Non-generic sci-fi

Where's all the insane sci-fi ? (at least in the west)

It's basically reached the point where the whole aesthetic looks so generic that stuff like power-armor or guns look the same between franchises.

In older eras, every FPS would have some wacky gun you found later into the game (BFG, Shark-launcher, etc). The Genre has colors, and weird looking shit, and aliens.

Most sci-fi games don't even have neon lighting or lasers anymore.

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maybe you shouldn't look to the most creatively bankrupt dev studio if you're looking for creative stuff.


off yourself, this isn't one of your japanese animes

t. boring CoD fanboy

that's a 2010 game

>le assuming my mentality meme
I've never bought a cod game in my life. I just like to have standards in my games that are not undermined by a stupid idea of suck weeb fuck who thought putting a shark gun in a SCIENCE fiction title would be hilarious and wacky

and is still way better than anything in recent years

it was an example of them trying to set the game apart from other competing games.

I could list Dead Space's guns just as easily

I saw this trailer yesterday and I thought I was looking at a thumbnail of Master Chief. What the fuck is Bioware thinking?

that's half my point... where's the new Vanquish for 2017 which could compete with that 2010 game

No retro futurism games with bubble helmets and rings.

>who thought putting a shark gun in a SCIENCE fiction
how can someone be this retarded

does the Halo series even have ringworlds any more?

The concept "artists" department of these companies have lost talent and it's just a bunch of asian grads who have no signature style in trade off of the fast production Mc Donalds nature of the industry. No time to make original ideas just steal, photobash rinse and repeat.

I miss when games had interesting concept art. It feels like everything these days has that boring washed out pseudo-impressionist look.

I miss the style of sci fi in games like Perfect Dark, it's shit you can imagine being real but not yet. Like a laptop gun, which probably does actually exist by now.

Haven't been interested in halo since 4.


>posts a guy in power armor who fights robots

what the fuck are you playing that looks impressionist?

>Halo Art Director, Microsoft-343

Pascal Blanche
>Senior Art director at Ubisoft Montreal
>Ubisoft barely even touch sci-fi

There's that cowboy bebop-esque trailer they showed a while ago, they could be showing that at E3


Imagination is dead in gaming and movies. Studios are scared to death of risk. You want an innovative game that feels like somehting new? Make it yourself or peruse the PC indies.

I fucking hope that becomes something, but I can't think of a single thing they've done that was full chunky scifi outside Haze and Beyond Good and Evil

I had even forgot about this shit desu

I only remember Haze because it was their Halo-killer, and had a plot that sounded like Equilibrium (the player character is on drugs that alter their perception of reality)

I want that juice beyond good and evil meat

Sega bought into Endless Space 2, so I guess that's something

>Most sci-fi games don't even have neon lighting or lasers anymore.
ME featured some more laser rifle like weapons so I'm sure Anthem will too. But making wacky gimmick guns doesn't fit with the tone thos people are going with today I guess.

More Doomesque games still feature wacky shit. Like Shadow Warrior, Wolfenstein, the original Prey, etc.




>sci-fi game that takes place hundreds of years in the future
>contains technologies vastly beyond our understanding

>Assault rifles and shotguns firing metal rounds from low-explosive cartridges is still the backbone of the military force

I feel you, it sucks.

Titanfall 2 did the future setting decently just last year but it still kinda holds itself back creatively. Laser guns and fusion mortars seem to be becoming a thing of the past.

love them. where are these from?

I fucking hate modern sci-fi design
>hey look at all the generic robots and power armor!

The least they could do is draw some influence from the crazy cosmic shit in french comics or at least from Jack Kirby's stuff. But no, we just get more generic dudes in power armor shooting at generic creatures.

That's the annoying thing to me. Given super materials, bubble helmets are the most logical thing unless you're a professional soldier.

He's talking about concept art. How a lot of artists do this sort of photoshop blur over the landscape so they don't have to add details.

people in the west want pseudo-realism and that limits choices and creativity a lot

>It's a Sup Forums shitposts a game because memes episode

Pascal Blanche's stuff is on his twitter and Artstation

the bright orange image, is Ben Nicholas (@BelgianBoolean),
>Senior environment artist at Ubisoft Montreal. Previously 343, Creative Assembly.

fuck your generic retro shit. I want my french cosmic craziness.

What is this. I want me a Mobius space RPG.

This game would be fine if it wasn't for the combat and the shitty ending.

>accuse OP of being a weeb because they're tired of generic sci-fi
>le assuming my mentality meme
The fucking ironing you obnoxious faggot

>people in the west want
nobody every really knows what they want


barely anything to see yet

Western entertainment as a whole has hit a major slump where the only things that get a decent budget and lots of marketing are titles that play it super safe. So everything is a sequel, a remake, or an adaptation, original ideas don't get any media attention so they don't sell. Everything has to be safe and recognizable. And while everyone's whining about everything being the same the majority is still buying it. This is true for basically everything that requires a big budget, especially movies and video games.

I find sci-fi is at its best when it's troperrific/making fun of itself, like in games like Star Control.
Many of Star Control 2's ideas and themes were about as original as the missionary position, but the good humor and story more than made up for that

thank you, user

Hello extremely!

Daedalic just put out The Long Journey Home

It has stuff like that, but the gameplay is kinda hard/boring ... it's okay if you wish Kerbal Space Program was an roguelite rpg

Mass Effect Andromeda :^)


uhm, destiny bro?

>tfw no weird psychedelic sci-fi games


Ignore MW5 and MWO they're shit

Kill yourself.

>could've been good
>lol, we scrapped the plot, and got Paul McCartney to do the music
>Destiny 2 requires a Blizzard account

>tfw nobody leaked the closed beta

Dammit, I want to play that shit.