*blocks your path and forces you to talk about the greatest rpg of all time*
Well? You HAVE played the greatest rpg of ALL TIME haven't you??
*blocks your path and forces you to talk about the greatest rpg of all time*
Well? You HAVE played the greatest rpg of ALL TIME haven't you??
Of course, It's the Elder Scrolls Online™ with the new Morrowind™ expansion. Now stand back before I have to arrest you.
Completely agree Sir
What game?
Gothic 2 is the best RPG ever created in the history of mankind
What makes it so good in your opinion? I hated the combat in Gothic 2. I actually liked Oblivion's combat
Dragon Age: Origins > KOTOR > NeverWinter Nights > Never Winter nights 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Gothic 2 > Gothic 2 > shit > Gothic 3
Isn't that the game where you can finish in a few minutes?
>I hated the combat in Gothic 2. I actually liked Oblivion's combat
Go away Todd
My favorite RPG is Dragon's Dogma. Yeah it doesn't really have much actual role-playing, but I never gave a shit about that for the genre and jut preferred the gameplay.
>I actually liked Oblivion's combat
What is actually wrong with you?
You silly people must have never played PlaneScape Torment
So you like action games, not RPG's
But I'm serious. It was simple but worked fine. What was wrong with it? I also liked Skyrim I couldn't get into Gothic 2's combat. fuck that shit
Well it's straightforward if that's what you mean.
Past level 20 everything is just a HP sponge and you just spam lmb
Gothic 2 you can take out anyone at level 1 if you're good enough.
>Gothic 2 > Gothic 2
Come on. I love Gothic 2 but it's not so good that it tops Gothic 2 as the greatest RPG ever.
Wrong. Gothic 2 improves upon Gothic 2 in every way. Have you even played the greatest RPG of all time, or are you just pretending? lol
but gameinformer told me Skyrim was the greatest rpg of all time
gothics combat takes the perfect amount of influence from your stats, game knowledge, and player skill. enemies are all very pattern based so even if you stats arent all there you still notice yourself improving as you learn their pattern more. becoming more proficient with a weapon also adds to this as you become capable of doing longer attacks. A variety of enemies as well as the constant evolution of your proficiencies allow keep encounters fresh throughout the game. Rhythm-based hits adds skill and nuance to the system and further enhances the feeling of progression when you up your proficiency level.
another important thing is the sense of danger. because everything can kill you easily at first level, you become more willing to actually pay the bribes to avoid getting beat up and you learn to not just rush straight into every encounter. combat feels like an actual threat and this allows the world to be more than a series of xp nodes
You're pretty good
But I still like KOTOR II more
Gothic was fun until you were just running back and forth between all the camps. I still have to finish it some time, I think I was exploring a castle full of harpies for some quest when I stopped. What makes Gothic 2 so much better than 1?
I've played the fuck out of it and in no way is Gothic 2 better than Gothic 2. They are equal at best and at worst Gothic 2 is simply an inferior version of Gothic 2.
For example, in Gothic 2 you have an extremely detailed open world and varied quests with multiple outcomes.
But in Gothic 2 you are stuck with the nameless male protagonist with a preset voice and everything.
Gothic 2 had a beautiful world with high resolution textures and people that animate what they're doing, blacksmiths working the forge etc.
But Gothic 2 shit all over that with its low poly models, not even bothering to give people fingers, and terrible english voice acting.
Gothic 2 and Gothic 2 each have their respective strengths and weaknesses, but it is insane to suggest that Gothic 2 improved upon Gothic 2 in every way. I can even understand you personally preferring Gothic 2, but if you look at it objectively then Gothic 2 is simply a much better game.
Is gothic turn-based like Fallout 2 or real-time? Something like Dragon Age Origins?
Action RPG, so it's not like either of those. It's all real-time.
Cool, would you recommend it to someone who likes Oblivion/Skyrim?
It's $2 on GOG atm
RPGs that make you play with a party and aren't turn based are shit, kys.
>so much effort for a shitpost
i like your commitment
Yes. Word of warning though, the controls are a little whacky and take some time to get used to. The games don't have level scaling either so if you go somewhere too early you WILL get your ass beat.
definitely. You'd spend $2 on absolute shit why not buy the greatest rpg of all time?
Yes I'm playing Morrowind right now. Best RPG I have ever touched.
Morrowind is certainly worthy, but what about RPGs you haven't touched?
Hope you die in a pool of hot cum, faggot.
Not an argument.
Thx for replies
I'll go ahead and buy it