You're gonna spend your weekend watching trailers for videogames on the internet

>you're gonna spend your weekend watching trailers for videogames on the internet...

this is what your ancestors died for...

I know isn't that great

there is nothing better to do user, no places to discover, no civilization to enslave and subdue. it's all already done, and we can only sit complecently as drones in late stage capitalism

they died for me to choose what i want to do. shouldn't you be facing toward mecca to pray right about now eurobro?

My ancestors died so I can have sex with pure qts, but internet happened and they all turned into filthy whores. It's not fair.

Absolutely. They died so that one day we'd have an easy life with no obstacles. My children and their children's lives will be even more easy and carefree.

>your ancestors reproduced for many generations
>you're going to die a virgin

I'd prefer that to supervise children all weekend.

I won't have any children because I'm going to die a virgin.

Well you could always adopt or become a big brother to someone instead of being a bitch about it.

>Implying he's complaining about the fact of never having children

>tfw last in the line

that's the life

It is the superior choice.
Your ancestors kept perpetuating the misery circle of life, we will end it like it should have been.
There is not a single day that goes by without me wanting to die.

>implying fathering a child isn't the ultimate form of revenge

I just got home from cycling 40km. Beautiful wheather. And now I'm gonna enjoy all the 499 shitposting that is about to happen.

So he hates your shit and you perpetuate the circle of misery?
You sure show how misery loves company.
I am sure you can find a mediocre fat whale or emo bitch that has no self steem that will allow you to have trashy kids and your life will be much worse, so just do that then.
Then you can suicide once you are done to fuck the kid even more.

My ancestors died to improve my quality of life.
My quality of life is at the point where i don't have to worry about basic needs (food, water, shelter, etc.) like they did, and can instead focus on what makes me happy.
So what's your point, OP?

>you are the result of an unbroken lineage of successful mating partners that goes back to very origins of life
>that lineage ends with you

Im from a poor family in a third world country and my last name means nothing. My ancestors sure as hell didnt die for me.

Thank you ancestors!

Hello my brother
I'll end it since it is pointless to keep fighting, we will always be poor.

>To late to live a life during the time of total superstition and highlight of religion filled with ancient mythologies, and religious movements like the Abrahamic religions and Buddhism.
>To late to experience the highlights of philosophical discussions that was happening all over the Hellenistic period.
>To late to experience the Roman might sweeping across the Mediterranean.
>To late to experience Humanism
>To late to explore the forgotten regions of this planet for the first time.
>To late to experience the highlight of the west during the Baroque and Classical period.
>To late to experience huge breakthroughs in science from the scientific/evolution revolution.
>To late to experience Napoleon, start of Egyptomania, and the era there after called the Romance period with Industrial era thinkers and musicians like Chopin.
>To late to experience the greatest political highlight era of our history as a species with the ism movement, and world wars.
>Live in an era where we have the internet, but humanity mostly uses it for self-entitlement and entertainment like playing goddamn vidya, blogs, sharing cat videos, anime, and watching TV series.
>Live in an era of total corporate greediness, and total government control and scum fuckery. We might not see the era of humanity where the world comes together and moves among the cosmos in the best interest of "FUCK YEAH HUMANITY" sake.
>Live in an era where we get to witness the most effeminate types of men in the history of this entire planet, and the most laziest of men filled with manchildren and anime-niggers in the history of this entire planet.
>We're literally one of the cuck generations that is supposed to be the forefront for future generations to experience the wondrous shit we can only dream of. Everything even our understanding of space is all speculative and could be false and we might never know what is true.
>Live in an era where the west kills itself with ISLAM.

This era of humanity is so shit.

>can't even distinguish between 'to' and 'too'

yeah this era is shit because of people like you

You are telling him he is making the world shit just for a stupid meanningless typo? Get real, kid.
>BUT Sup Forums
If everything is a joke then you are the biggest one.

Islam is the truth

Suuure user.
You think you can outsmart anyone after all that atrocious grammar?

Laffin at you

I agree! Deus Vult my brother! Stave back the hordes of mud people and libturds!

Shadilay and praise Kek!!!!


>praise kek
Fuck your stupid satanic false egyptian gods

>>Live in an era where we get to witness the most effeminate types of men in the history of this planet
wrong, men from pretty much every culture pre-1900 would be considered effiminate in present-day USA even if it's just by virtue of men touching each other platonically being much more accepted throughout history than it is now. America really ruined it all by branding any male contact as gay.

What are you talking about?

You could be reading books, learning a language, travel, study physics/math/engineering/history/... , learn how to draw/paint/make music/make games... , do sports...

There is so much to do and now you have more support than ever. If anything there is not nearly enough time to discover all life has to offer in a lifetime.

>Yes, bad goy, worship YHVH the war god of israel everything else is false

Keep swallowing that bluepill, kikecuck.

Which is why NEET life is so fucking superior in every conceivable way.

Well...yes. They died so we can have easy lives. All of evolution has led to this point.

>Just in time for 21st Century Crusade.

He is right
Why bother cultivating yourself unless that's what you like? you should do whatever the fuck you like. If you like to fucking shitpost, do that.
Why care about anything else but what gives you most fun and satisfaction? You can die at any moment and you will still die in the end so do what you like.



>you were the sperm that survived

anyone else have survivors guilt?

>evolution led to degradation
Really makes thou think.

You can't escape God's will and He already wrote that you would use the frog and your false gods to fool humanity and then destroy you all
You can only rage impotently because what He predicted is law and you can't do shit about it, fool.

I'm going to be playing Need for Speed games instead and slowly gathering the courage to kms

Just like predicted

How different are one load's individual sperms from each other, genetically speaking?

You callin' us sperm, user?

>White men being cuckolded into literally worshiping a jewish deity

Have fun with that. Your ancestors spit on you.

inshallah brother

i literally cannot be an astronaut so what the fuck is the point

I am on the winning side. I am sure all the good people that will inherit Earth along with me will be all I need, when the true God finally cleanses this land from all of the scum you belong to.

Have you ever seen a brothers and sisters etc?

That different. You fucking ape.

Keep believing that, jewslave. Your degenerate kike bullshit will be cleansed from Europe and the white man will one day be free from your unholy foreign taint.

Damn straight!

Yeah but HOW different are they?

And I'm not talking about two random sperms from the same seeder, but two sperms that swim together, are of the same load


Yeah sure
Come and kill us
Remember that He revived himself
And He will revive us all anyway
All the damage and destruction you cause He can easily undo at anytime.

>I was the strongest one
Jesus imagine what a bunch of losers those other guys were.

i agree with you 100%

Live in an era where chances of surviving childbirth and childhood are extremely high.
Live in an era when I don't automatically die of a fucking flu.
Live in an era & area where my greatest challenge is goddamn boredom.


You were just lucky to be in the right place at the right time

Atleast we have all the anime, vidya and drugs we can consume amirite?

The false god of the deceptive kikes is not real.

Only the true Gods of Europa exist, and race traitors like yourself will not dwell in the world to come.

You should have stayed true and loyal to your race and ancestors, instead of bowing to the faith of the brown, desert enemy.

But it's already too late for you.

He is saying that we have it easy and all but we "waste" all that potential on meaningless shit.

No user. Only the strongest survived.

I am not even jewish, I am mexican.
I just believe in the miracles I have been blessed with.
Have fun being in the wrong.
We already won this.


I see what you are saying. However, pic related.

I didn't ask to be born

Who gives a shit. I'm having fun. And it's not like I'm ruining my life over it.

Good job user. How long did it take you?
When i try to bike for excersize i try and do 50 to 45 mins, 20km on my shitty girl bike. Doing 45min is still challenging though.
Or was it just a nice cruise.

Keep telling yourself that


Oh so you are literally a sub human non white. That explains your degenerate choice in religion then.

Enjoy being a lesser human.



same here

Ok Sup Forums
Just remember, we have already won this.

>the user spouting autistic religious bullshit and getting triggered by shitposting and hates Sup Forums is a bean nigger


>another weekend spent shitposting and playing videogames whilst watching EAs E3

>tfw watching all your sperm bros die due to the acidic nature of pussy
>you finally reach the last line of defense and the egg starts throwing stone at you


>my anscestors died so that I could go fight the wars they fought thinking their legacy wouldn't have to

I'm definitly thankful for them, but shit, all branches end somewhere.

I've already won by not being a smelly border jumper with ten IQ.

I tried being a normie user but I am simply incapable. My gf is most likely gonna dump me today and I wont recover from it. I will never fucking be able to leave this place, I have accepted it now this is my destiny.

i just want to see the new dmc. im not watching anything else at e3

Jesus whitey are you even trying
us superior hispanics are taking over as the supreme race

like pottery

No it's all the first swimmers who broke shit down so you could get to the egg. You were the MC, the hero who had to get to the final giant egg boss. All the other sperm was Aragorn outside the gates, your sperm was Sam.

> my gf
dont worry user you are already a normalfag

>said the faggot american superiority race while posting from his stinky basement and eating his hamburger and coca cola when he could be thrown into the street at anytime thanks to his massive debt

>mfw this literally happens hundreds of thousands of times, if not millions of times a day

I'm not advocating suicide or anything, but with seven and a half billion people on the planet, lineage don't mean shit anymore. The only legacy worth passing on is a better tomorrow and we are flushing that down the toilet every day. To bring a child into the world now is to set them up for a dystopia.

jajaja la raza ese


the only reason I have a gf is literally because I look good and became /fit/ because I had nothing better to do with my life. in my head I am the same retard I will always be and no matter how many lies I tell I will never belong to them user. It is over for me.

>ITT: smelly pedro gets bootyblasted by a kekistani, a euro pagan and two other Sup Forums shitposters and his only retort is how his mexican cohorts breed like a roach plague

E3 is the best time of year.

youre not a redditor are you user?

Holy shit I literally declined going over to a girls house for "movie" night cuz I wanted to see the Microsoft conferance with Sup Forums and then I see this thread.
wtf mang

I don't get into that shit I was just referencing the guy who was posting it.

>You are mad because I say so
Yeah when I laugh at you thinking I am foaming from my mouth it sure is great.

just b urself

my ancestors were a bunch of retarded goat herders. they'd be jelly as fuck knowing I get paid to sit in a chair all day in front of a magic box.


fuckin a