Fire Emblem Echoes

Which DLC to get? If any.

Pirate the dlc they're all overpriced day 1 garbage

Pirate them all. Get give onto ISIS' bullshit.

Outpost Rescue

don't* I mean

Fuck their timed DLC bullshit bunch of fucking kikes. I bought the season pass; huge buyers remorse.

Why are all the Archers in this game straight up gay?

Archers are absolute fucking shit. The enemy ones barely even damage my flying horse sluts

>Complains about DLC
>Buys a season pass
You are the cancer.

Why is this game so fucking grindy? I just want to hit max level so I can use the DLC classes I bought. It's fucking ridiculous that I need to hit max level on the hero classes before being able to change to the DLC ones.

Is buying all the class and grinding DLC worth it? I never cared for the ((((story)))) DLC in any of the 3DS games

I know, I know. I have bought all the ISIS DLC for the past three games because I genuinely enjoy them. I hardly ever buy DLC. This game wasn't worth it at all. At least I got a lot out of the Fates/Awakening DLC.

Hacked my 3ds pretty recently, on Luma. How do I even download these? Freeshop doesn't work because it tries to install EVERY DLC, then fails since they're not even out yet. 3dsiso doesn't have them, as far as I'm aware. Did multiple searches.

buying DLC is never worth it

Sounds like a case of garbage taste to me.

The only grinding DLC worth it is the higher difficulty one. The first one is worthless. You get more XP from fighting dungeon monsters. The class DLC is cool if you actually bother to grind your characters to the point were you can use it. Really stupid design choices for reclassing.

They are great with Killer Bows and the Hunter's Volley skill.

Certainly did a 180 on my Tobin's usefulness.

archers are really gay

>"One man's trash is another man's treasure." ~Todd Howard - Intelligent Systems Founder.

Not that I think you are wrong. Usually DLC that is just shitty cosmetics I don't bother with. DLC that gives you grind maps/money maps + extra classes I find is worth a few extra bucks. Even if I know it's a bullshit scam.

3ds iso does have em, thats where I got em from. Just look up fee under cias, one of the posts have em, I think by lycanroc or something

>3dsiso doesnt have them
Search harder. Theres a cia file that you install like a normal one.

How to pirate in freeshop? It gives me the trash icon to delete but when I press it it doesn't give me the option to download.

t. physical copy of the game

Best mage. Why is Sonia supposed to be the strongest mage in the when Delthea shits all over her?

Honestly, just the one with the 4 new characters, not out yet though.

Echoes' archers are overrated. They have huge range but suffer for it with mediocre growths. They're generally for picking off the enemy. They're like the ninjas of Echoes.

Welcome to Grind Emblem.

>3dsiso doesn't have them, as far as I'm aware. Did multiple searches.

You better be fucking blind.

Sonya is the only character who can learn Entrap, at least without DLC I believe.

They are both pretty great. Though I think Celica shits on both of them.

Echoes is the only Fire Emblem game where I have no problem with letting the game play itself with auto-battle. These desert chapters are tedious and fucking boring. Which retard thought these should've stayed in?

>beat the game a couple of weeks ago, enjoyed it a lot
>did one post game pirate battle
>haven't touched the game since

Because Sonya has high skill to accompany Excalibur and good speed with entrap access. She's also pretty strong. Crit machines are invaluable in Thabes and since Echoes is grind emblem Sonya will probably have a 10-11 range entrap by the time you take on Thabes