Game does not work on modern hardware

>game does not work on modern hardware
>look up solution
>"update your drivers"
>"run as admin"
>"turn on compatibility mode"

Other urls found in this thread:

PM'ed you the fix

>one of those actually works

>How about installing an original copy, you pirate!

>EDIT: Never mind I fixed it.

I remember Battlefront 2 had this weird issue where you had to have headphones plugged in so the game could recognize a soundcard. Weird shit.

Which game are you trying to get working, op?

>>"run as admin"
>>"turn on compatibility mode"
This works 90% of the time. Also setting processor affinity for single thread/core use.

this makes me so fucking mad


>works on my machine

>you must be a member to view this reply

This literally never works.

>Install game anywhere other than Program Files
>It actually fixes a lot of shit

>download this .exe file to fix the problem

>PC gaming
Post yfw you didn't fall for the meme


>create account to view reply
>user name: bullshit12345

every time

Had to do this to get past disc drm. Still didn't work.

Not OP, but I've had issues with:
Antichamber: crashes at unreal logo
Hotline Miami: won't load at all after the steam loading window
FEAR: runs at 10fps

Its some serious shit. My hardware is fine. I ran Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 at 1080p 60 fps

>game does not work on modern systems
>needs fanmade patch/mod to run properly
>game's rights are still property of big company
>said company does jack shit to release a patch

>game refuses to run, even after patches and alternate installers
>think it might be easier to get a VM going instead
>that's harder than trying to patch the damn game
>nothing works, ever

Had to do that with Morrowind.

let me guess


Fucking Nier. I'm still mad.

>This download will fix all your problems!
>follow link
>dead link
>no alternatives

No, nothing that exciting. I'm mostly just mad that I had a perfect windows 98 VM on my old, dead hard drive and my attempts to make a new one work have all been massive failures.

>Trying to play mechwarrior 3
>runs only after playing as admin and in compatability mode
>has graphical issues and crashes
>"run another game in the background while you play, modern computers run TOO FAST for MW3"
>that's bullshit, but let's give it a go
>runs perfectly

> Click download link with the fix
> Megaupload

makaseru senpai

>finally get some old game up and running on modern hardware after days of troubleshooting
>years later, feel urge to play the game again
>have to go through the same troubleshooting again because you forgot what you did
>end up playing in some way inferior to the way you played the first time because you didn't fix everything

>you need to have the screen resolution window open for the game to work

ive never updated or messed with my drivers and pretty much every steam game ive purchased works on my machine fine

the only exception is F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point which would constantly boot me back to main menu saying "disconnected from server" during a level transition

after i got around that the level itself ran at like 15fps so i said fuck it and uninstalled

>edit your registry XD
>reinstall windows XD
>update your drivers XD

Why even bother responding with such a worthless fucking solution? Yeah I'm gonna reinstall windows because of one fucking program, not like I had any other plans.

Besides, who the fuck has random copies of windows just lying around. Fuck pirating it, it gives me enough headaches already I don't want the added steps of tricking it into thinking it's a legitimate copy.

>"turn on compatibility mode"

heh had a problem this morning with my torrents and this was the solution somehow

>PC is the best platform for game archival! That's why we need emulators of the most recent consoles!
Meanwhile most PC games won't even work on the newest Windows, lol.

>game doesn't work
>google the problem
>nothing is helping
>on page 11 on google find an old obscure forum that has a link to a russian forum with a download link for a fix
>install it
>it makes the game work

That shit actually works sometimes tho

Call of Cthulhu:dcote

>Boot up game
>It's running like shit
>Go through dozens of solutions
>Finally open Nvidia control panel and notice it's running the game with onboard graphics instead of the fucking graphics card

WHY? WHY is this even a fucking option?

>Have legitimate copy of game
>Something is wonky / it doesn't work / crashes repeatedly
>Download a cracked.exe and replace main exe with it
>game runs flawlessly

I can't count the number of times a cracked exe has fixed my games, it's absurd.

>rapidshared link
>megaupload mirror

>want to post webm of game
>Download that webm for retards program I always used in the past
>Except now it's all fucked and overly complicated with a million different versions supposed to "improve" the experience" but just end up removing control and making me annoyed

Why do people feel compelled to reinvent the wheel?

I did this to fix my copy of byond I got the .exe from my friend, but still

>favorite game from teenage years finally released on Steam
>only works on x86 systems
Fucking Deadlock, making me use a netbook to get my TBS nostalgia fix

Oh fuck. I guess I'm lucky I still have the original

I still know how I was like "oh this is like the perfect piece of software, it's so lightweight and does absolutely everything you want it to and it's so simple". Like deep down I knew someone was going to fuck that up

upload it, for the love of god

>favorite game from teenage years
Unless you've been born in the late 90s, better buy those off gog instead

How is it fucked up now?

>megaupload/rapidshare link

Usually you look for solutions on google when the classic solutions stuff don't work.

I managed to find it eventually but fuck me if it wasn't a fucking ordeal

Just double click the webm converter thing and select your options and hit convert

The original was just

>.txt file you edited with the options you wanted, resolution, bit rate etc.
>drag and drop onto this file then hit enter

then there was a better version where a simple UI replaced the drag and drop command prompt thing and it was great. But all these new versions are like

>download and install this coding language, don't worry guise it's super simple to use
>oh whoops you can't convert shit without it

There's even one that lets you change everything except the bitrate, which makes the program fucking useless. The fuck am I gonna do with a 15mb 480p webm?

I-is this the of-fficial pre-e3 PCbro thread?

I posted it in that link. I have the one in pic related, good fucking luck finding the old ass original people first used. Dunno why you'd want it anyway, this one is more than adequate for shitposting.

>spend 2 hours going through all the steps on steam forums
>give up buy it on console

>Just reinstall the program and restart Windows ;)

>gpu starts fucking up for some reason
>my pc basically doesn't recognize that the gpu is even there
>can't run any games, even videos are laggy as fuck
>try reinstalling different drivers, even reinstalled my windows I think
>nothing works
>found some random forum with some guy having similar issues
>one guy recommends cooking the chip part of gpu in the oven for like 10 minutes on 200 degrees C
>think it's just some random guy trolling
>still can't find a fix for gpu, decide I just need to buy a new one
>decide to do the cooking thing for lulz
>it fucking works
>gpu works perfectly again

I had to do it again in like half a year, and it started to become needed more often every time, to where a year later I had to cook it like twice a week for it to work properly.

I have given up trying to get rainbow 6 black ops (compilation of the originals and the exclusive Korean only game) to work on windows ten even tried a vm and that just brought in a whole load of other problems

There is a 360 RRoD fix where you gotta cook the motherboard as well.

yeah, I have no idea what it actually does, but a friend of mine that knows a bit about electronics said that it have been a problem with some connectors or some shit, and cooking it might soften up the metal, making them connect properly again.
Still, at the time I found it incredibly funny and amazing that it actually fucking worked.
Pretty sure I cooked it like 30 times over the year before I got a new pc.

Cooking it heats up the solder which I guess lets the connecters on each cable get closer to the motherboard before the solder goes cold and hardens again. It's a temporary fix and will end up destroying your console.

>"turn on compatibility mode"

Has that ever worked for anything in the history of time?

You heat up the solder again, hopefully reestablishing broken connections. The PCBs are soldered by being "baked" in the original manufacturing as well, but with far more precise temperature control than in your home oven.

yes. Sometimes it's all that you need.

Verify your game cache bro

with FEAR you have to turn off all HID compliant devices, or something, it's been a long time, I don't remember

>He doesn't have an image of Windows set up the way he likes it ready to go at any time

I'm not so bored yet with my life to do something like that, I'd rather stare at the wall than have anything to do with troubleshooting or installing windows

Are you implying that creating an image is difficult or time consuming? Do you use W10 or something?

I. Couldn't. Care. Less.

I don't even have the energy to even read up on it, I don't wanna know. Fuck Windows, I'm not wasting a second of my time on it more than I have to.

>What is VirtualMachine: the thread

I've been doing modelrips of F.E.A.R. recently and it worked flawlessly on Win7. Maybe that's because I downloaded repack with all the fan patches and all that shit built in.

OP please use the search function before posting. This has been answered countless times before.

Thread locked.

Still takes an ass long time to reimage a harddrive for one fucking videogame.

And if the issue was with your current setup then reimaging with the exact same setup isn't going to solve anything anyway.

Kill yourself you no life fucking faggot how empty is your life that you spend your free time looking for threads you can autistically pounce on and shut down when they go a day without a reply you're not contributing shit you annoying waste of flesh it's not 1989 anymore there's no need to police forums so religiously just let people do whatever the fuck they want and stop being a controlling no lifer cunt

Is it possible to make a windows 95 emulator that works like DOSBox?

Could use a VM if you really insist on making life harder for yourself.

>randomly crashing when trying to save in fallout 3
>dude on forum tells my to kill myself with fat man
>actually works

I already tried that to play pic related for nostalgia reasons, and the resolution and color was all fucked up.

Are you okay?

No, I would pay good money for the chance to throttle a random forum moderator to death

>*Next time inclide the fix you mongoloid. -admin*