Which is better AvP 2010 or Aliens Colonial Marines
Which is better AvP 2010 or Aliens Colonial Marines
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2010 for miles
It's a legit good game on its own, but it was rushed the fuck out
Has the best AI for xenos in any game and the graphics are impressive even today
Thing is it's too fucking short.
what in the fuck
am i being trolled
Yes you are
I don't give a fuck what you think to be quite honest
No one does
Not even your parents
I agree with you.
It was too short, but at the same time it was pretty decent. I kinda wish there were more weapons for Marines, or upgrades.
>that double-barrel shotgun tho
>Xeno campaign was only 6 levels
Fuck this gay earth
The melee grapple system was fucking great because if you knew what you were doing as marine you could whack the fuck out of xenos mid charge.
This, it's the best one.
>Has the best AI for xenos in any game
Isolation exists though.
5 levels actually
Isolation xeno is more of a dude in a suit playing T Rex than the perfect organism to kill.
they're both shit my dude. pic related is the superior game.
Maybe for a one on one, but 2010's AI in wave survival was a dream.
Actually I took this screenshot a month ago since I got the urge of replay it
The MP had good ideas but ass execution, but the skins and some details are references to the Dark Horse comics and movies like Number 6
>Aliens Colonial Marines
Everything is better than ACM.
I want an Alien game where YOU play as the alien in a colonial city
3rd person like Evolve playing Wraith, stealth like Hitman
sneak into houses and rip people off, kill, harvest and place them on the walls. Grow the hive for Mother.
this game was amazing when i was a kid
i lucked out and found it at a gamestop about 10 years ago
i wanted that game ever since i saw the trailer for it on the aliens vhs tape
Never ever.
AvP2 desu
But it's nowhere to be bought in digital download and it's a god damn shame such a gem is lost.
>tfw he was a synthetic all along