Thread #1 devolved into Sup Forums talk, so let's get comfy again!
Post your forts, your snacks, your are you getting comfy for three days of game advertisements?
Thread #1 devolved into Sup Forums talk, so let's get comfy again!
Post your forts, your snacks, your are you getting comfy for three days of game advertisements?
Other urls found in this thread:
Good link?
Old thread
>tfw too physically exhausted to make a fort
Just got gozinaki and borjomi as snacks, gettin comfy with the incoming cringe in 40 mins
Turning on the AC, it's damn hot here. Especially with all the blankets.
why would you build a pillowfort for E3?
Never mind, I'm going to go get my couch cushions right now.
Why/ Do you live with your parents?
Is there anything streaming tonight? Any conferences?
newfag get out
Microsoft, Bethesda, and Devolver Digital
microsoft and then bethesda I think
If you have a blanket, and a fan blowing into it to expand it the inside gets super cool after awhile.It might work with forts if set up a certain way.
Ok... Where should i stream them?
I hope STARFIELD is gud
the dude in the first thread inspired me
>3 flags
>flea market blankets
kill yourself
Thanks for having a the 2
>cant make a comfy fort because i'm at work
At least i'm the only one in the office and it's dead. Listening to lo-fi and waiting for someone to post a decent E3 stream.
/sg/ reportin in
>tfw cuddeling with my boyfriend while watching the e3
Why dont you have a husbando Sup Forums?
Comfybro reporting back in from Fautism 3.
Carmelita user is losing Yakuza Virginity in the blanket fort while I look for a good drinking game.
Was there a Sup Forums drinking game 2017 edition?
Just found out my future ex wife Taylor Swift is on Spotify now, so I'm jamming while I wait for the next conference
I can't make a fort, got any alternatives?
Ign, YouTube, twitch(?), and I think that some companies are having their own event in their pages. Also, if you are normal enough, spike TV is showing it too.
>waaaah no one was paying attention to me so I made my own thread, now every post is in some way replying to me
consider suicide
Sleeping bag
put a blanket over your head and computer monitor
Put some toilet paper over your dick and have a dickfort.
vidya4chan as every year
What time is the conference?
There was that one user that wanted to be comfy in VR, so I tried making something for him. Dunno how well it works.
How long until the next conference?
Oh no you don't you sick fucks, get a haircut, take a shower and get a job you useless slobs. None of you deserve to live.
It's 2 hours 15 mins till Microsoft, right?
Today Microsoft is 5 EST and Bethesda is at like fucking midnight.
Shit only americans would do
this pic
not OP, but I work monday-friday for best buy, so eat a dick.
Here's a better version
>I inspired someone to make another flag fort
Of course I forgot the file
You could always try using a cuck shed
>I am mad at how you spend your free time, you're having fun wrong!
How long until the next conference, and where to watch it?
W-What is that thing you post on?
I have a salaried position, never work nights or weekends, own a three story house in a great neighborhood, I''m pumped for E3, and there's nothing you can do about it, little bitch ass NEET.
GPD Win. Tiny pocket laptop.
OP here, I have 2 jobs and freelance wedding videos.
>he's a neet
WEW laddy lad
Is /sg/ still good? I tend to avoid Sup Forums these days because it's devolved into such a mess.
Fuck I want to make a fort so bad
That looks awesome.
I know what I'm gonna blow my next paycheck on.
Also, to stay on topic; I can't build a fort but would probably be snuggled into one every day if I had the means to.
bish, I make 6 figs. Stop projecting
Shall we take bets on when your cheap furniture finally cracks under the weight of your receiver?
This guy is wacky
At least 12
Someone please link the previous E3 fort thread, preferably a fireden Sup Forums thread link
If everyone is showing off their games 3 days before e3 what is going to be shown on e3? what the fug.
Come chill with us and watch E3 together with other Sup Forumsirgins in a comfy room
Link in pic
forgot pic
It's been 2 years, but sure let's give it 12 days.
come join us
E3 starts soon
currently watching random videos while waiting
No thanks ,I'm gonna go to the Reel Big Fish beer bash
that's a cute boy
>there is nothing gay about sucking dick
I immediately feel sick.
>tfw gf is at work until tomorrow
>got chinese food
>got some cold gatorade
>following this mess of a thread live
how are you guys doing it?
What would you say is the most graphically intense game you could play on it, even if it's just lowest settings?
Where's the stream that plays band geeks and movies between conferences instead of these shitty unfunny Youtube videos with emote spamming cancer chats
Russian here, if it's 11PM where I live, when does Microsoft's E3 conference start?
It starts in 1 hour 10 minutes or so.
Thanks, this will be really helpful.
Vids until stream is happening goys.
check it out
>Youtube Live at E3 with Geoff Keighley
>Presented by Totinos Pizza Rolls
this is adorable user
literally who
thanks doc
Can't even get comfy because im a eurofag and now have a full time job, so won't be able to watch tonight. Fucking sucks.
Rate my food
give me some
W-what do you need toothbrush for?
Who /ben&jerrys/ here?
this is perfect
fuck right off, muzzie dick sucker
You guys don't brush your teeth?
That looks like a comfy job desu.
Not near fucking food.
I had little time to cover myself, but I am ready for the E3!!
No fort, gonna finish up my finals for today while watching. Really looking forward to Bethesda's conference later though. Bioware's new IP seems dope too.
who the hell is this budget tim schafer