perform combo attacks and can fuse for a short time would be cool as well.

>Only 1 waifu

No buy

Roshi or riot.

Is that evil goku or something

I wonder if there will be autistically minute variations of the same character.

>Goku (Turtle gi)
>Goku (King Kai gi)
>Goku (Personal gi)
>Goku (Super Saiyan)
>Goku (Powered Up Super Saiyan)
>Goku (Super Saiyan 2)
>Goku (Super Saiyan 3)
>Goku (Super Saiyan 4)
>Goku (Super Saiyan God)
>Goku (Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan)

>Vegeta (Scouter)
>Vegeta (Super Saiyan)
>Vegeta (Ultra Super Saiyan)
>Majin Vegeta
>Baby Vegeta
>Vegeta (Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan)

>Future Trunks
>Future Trunks (Sword)
>Future Trunks (Super Saiyan)
>Future Trunks (Super Saiyan + Sword)
>Future Trunks (Ultra Super Saiyan)
>Future Trunks (Super Saiyan 2)
>Future Trunks (Super Saiyan 2 + Sword)
>Future Trunks (Super Saiyan Rage)
>Future Trunks (Super Saiyan Rage + Sword)

It's an evil time traveler who had his shit slapped by Goku, so he wished for Goku's body, then traveled to the past to slap Goku's shit while using the body of Goku's future self.

Not making this up.

All two of them.
Goku, Frieza, Buu, Cell, and Vegeta and Gohan.
two screens only showing 6 characters so far.
If they really wanted to sell on Super they would have had either SSB goku and vegeta, Gold Frieza or a Super character in any of those screens.
But they did not. They have Teen fucking gohan for fucks sake.

>He thinks Toei aren't gonna use the chance to shill Super to the max
Beerus and Hit are really popular in japan.
Cabba and the other U6 sayjins actually look cool in the manga where they aren't drawn as stickfigures

I would pay $1.99 for each of those.

>Toei is in charge of the games.

DBZ characters come first though.

Sorry, I meant Jump.

Battle of Gods made 51 million worldwide, and Beerus is insanely popular while also having the most screentime in Super behind Goku and Vegeta. There's a reason why I honestly do believe Beerus has better chances than Mystic Gohan pre-universe survival arc. If there's ANYONE from the new Dragonball era to make it into this game, it will be him. That is by no means a stretch. You need to think with a broader picture. Dragonball isn't just Z anymore, there's at least a half dozen characters that are more popular and iconic to today's youth than Raditz or the humans. Hit, while probably not as popular as Beerus, also has an incredibly sizeable fanbase and would fully represent Super (Whereas Beerus just represents the new era). Cabba and Frost are glorified advertisements, which is what Toei are all about. There's not much more they can do with Yamcha considering internally he's regarded as a complete joke, but saleswise Cabba and Frost together can drive eyes to Super and money in their pocket.

Again, this isn't my wishlist (I would also drop both of them for Tien and Yamcha), but just the outcome I see as the most likely.

Beerus isn't a stretch, he's the most likely thing out of Super to get into this. Pretty sure Battle of Gods did well commercially too.

>There's not much more they can do with Yamcha considering internally he's regarded as a complete joke
They should include Yamcha from the semi-official Gaiden series. The one where some kid dies/goes into a coma, becomes reincarnated as Yamcha, and works his ass off to make Yamcha more useful.

I'm hype, I hope it's good.

Probably costumes, sure but at they they'd have Goku and Vegeta, with all of their transformations being done mid match, not take take up separate character slots.
Super Saiyan 4 might be omitted but they could just include a costume of GT Goku where Blue is replaced with SS4. Purely visual

I dunno I think popular super characters take precedence over B List DBZ characters

Hit will be top tier, but I will play Toppo.

Thoughts on adding her as a cable esque zoner, or like Chris redfield or deadshot in Injustice.

>that lighting, artstyle and ui.
Is this gg but dbz skin?

It's made by ArcSys


That gootecks book isn't actually real is it? Who the fuck would buy that

play hyper DBZ instead, it's free and amazing

same people who would pay 100 dollars an hour for gootecks lessons. And yeah I'm pretty sure it is.

It's actually $150 now

>stuff from super
no fuck off

is there even online for it yet?

But yeah that game actually was fantastic. I'm curious to see if they could make a roster with movesets as varied (babidi, hercule) and true to the characters as that game.

>girl 17

Are you that user from the Xenoverse threads who talked about 17 being clearly more attractive?

we are talking about Xrd style, thats pretty much impossible.

new costumes are basically new characters from scratch.

So will this game be as complex as a typical ASW fighter or will it be casualized in comparison?

Why is DBZ so good bros, it's literally standing the test of time, I can see it still being popular 20 years from now.

>He's the most popular non-canon character in the series, and even weaseled his way into Burst Limit before Buu did.
He also got into Attack of the Saiyans which only goes to Vegeta saga.

I wonder what the alts would be for each character.
>Goku (Regular, Super, Yadrat)
>Vegeta (Frieza arc, Cell arc[Super Pallette], Buu arc)
>Gohan (Turtle gi, Buu arc, Tracksuit)
>Buu (???)
>Frieza (Kuriza alt, Metal alt)
>Cell (Cell Jr. Inspired Alt)
>Krillin (Turtle gi, Frieza arc, Cop alt)
>Tien (Super, Saiyan arc, Buu arc)
>Yamcha (Turtle gi, Bandit, Baseball) hair toggle
>Roshi (Jackie Chun, idk I'm sure he has more)
>Tao Pai Pai (classic, robot, shirtless)
>17 (Classic, Super, jacket)
>18 (Classic, casual, Tracksuit)
>Piccolo (Classic, weight removed, Demon King)
>Ginyu (Tagoma)

>the strawman image

Wait why is that? Can't they just modify existing models?

Mugen engine games will never have online

It's inevitable. Just keep the bitching to a minimum when it happens

nah m8 pre champ's build had an online made by the community. I'm wondering if they made one for the champ's build yet.

I just want my triple niggas of Veggie, Piccolo, and Broly to be in the game. Broly's the only long shot.

As someone who sucks at fighting games and prefers watching them to playing them, I'm interested. I'm really hoping this game has assists and is basically MvC with Dragon Ball characters from the GG/BB folks. I doubt it, but Infinite looks really boring, and I need my MvC3 fill.

That'd be pretty cool desu. I want to see more meme-tier unknown characters (for causal fans at least) included in these kinds of games.

>No Mr. Satan
No thanks

Naruto fighting games are objectively better than DBZ ones.

Id rather see a naruto game with this style better

Visually? Sure. But gameplay wise the Ultimate Ninja games feel just as shallow as games like Tenkaichi.

Never heard of this before in my life. Why would you pay someone to teach you how to play a video game better.

>top post = reddit
>bottom post = Sup Forums
/vp/ = terminal cancer


I'll have to pass.

I remember 1v1'ing that fool with max level yamcha, probably the most broken yamcuckcha in all of db games next to budokai 3

The point of the Xrd style is to make the 3d models look as much as actual sprites as possible, up to the tiniest detail.

if you have seen Xrd in action, im sure you have noticed how the characters deform due perspective, have different and unique expressions, and all those blurs and shit.

all these are modeled from scratch ALONGSIDE the character.

to a degree, making an alternate costume of a fighter in XRD is basically the same to making a new set of sprites for a character, even if it has the same moves. (like for example, the 2 versions of Noel Vermillion from Blazblue)

This is only assuming that Dragon Fighters Z is going to go all out with the Xrd style of 3D model manipulation.
They could tone down the frame-by-frame detail for more general gameplay animations, making them more simple tweens, and only getting intricate for a select few dynamic close-up animations, reducing the animation workload.

>He's the most popular non-canon character in the series

Tori says the movies take place in a seperate dimension, so they are arguably canon, just in the same way alternate timelines are.

I'm pretty hype, especially since this could start a trend of real fightan devs taking on other series or fun properties

I hope there's some balance mechanic to keep all forms available. Maybe even give everyone some awakening and drive forms to have more move sets on each character with the ability to go directly to the form you want like in Burst Limit. Some special and ultimate customization would be great too.

Kid Gohan
C. Ginyu
Future Trunks
Teen Gohan

>dragonball pack
Master Roshi
Master Shen
Chi Chi
Piccolo Daimo
Kid Goku
Tao Pai Pai

>buu saga pack
Majin Buu
Super Buu
Kid Buu
Kid Trunks
(M. Vegeta, Vegeto and Gotenks now available)

>movie set

>movie set 2
Meta Cooler
13/Super 13
Future Gohan

18 base roster, plus 24 more since Arcsys loves DLC and this is the perfect chance to implement it so total of 42 characters

Super isn't coming until next game most likely.

I've never been interested in DB games, but I might start now.
I'll main my nigga Android 17.

Man I just realized how much of a sausage fest DBZ is. Are there really no other females we can use other than 18? I like what Super DBZ did with Chichi, but if we get her like that again than good chance we don't get Kid Goku. And I'd rather have Kid Goku. I think Launch and Bulma could work somehow, maybe even pull in that bitch from the Bojack games or Videil.

I added ChiChi and Zangya (bojack) for that reason but there's so little available. Videl should be in the base roster, as should 16 it slipped my mind.

We have Kale and Cauliflower thanks to DBS

>No CaC
Who gives a shit. It's just MVC but with DBZ characters.

That's all I ever wanted.


You have that Sonic game coming out for all your shitty oc donut steel needs.