Ask a guy waiting in line to see the Xbox media briefing anything.
Ask a guy waiting in line to see the Xbox media briefing anything
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have you ever sucked your own dick
My view from the ground.
I'm sitting on a tripod camping stool.
Are you exited to pay 500 dollars for the base version of a system they will sell the full version of at fuck high markup prices?
can you get a better pic of the girl
Hit on that qt milf in front of you.
Are you there because you are hoping it will be another TVTVTV or are you just wasting your life?
No, but not for the lack of trying
What do you think the chances of a Metal Wolf Chaos announcement are?
how much they pay?
Grab that her buttcheeks
Women like it when you cross the line
how the fuck can you legitimately be excited for anything xbox related? are you that much of a retarded sheep normie? all its games are multiplats on better systems or pc anyway
What's going on around you
are you one of those people they paid to cheer in the crowd
Is there free food/ drinks
Would you let young stalin fuck your mouth?
I go to all the conferences. I did EA yesterday. Will do Sony and Ubi tomorrow
MS is usually the best organized and most comfortable, but sony has the best food and drinks
I really miss Nintendo though. Still wish they did a conference
I totally would
Does it hurt when a penis goes inside your rectum?
How do you feel about the current geopolitical situation?
Almost everyone is speaking a non English language. Lots of foreign press
An obscure game that was never released in the states? Slim to none. If kill for a Trump mod
Will you be yelling and clapping like a retard when Phill says something?
Yell alahu akbar
Why do you hate yourself?
are you as hyped as we are?
What do you think of Phil Spencer?
Not with that Jew nose.
It's too bad Nitnedo won't stand on the stage for 1 and half hours and show nothing, instead of 25 straight minutes of games.
Already got my first freebie
should I buy some beers?
Based leader who Xbox desperately need from the start.
He's actually a really decent guy whose done great things to turn the brand around
>influence coins
Why even bother? You can just watch it from the comfort of your own home.
Wait, that guy in the green hat.
Would you be willing to clap and holler only when nobody else is?
>Paid 400 dollars for chuck-e-cheese tokens and a cringy, loud press conference
N-no thanks user
This. You can watch it in 4k on mixer, then again nobody is gonna do that. Fuck you guys, I'm not gonna take advantage of it.
This guy is crowding my safe space
It's better to be disappointed in a theater with 100's of other people.
Don't you want the disappointment of seeing yet again no Banjo?
try to flirt with the girl
But Trump's a fucking limp wristed faggot, especially compared to the man among men that is President Wilson.
Hit Leur hat nichtz falsh ge magt
German for xbone rules
get that Djou away
>my safe space
You're a gigantic fucking pussy tumblr faggot
Who would've guessed? Kill yourself in front of everyone
Get over it, dude. There are a ton of guys that don't play jrpgs and don't want to use a fucking desktop computer to play video games. Most Xbox guys I know own a PS4 too. Poorfags need not apply.
There is major security here. Bomb sniffing dogs, etc
They even had the dogs sniff my camera bag
Yell that the xbox conference is the bomb, just yell it really fucking loud.
This E3? None.
But it's definitely coming. Look at the support it got here
Sneakers Mexicans wear
I usually attend the show with my friend from Austria but he's running late at his hotel
The joke > you
Potential happening tonite?
>this is xbox scor---
>allahu akbar
Don't you need some press pass or some bullshit to even attend?
Is it easy to get laid with desperate gamung gurlz
>reddit spacing
>guy is obviously trying to be funny
>kill yourself you fucking SJW fuck you holy fuck
Jesus Christ, E3 AND summer really does a number on this place
How often do you think about killing yourself?
Talk to the girl
Yes. Although there's lots of VIP retail here too
I've been doing E3 since 1998. So I've seen every Xbox system debut at this show
>Hank Scorpio comes out with a flame thrower
>it ain't me starts playing
>>reddit spacing
lol did you just make that up? pathetic fuck
People has been properly formatting their posts since the beginning of this fucking site, you retarded newfag. Stop forcing that stupid meme
What's the easiest way to bullshit press credentials to get into the Press Conference/E3 proper as a normie?
>two people assuring me for disliking "proper formatting"
Are you a journalist?
If yes, did they pay you + give you some fancy food?
If no, then what are you expecting except the Scorpio of course?
Do you like dudes
>they actually had public passes this year
>$250 a ticket and they're sold out anyways
No one usually pays to go to this stuff.
Although I'll tell you a secret, this year the expo was forced to sell 15,000 tickets to the public to make up for lost revenue from big company drop outs.
Last year Disney, Activision, War Gaming, EA and a number of other exhibitors dropped out of the show
yeah, your fired
You need a website and not a blog. You generally need about 10k monthly in unique IP traffic
Follow all the companies social media. Make your name known with them because they do all the invite
When you do your first e3 you'll get a badge with a bar code on it. Have it scanned by as many booths as possible. This will get you in the system and help you get in next year
Just got moved. Looks like we might be heading inside. If I disappear I'll check back once I get seated
Are you going to shout any memes?
how's the weather?
Become legend, yell pepe.
yell pepe. thatll get em
>yell Pepe
If there is an appropriate moment, and I think people will hear me. I will
u gonna be near the front?
What stream are we going to watch?
>You need a website and not a blog.
What's your site?
Definitely. I'm within the first 100 people in line
Also I just heard a woman scream at the back of the line.
>Also I just heard a woman scream at the back of the line.
About what? Is some shitty rapper there?
It's not Stalin, he doesn't have that nice face's skin
it is hes just wearing tons of fucking make-up because of /burntface/
I'm actually VIP retail now. I started doing this show as press. Now I write a guide for product buyers that recommends various items to other buyers. It's sorta like a cheat sheet for the retail crowd
I can tell you that Scorpio pre orders will most likely happen today and they expect large consumer demand
Back in the day I worked for a site called NintendoNow.
>and they expect large consumer demand
Why? They better show some games
Yeah I don't like it either bud but what do you expect this time of year
You underestimate soviet's Photoshop
Is that LAX?
People love new hardware. It's like yearly iPhone refresh.
No we're at the Galen Center near the USC campus
Why the fuck wouldn't you use a tripcode? how retarded are you?
The photos are proof enough probably
I thought trip code users were hated?
Tripcodes exists for a reason, this is one of them.