Meanwhile in early 2000's Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>max payne 2
Traps are gay.
>Remedycucks still in denial
Games keep massively improving with graphics and innovative gameplay. It's all uphill from here!
What's a trap?
I get your point, but you do know that rockstar had a hand in MP2 and is pretty much the only reason the game actually got finished, right?
Grand Theft Auto III is one of the best video games ever made.
who the fuck is this darth clark guy? seems like an asshole. fuck him
Imagine a different timeline or universe in which people are denial about this? I can't.
I miss snarky GI.
>Published first game
>Publishes the second
You act like they're going to take complete control in Max Payne 3 and turn him into John Rambo or something. Relax.
RIP Dreamcast
What went wrong? What went SO WRONG?
Xenosaga 2 looks promising hope it delivers and it's not a half assed RPG.
The future looks so bright, just imagine the possibilities with better technology.
Those magazines had some serious fap material for a kid.
Speaking of RPG's have you heard SquareSoft is merging into SquareEnix? Seems pretty promising and is going to immensely help the FF series now that they have a bigger financial budget. I can't wait!
who hyped here
Have you heard about this new game called Far Cry? The graphics are INSANE! it's going to kill HL2 and DOOM3. Bow down to your turkmen overlords.
It better be, they have 4 more to go after, but I'll be honest, the first one draggged and I hate the new look. Episodic gaming seems great though, so we'll see.
>Game Informer
>Owned by Gamestop
>THUG2 gets 9.75
Literally who?
I believe I fapped to exactly two things on a vidya magazine. One was Christie from Tekken 4, one was a random, uncredited medieval fantasy art with a wet elf archer with visible nipples.
>inb4 shit taste
Fable looks promising! You see that mountain!? You can fucking go there!
Isn't that made by Ubisoft? If so it's gon' be good considering they have such a succesful track record with AA games and being a pretty redpilled company. Truly a studio that will test time
redpilled? You sound silly user.
Man Deus Ex 2 will be fucking awesome.
>he hasn't rented the matrix while also getting some of their uber popcorn
I can't wait man! You see the intro yet? Saw it on one of my gamepro DVD's I took from the magazine at my local market.
>I talk like I'm in a silly computer program simulation
I weep for the future.
I'm so glad we're finally done with outdated 2D platform games.
Fucking Metroidfags, why they don`t accept the franchise is over
>that music
>the artistic atmosphere
>the platforming and FUN
How does Sony and Xbox ever hope to top this masterpiece?
Omg, how will Westwood babies ever recover?
>tfw you've already 10+ hrs just on the demo
This some new video streaming thing?
Next year people born in 2000 will be 18.
Taff. Win98 has a memory leak when trying to play Thief fan missions. I have to save every 30 minutes and restart the computer to continue playing.
P.S Thief 3 is going to have moving shadows. How can Metal Gear even compete?
can't wait for Duke Nukem Forever to come out should be any time now
demo is the best part of the game.
You don't play as snake.
no young user. back then it was simply called gay.
>he still hasn't upgraded to XP
Shit user getting rid of ME was the best decision of my life.
enjoy your bugs. 98 4 life!
Man I can't wait to play shrek.
Just hold on to your receipt it'l come out soon.
I'm from the future. Know that Sup Forums is gonna turn shit, Trumps president, Russia will invade balts and brits reinstated state religion.
>celebrity apprentice president
Never ever.
>Trumps president
That idiot from the apprentice?
Okay there, Mr. John Titor wannabe.
Rayne is hot! HOT!
can you mass media addicted manchildren actually stop whining about trump for a minute? fuck sake
Lol you must be crazy user. how can a businessman become president? You need to study politic to become politician in the first place.
I'm gonna need a Quad 2 to run this bad boy!
look at the thread you're at you retarded fuck.
>He doesn't like THUG2
And than there's this faggot
>Sup Forums in charge of reading
This must be why you use infographics instead of multisyllabic words.
And then there's this faggot.
Ati and Nvidia children step aside, the Voodoo 5 6000 will wipe the floor with you once again when it is released.
My dad works for 3dx and says that they are working on project "Rampage" and "Napalm". In the future there will be only one video card manufacturer and that is 3dfx, just you wait and see.
Nearly half the country elected an illiterate reality tv star, I think the other half is entitled to bitch a little.
Also, this is an early 2000's thread.
I can't wait to see my friends again at school today
I'm sure we'll be friends forever and my mother will never get dementia and cancer
Childhood is so great that you can't just believe how good everything is.
The next few years are going to be so intense, consoles and video games will dominate the entertainment industry. Everybody will be rich, able to make games and play on supercomputers.
As long as some american dudes in suit don't accidentally crash the economy, our generation is safe. Right?
These troll posts get so boring
battlefield 1942 and driver 2 gameplay footage back to back
that brought me back
I don't know how to use a computer very good. Do you guys like Battlefield 1942?
i don't see how a early 2000 thread must have anti trump shit, go on reddit to dump your fucking propaganda
Shit. The sequel to Return to Castle Wolfenstein got scrapped. I was really excited for it, especially the multiplayer.
Oh shit I remember this ad from a Superman comic book I got out in Florida, was the game any good?
Saw this one in a Tips & Tricks magazine, back when cheat codes where a thing.
Why is it literally impossible to aim properly in Max Payne 2? I'm glad that console FPS's will never be a thing.