If you suddenly had to pay for all video games you pirated in your life, would you be able to?
If you suddenly had to pay for all video games you pirated in your life, would you be able to?
Yes, because I've never pirated a video game before.
Definitely not.
It'd be well over 500 dollars.
Absolutely not, especially with the vast library of ROMs i have for emulating
of course, i could just pirate the money lmao
lol no
it probably wouldn't even be that much at this point, but I'm broke as a joke
sure. i could pay right now easily. but i wont.
It would probably come to about $200 these days so yes easily.
It would be more money than currently exists in the world.
Yeah but I wouldn't do it. I pirated so much shit just to see if I'm interested like witcher 3. I pirated that last year still never even installed it. The very few games I have pirated and beat I already bought.
I usually pirate shit like black and white 2 though. Where am I supposed yo buy that? It didn't even work on my machine anyways.
Id be forced to pay $0
I only use PC for Valve and Blizzard games and you cant pirate multiplayer games and use their servers
it'll be thousand of dollars and i am already 30k$ in debt.
Nope, the only authentic game i have ever Bought is csgo which i only played for 10 hours. All the other games in my steam account are gifted to me or promos, but its impossible tho i mostly delete all of the big games i pirate aftee playing and most of the games i have pirated are roms
Depends if it includes pirating games I've owned.
What if I purchased the games I pirated afterward already?
I only pirate to try the game and then I buy it afterward if its good. Thankfully I have excellent taste in video games and have always ended up paying for my games
this is what you fags sound like
I often pirated games and just never played them so Idunno.
easily over 1,000 dolars in Japanese ero games and their DLC that I've pirated over the years though.
I could pay it because I'm a wagecuck
>All these obedient goyim
I'm not sure if $50k would be enough for me.
>Ten years of pirated games
Probably just barely. But I'd be out like 60 grand.
Would probably cost me like 800$ just because of 3DS homebrewing.
The thing is that so many games I pirated I ended up hating and dropping after an hour or two. The whole reason why I pirated them in the first place was because I was kind of interested but wasn't convinced I wanted to dump money into them.
Which price? release price? or actual discounted years after release price?
I usually pirate games way after release so I might just be able to.
At R.R.P.?
Probably not.
At a deserved/ deflated price in relativity to time since release and now?
I think I could handle that.
Fuck no, and I can count the number of games I've pirated that I consider worthy of their $60 asking price on both hands.
Most games are only fun for a few minutes or hours, with huge periods of timewasting filler making up most of the games playtime.
Probably tens of thousands of dollars.
i only pirate visual novels so probably
The ones I pirated and played? Yes, I can probably count them on my hands.
The ones I pirated but never touched? Hell no. That'd easily go up into the tens of thousands.
not a chance
12 years worth of pirating would amount to a lot
If I had to pay for all the pirated games I've beaten, yea.
If I had to pay for all the pirated game ever, no way.
I already own most of the ones I've beaten.
I don't think so, there's just too many.
Considering i've only pirated two game and one of them i now own, i'd say yes.
>If you suddenly had to pay for all video games you pirated in your life, would you be able to?- 27 posts and 3 image replies shown.
Excluding the game I pirated AND then bought?
Even if I had to "even" the difference between the price of the game between when I pirated and when I bought: Yes. I think I could do that. But it would probably burn deep into my savings - in fact it may be majority of them. I would be pretty damn pissed too, because most of the games I pirated and never bought, I played for a couple hours most before deleting them because they were either just flat out bad, or just not something I enjoy. I pirate to try shit out. When I don't buy it afterwards, it means almost exclusively that I did not like it.