I just bought a working dreamcast and 2 controllers for 40 bucks at a fleamarket I’m totally buying JoJo's Bizarre Adventure for it next month and Shenmue anyone got some game recommendations
I just bought a working dreamcast and 2 controllers for 40 bucks at a fleamarket I’m totally buying JoJo's Bizarre...
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Power Stone 1 & 2
Star wars Pod racer
You can just burn CDs of the games, user.
Jet Set Radio if you don't own it on something else already. Definitely look into getting Seaman.
soul calibur, DOA 2 and Spawn in the demon's hand were my shit back in the day
Just pirate the games, you'll save money.
dont listen to this faggot, your dreamcast is gonna stop reading games eventually if you do this. if anything, you should do the sd card mod
Blue Stinger and I'm not even joking.
Then you could just buy another DC for $40.
And that's not true, or hasn't been since the console was new and people didn't know how to make proper isos.
Now the console does the same amount of seeking with either type of disk.
Anyway, play THPS2 OP.
t. i dont know anything about the dreamcast
You win, tough guy.
Grandia II
>your dreamcast is gonna stop reading games eventually if you do this
Do you know how optical media works? It's not like the sensor gets more and more tired before eventually collapsing in exhaustion if you try to use media that isn't reflective enough or something. Using it will wear the mechanical components whether it's "good" media or not, if the media is inappropriate then it simply won't read the disc regardless of the wear state of the mechanics. It either works or it doesn't, there is no "Gosh, this burnt CD is hard to read. I'm trying really hard but I don't know for how much longer I can keep this up." crap.
If you like turn based jrpg games then I'd suggest Evolution and Evolution 2.
Apologize to the Dreamcast.
>free online
>free dlc
>great exclusives such as power stone, soul calibur, and house of the dead 2 were available at launch
>sega wanted 60fps as the new standard for 3d games and many games were 60fps because of that
>was not overpriced at launch
>great hardware for that time
>tons of great fighting games
>tons of new and creative ips
Here's the short version:
Utter crap. You have no idea what you are talking about.
i bet you dont even own a dreamcast, cocksucker.
Resident Evil: Code Veronica is a great Resident Evil game exclusive to the dreamcast.
I own two, dick. One is a launch console that has seen extensive use with burnt media for more than ten years now and it still works. The other is a backup I haven't even needed yet.
How about you explain the exact mechanism by which burnt media causes the drive to fail early?
This isn't true. It's a rumor from when dreamcast games were first dumped online and the files weren't organized properly. Nearly all dumps now are sorted to optimize loading and there isn't really any issues.
power stone
crazy taxi
Crazy Taxi (2 is better if you don't want to get both), Maken X
>hurr durr
shut the fuck up.
Phantasy Star Online, and then play it for real on a pc
>It's a rumor from when dreamcast games were first dumped online and the files weren't organized properly.
I suspect it was never an issue then. Unless people weren't doing 1:1 dumps in the early days but I can't imagine why they wouldn't be. This sounds like FUD from anti-piracy people, the same claims were made about the PS2.
jackie chan
Get a CRT, don't you dare play it on a flatscreen unless you're into unplayable input lag.
Also, Twinkle Star Sprites is the most fun vs game ever. Have some drinks and play with a buddy.
PowerStone 2
Jet Set Radio
Chu Chu Rocket
Soul Calibur
Dynamite cop is GOAT
It's true, you can't make 1:1 dumps because of GDROM, so most rips were poorly done.
Today you can get proper rips like the one from DCRES which group essential files into the inner part of the disc for faster loading and thus stresses the lazer less.
Plasma Sword is underrated as fuck. Project Justice is cool too
Re Volt
Rayman 2
Chu Chu Rocket
Space Channel 5 of course
My understanding is what is mostly a concern is things like read speed critical situations, e.g. streaming video data. This is not about maintaining the longevity of the hardware at all, it's about ensuring the correct operation of the software.
If you haven't played Legacy of Kain yet, then the Dreamcast has an excellent version of Soul Reaver.
Yeah, but if you get one you also get the other.
Older rips also had badly compressed audio and cutdown on somethings to get smaller dumps, which newer rips try to stick to the original source.
what? it's you that should shut your filthy lie spreading whore mouth
>durr hurr
>Yeah, but if you get one you also get the other.
That's not the way it works. Drive is still spinning, laser is still firing, sensor is still reading the input, the only change here is the increase in read speed that is a consequence of the data's physical location on the disc.
I guess you could claim that you save a few seconds here and there but that's really insignificant unless you add it all up over the course of decades. We are talking an effective decrease of workload of probably not even a few percent, this is not going to save your drive from failing due to normal wear and tear.
Resident Evil: Code Veronica!!
who doesnt love a good survival horror game?
Wait for Dreamcast 2