The xbox brand will be dead after this flop.
The xbox brand will be dead after this flop.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Selling a GTX 480 for 700 dollars
Scorpio will be successful but will also be a big fucking scam. Fucking normies
Sure are a lot of worried sony shills out today. Really makes you ponder.
It's not gonna flop.
its gonna teraflop
How do you know they're Sony and maybe not Nintendo, or PC?
>>Selling a GTX 480 for 700 dollars
Microshit is going to sell parts for the Scorpio at super fucking high markup prices, as it is targeting normies who think muh PC building is hard so they dont know how much something should cost.
yeah what are you talking about guvnuh
Fuck, you beat me to that.
I hope they get gangbanged by PC, PS4 and switch.
because STFU!
Every year you guys say someone's gonna flop.
But all these companies keep on trucking forward. Sup Forums accounts for probably less than 1% of the global videogame consumer market. Even if you are all as rational and frugal as you want, not everyone is going to be. Normies and retards are going to eat up Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo's shit pretty much forever.
Yeah, I'm sure this is the year Xbox dies
Following Sup Forums's logic Xbox has died 4 years in a row
I must be the only person on Sup Forums that's looking forward to the Scoprio reveal.
According to journalists, Nintendo has been doomed for 20 years.
*Also on Windows 10
Underrated post
for more than 100 yeras
Nintendo is making game consoles now! It'll never succeed.
To be fair, the PS3 did cause massive issues for Sony as a whole.
Then again, most of their other divisions are shit too.
>According to journalists, Nintendo
I've yet to see a journalist that's capable of pulling his mouth off of nintendo's dick for long enough to come up with any sort of criticism.
Now it's just
>nintendo released a new zelda and console! 10/10, nintendomination!
Hi Xbox bro, you are part of the xbox brand as well if you play on Windows 10.
Sites like Kotaku and N4G are always claiming Nintendo is close to death.
Not even reviewers, they're just shock publications that post outlandish shit to get views, and both praise nintendo as much as they say it's dying.
>only 3 hours until Sony, Nintendo and pcfags will be on suicide watch
I can already taste the tears
Boy, I sure would be pissed if I actually fell for buying a PS4Pro right now. Maybe even pissed enough to go on 4chines and whine about MSoft cockslapping Sony.
Why would a PC fag be bothered? I'm looking forward to Microsoft as a pcfag.
Considering 95% of pcfags are poorshits gaming on laptops, the Scorpio should hurt quite a bit
>PS3 is everything people wanted from PS4
>Had PS1/PS2 BC
>Played 1080p Blurays when the standared was still 240p
>Was just too expensive even though they were selling at a lost.
I mean it was even cheaper than a regular bluray player which were like $1000 back then.
Im gonna pre order my Scorpio today
I'm in it for Ori 2
so can I play my 360 games on Scorpio and get a gorillion fps?
Why would I be upset someone spent $500 on a box that cant keep up with my toaster laptop?
your toaster laptop doesn't run the equivalent of a 250 dollaroo card, bud
doesn't have hardware implementation of DX either
So the Scorpio is just gonna be a better version of the x1?
You mean 95% of PC owners and not 95% of people who play games on PC, right? Scorpio isn't going to do shit to people who only have a PC for normie shit like facebook. You can't count those people in any statistic related to games.
If you count the PC users who play games, like Steam users (which is a larger group than all console owners combined), the vast majority of them own a decent PC. Much better than console hardware.
There is literally more people who own a decent PC than who own an Xbone (or PS4, or both combined).
eta on reveal? that shit streamed on twitch?
much better version. makes the PS4Pro upgrade look like the fattest rip-off in the history of consoles
no I mean 95% of pc owners who play games, courtesy of steam hardware surveys
you fellas are gonna be gaming worse than console peasants in 3 months lmao
well at least you got the indie roguelikes those are amazing
Dont know how many times this needs to be explained to people. The new xbox will not be able to do 4K for current gen games if its price is less then 500.
Simple math tells us this fact.
Which one will be spewed more this Microsoft E3?
>TV / television
Place your bets now.
much more trustworthy sources than obese cheeto assassins have confirmed scorpio's capabilities
who the fuck asked you for an "explanation" on 4k anyways, they have confirmed allowing performance modes with lower res @ 1080
>they have confirmed allowing performance modes with lower res @ 1080
So not 4k
thats what the piss4pro does anyway
The Xbox One has a different kind of b/c. It's not embed on the console so it doesn't affect price
Wrong. Go look at steam hardware survey results again.
Over 75% of people own a decent GPU, better than any console you can buy. Over 70% own a decent GPU, again better than any console.
That means over 70-75% of steam users own a machine that is better than a console. Thing is, console hardware doesn't even compare to an 8 year old PC. When you look at a 5 year old PC all you see is shit, but it's still significantly more powerful than a console.
No it won't. Just like every other thread where a game company makes a decision that Sup Forums doesn't like, it'll do fine. Then everyone here will bitch and complain about it doing well and say "WELL IT'LL BE FINISHED NEXT TIME KEK"
the ps4pro "does" nothing
the scorpio blows it out of the water regarding specs, and is now obviously the platform for the best version of the multiplats on consoles, there literally is nothing else to talk about
shit your pants online as much as you want, they'll definitely have novelty games in 4k like sports/fighters/etc, and these are big genres with lots of fans
and everything else will run better than on other consoles, including 95% of sad pcgamers playing on LITERAL craptops
I called the Xbox brand dead after last year debuted Xbox Play Anywhere, where the fuck have you been?
> better than any console you "can buy"
but not better than the scorpio, right?
case closed :^)
And what makes you an authority you obese fat fuck?
We don't even know what hardware the Scorpio uses. How can we compare?
All Microsoft have told us is a bunch of buzzwords and marketing terms which mean very little in real world performance.
That being said, Microsoft claim 4k at 60FPS. You need a $1000+ PC to do this. You'll need a $1500+ console to do this.
How to spot a 13 year old
No they don't lol. The vast majority of pc gamers have a pc just about capable for csgo and dota2. Why does every other game die out within a month on pc and then you fags beg for crossplay?
Meaning if it's $500 they'll be selling at a massive loss and we already know the attach rate for xbox one is awful. This could sink the brand.
Go look at the steam hardware survey retard. The stats prove you wrong.
Aint my problem if you're going to ignore them.
Water cooler
Another industry buzz word. A GAME FULL OF WATER COOLER MOMENTS.
> we don't even know
lmao fuck off
digital foundry did a quick rundown almost 2 months ago
> 12gb ddr5-320 gb/s bandwidth
> 8core upclocked Jaguar
> 6 tflops on gpu
We know Microsoft are either bullshitting about what it's capable of, or it's going to be insanely expensive.
You literally cannot do the things Microsoft are claiming on cheap hardware. It's just not possible.
That means nothing dumb ass. It's marketing talk like the power of the cloud or power of cell or blast processing.
None of those stats actually mean anything.
Just did and the two most popular are the 750ti and 970. The scorpio is gonna blow them out of the water LOOL.
> 12gb ddr5-320 gb/s bandwidth
> 8core upclocked Jaguar
Absolute shit
> 6 tflops on gpu
Alright, i guess
Veredict: It's shit. the CPU brings the whole thing down. Forget about good AI, physics, or massive amounts of actors on screen.
you're fucking stupid
people who do benchmark tests don't throw "buzzwords", get the fuck off this board you underage imbecile
Unlikely. Unless Microsoft are selling the Scorpio at $1000+.
How about you go look at some real benchmark tests? Tell me where they mention tflops. I'm waiting.
>consoles can't consistently do 1080p 60 FPS
>trying to push the 4k meme
Why do they do this? Are consolefags just complete morons who fall for the fads of the year like 3D tvs, VR, and now 4k before they can reliably run anything at the resolution?
> the cpu brings the whole thing down
> ...Microsoft's engineers have effectively made a hardware implementation of DX12 integrated directly into the GPU command processor. Draw call instructions on the CPU that would typically require thousands of instructions are now reduced to just 11.
What about the GPUs core speed? Memory speed? Pipelines? Memory Bus Width?
These are actual important specs. Why haven't Microsoft released them?
>Why haven't Microsoft released them?
Because the thing hasn't even been officially announced yet?
But they can go around bragging about 6 TFLOPS like it's some sort of relevant spec?
stop googling terms you don't know what do with
the console was "teased" to known testers in the industry they have posted their verdict, which for sure means a fuckton more than yours
also, what you're talking about is released when the product is released, and before the release date those things are ALWAYS only teased
fuck off this board, kiddo
Ah yes. Lets just believe the gaming media who got access to something way earlier than everyone else. There is absolutely no way this is a marketing stunt by Microsoft. No sir no chance at all.
>no real world benchmarks, performance showcases or comparisions
Hmmm it seems to be all marketing speak, don't you think?
So are you going to point out a time when DigitalFoundry didn't release specs which ended up being confirmed?
"6 TFLOPS" isn't a spec. Educate yourself on what a FLOP is.
are you fucking stupid?
they were demoing 4k60fps games, it was classic console benchmarking
since you don't compare to other gpus running on same settings with FPS, you compare whatever the fuck else there is, BECAUSE MSoft are advertising 4k60
Now all you have is cuckpedaling from "muh useless benchmarks" to whatever the fuck else you were stuttering about.
Meanwhile everyone else can quickly think for himself and go add up the "specs" that would run 4k60 Forza6 at 500dollars, you absolute retard
You mean Microsoft showed off an approximation of what they expect a finished game to look and run like, but didn't show off an actual game. And a racing game no less, which can run on a fucking potato at 8k 144fps.
Keep cuckpedaling into a corner, the last time I had the exact same conversation the guy allegedly running Forza6 on ultra (like the DF demo), ended up doing so on 700dollar pc at LEAST, because he apparently "didn't know" how to post the dxdiag
Not to mention, weather was off (scorpio demo on), and you pretending racing games can't have high fidelity, is just classic bullshit from some sweaty craptop gamer, who thinks he's running racing games when he plays them on 800x600
xbome costs like 2k usd in my 3rd world shithole.
it still sells quite well.
burgers will readjust to the new pricing.
Scorpio "demo" wasn't even a game. It was a program Microsoft specifically made just to try and impress journalists they invited to a first look at their new console.
It's literally no different than a bullshot.
4K television?
>dumbfuck is basing this off a fucking image that's possibly photo edited and text without video evidence or hands on proof.
You're a special kind of stupid are you?
Oh they are going to ;)
> the city of pc+sonyvirgins
oh booy
> it was just a program!
I laughed
more like teraflop
>blow a 970 out of the water.
>there are actually people retarded enough to think a console will have graphics processing power equivalent or better than a 970.
>the console was "teased" to known testers in the industry they have posted their verdict, which for sure means a fuckton more than yours
>why would I listen to "facts" or "logic" when I can just believe whatever the "industry experts" tell me to believe XD