In philosophy

>In philosophy
>Professor asks me about the concept of evil
>Put on the spot, start panicking but remember a certain quote from Witcher 3
>"Evil is Evil. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degreee is arbitary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another… I’d rather not choose at all"
>Professor looks stunned, class gives me a round of applause

Anyone else had video games help them in real life?

Other urls found in this thread:

and then everyone clapped

>this thread again

That's a great story, OP. Now how about you tell us what REALLY happened?

>in philosophy
>professor asks the whole class about the concept of evil
>everybody talks about evil being subjective, that evil doesn't really exist and how everything has shades of grey like Game of Thrones
>I stand up in slow motion as I tip my fedora
>I tell the professor quotes from The Witcher 3 and how badass Geralt is because he has white hair like Julian Assange
>the whole class is silent
>an awkward clap eventually covers the room and one guy pats me on the back for trying
>professor yells and calls me a fucking retard
>I sit back down on my wheelchair and get pushed to the retard class

Evil absolutely exists. I define it as an act that does nothing to better anyone's life, including your own.

Karma's simple nature; act in ways that are deemed "evil" you are more likely to draw in negative energy and wind up dead yourself. People who behave in evil ways are only hurting themselves in the end, considering love and affection are universal "wants" and could be considered "good." "Evil", even in the smallest action, only serve to drive those things away.

>I define evil as an act that does nothing to better anyone's life
But what if you end up bettering a life of a person who later turns out to be a psychopath and kills dozens of people?

Same thing happened to me.

Except I said, "ITSA ME, MARIO!", and the class was cheering at the top of their lungs.

The professor killed himself later that day for being upstaged by a plumber.

That's the yin and yang aspect of it, I guess. Asians know what's up.

>Asians know whats up
>created anime


>killing someone to better your own life is not evil
>just sitting there is evil
your definition sucks.

> not choosing lesser evil
Fucking centrist pussy ass faggot.

I was in English class and we were figuring out what the definition of the word "protean" was. I remembered the Protheans were a hyper-advanced race so I suggested it was a synonym for smart.

Was kinda close.

I got you guys

>and then I woke up

It's a morally grey situations. There are blacks and whites, but they are on such small little micro-actions that the whole picture appears grey.

LSD did this to me. I can't NOT see it this way, now.

>not choosing the greater evil

sorry then.
your drug induced definition sucks.

>I define it as an act that does nothing to better anyone's life, including your own.

That is a fucking retarded definition of evil. You're an idiot.

Explain why.


Nice copypasta my friend. Too bad all those newfag never saw it and can't bust you fast enough.

Seriously, the redditor in this site.. why don't they go back? this site is already dead! stop beating it!

>There are blacks and whites


How is it in any way a good thing, then, retard? Self-destructiveness/destructiveness is evil because it betters no one.

What situation would that be happening in?

>Not just dropping the red pill and naming the kikes by their names
Weak piece if fuck.

I used to think like you.

*tips fedora*

>someone never did a gangrel run in VtMB

>"This guy has stuff that will better my life, i should kill him and take it."
>"This is not an evil act, since i bettered someones life, my own."

>"I am just gonna sit in this chair and do nothing."
>"This is an evil act, since nobodys life was made better."


*tips schnitzel*

People who do that shit tend to get killed themselves in the end. Killing purely for resources and not survival is pretty evil, even if your intentions are good.

>LSD did this to me
This is why you should stay off the damn drugs, son.

They literally turn you into a fucking retard.

This is now a schnitzel thread

There's no such thing as evil, morality is a social construct

lol ok.
It's based on survival more than anything. LSD puts you in a primal state and things become very clear to yourself as an animal.

>Killing purely for resources and not survival is pretty evil
not according to your definition it's not.

LSD is a man made chemical that throws your brain out of whack. It's about the farthest from a natural state you can be.

"Evil" is really just fear lashing out. I realized on acid there are only two human emotions: Fear and Love. All other emotions are knockoffs/combinations of those.
If you get killed for it it doesn't sound like it really bettered your life. Just sounds like you were being greedy and you'll probably now have to worry about all the issues that come with killing someone. People seek love above all else. use that as as your definition of "good" or "better".

I met the personification of "evil" on acid. Looked like Satan, but he was incapable of telling me who he was since he could only lie. He would only ever say "Who do you think I am?"


I killed all the people that want me dead, basically all the people the first guy knew. Now i have free stuff without consequence.
I am a saint.

Well, you know, i don't think it is. Since the dawn of time, murder in community has been frowned upon by humanity. So it means that murder was never accepted, and so it is not a social construct but something deep in the human mind that tell him not to kill his fellow human.

You do realize that drug induced hallucinations are not real?

You sound like a fucking pussy. GTFO philosofag.

don't call him a philosofag for saying absolute nonsense.
that would be a compliment, really.

Everythign you experience is thanks to chemicals in your brain. Your "reality" is only what your human brain allows you to see. Some microscopic animals can experience molecules, for example, but as humans we don't see molecules because there is no natural reason for us to. Acid connects parts of your brain that usually don't interact. I tripped with my brother and very clearly shared hallucinations with him without having to say anything. We both saw it. Don't talk unless you have experience. That simple.

Glorious arguments on Sup Forums, as usual.

>playing worst clan
Let me guess, you even sided with Jack?

Good and evil are subjective.

Mo money mo problems, retard.

good and evil are fake and gay. In that order.

I guess human emotions are, too, then. I objectively experience my own emotions, or do those not count, you atheist fucktard?

Not even a believer, just hate these fedora faggots.

>Was kinda close
No you stupid faggot, you weren't.
If you've read the Odyssey you would have known. Get out.

>I subjectively define it as X so therefore it exists

great job user, you did it!

>this is what addicts actually believe

So if I shoot you in the face, that's only subjectively evil, even though it inevitably leads my life down a darker path and ends you?


Get off the board, kid. I've done it 5 times over the course of 2 years.

That's such a meaningless statement though. Peeps downplaying social constructs like they play no tangible part in our lives.


Subjectivism isn't objective.

What makes it objectively evil? Is a jackal stealing a cheetah's kill evil? Is the spider catching a fly evil? It's merely the indifference of nature, of which you are a part. Kill or be killed.

So, we come back to the yin and yang symbolism. It`s not simply good OR evil, but there are both objectively good and evil aspects to the act itself.

What? Do you at least know what subjective means you dumb nigger?

>not knowing the definition from the ability in pokemon
apply yourself

The words are triggers, I know. How about creation and destruction, then? Light and dark? Night and day? It's literally what every story is based on. So, yeah, humans are more aware of it than spiders and cheetahs, but like it or not, good and evil exist. You are right that they are two sides of the same coin, however.

dude just open your mind man... all you have to do is take tons of mind altering drugs duuuuuude

More non arguments from kids on Sup Forums.


Objective morality doesn't exist. All of human experience is subjective.

Says you.

That was possibly the most embarrassing thing i've ever read in my life. Stick your hand into a blender,user.

>being this new

*Blaviken butching intensifies*

In the books he actually learns that this ideology is flawed because the world itself refuses to let him be neutral forever, and how its all fate anyway and just ends up doing whatever he wants.

So killing for personal benefit is ok?