Japan suddenly sucks at fighting games

>Japan suddenly sucks at fighting games

What went wrong?

Tekken is great, faggot. NRS games are absolute shit. The only good wesyern fighting game is Killer Instinct.

fighting games inherently suck

The playerbase or the games themselves? Also, who is making better fighting games? Certainly not the west or Korea.

Watching videos of the new Tekken, it honestly just looks like Dead or Alive. Juggling is drastically reduced, characters fall to the ground quickly and smaller combos. Note, this isn't a bad thing. I've always preferred Dead or Alive. I just think its funny since Tekken fans always screamed about how their series was superior...and it just evolved into being like DOA.

Japan sucks in a lot of things when they go to the international game.

They realize they suck at:

martial arts
health system
economic prosperity

The only things they are good at are anime and manga, and that's because the competitors are worse.

When the world gets the game even around the same time, japan falls behind. When they get a two year head start, its tough

They also suck at fighting wars

>The only things they are good at are anime and manga, and that's because the competitors are worse.

Watch out, we've got the next Plato here.
"They are good at something. But it's only because they are better than everyone else at it."

japan has actual arcades to practice in, and get most fighting games months early.

Arms is not a fighting game

the only ones that shit series every year is capeshit, and that's the lowest common denominator in animation.

Of course anime will win against them.

Maybe in Burgerland.

In the civilized part of the world, Japanese comics still outsell local productions by a long-shot.
Not even Asterix could beat them.

Capeshit didn't practically exist over here for the longest time.

You should write a book on teaching others how to be a contrarian.

Actually, before WWII, they were way too good at fighting wars. I mean, they beat China and Russia multiple times. They're the only country to successfully keep the Mongolian Khans out. And never let anyone on their Island for 2,000 years.

They weren't that great, but they were a pretty successful warmongering nation all things considered.

Practically speaking, they were East Asian vikings. Raided a lot of shit, hed pretty bad resource bearings aside from a shit-ton of silver, always happy to rape the coast/Korea and have Chinks run around, trying to get rid of them.

The thing against Russia was a bit of a fluke. Russia lost because they were absolute stuck-up idiots. In fact, it almost bankrupted the entire nation.
The Empire of Japan expansion was just the standard colonial fare... the rest of Asia was a backwater shithole ripe for exploiting by anyone with a modern industry and they happened to be the closest while Europeans turned theuir own turf upside down, killing their workforce, their armies, trashing their equipment,...

>They're the only country to successfully keep the Mongolian Khans out.

>Wut iz all thoze Stormy waevus in oldu japanese drawingz.

They literallly survived by storms on the sea.

Not really true if you look into it. They had to physically beat back their armies once. Japan suffered massive casualties and it proved that the Samurai were not able to survive an assault from a full standing army. When Mongolia sent a second wave of ships to finish the job, those are the ships that got decimated by a storm.

This should have been a wake up call for Japan to develop a proper army. But the Shouguns used the 'divine winds' as a sign that their ruling Samurai class should keep power.

The only thing they're good at is drawing art of hot sexy girls and even there Korea and China are catching up fast. To much playing shitty gacha games and an aging population of actual good fighting game reps have rotted their ability to compete which is why you're starting to see Korea, USA and even Europe and Canada start to take more and more fighting game tournaments.


>win in war so much that you become convinced there must be some magical force that makes your country unstoppable

Nah they just went in way over their heads and it taught them a lesson they'll never forget.

what do you mean they suck now? Japan didn't just invent the genre but they are the only ones that know how to do it properly.

SFV suck ass but what Western made fighting game has better gameplay than it? None comes even close to the shittiest fighting game Capcom has produced in decades.

They were good at occupying nearby countries that were less keen on going all psycho banzai on their neighbours during the late 1800's and early 1900's. It's whenever they had to face up against a United States or European power that could beat their ass down in a flash in a Naval conflict that they looked like they barely knew how to fight a war and just started resulting to suicide charges and sneaky shit like Pearl Harbor. They're also better than most countries at being stubborn as all fuck and fighting to the absolute last man but that doesn't do you any good when your still dead and your objectives unachieved at the end of the fight anyway.

They haven't fought a war in literal decades because they haven't been allowed to. I'd truly love to see them make a go of it in something that isn't some shitty fantasy anime or game where the JSDF is the best around and all their hardware is being piloted by autistic savant little girls in body suits. Like just have a good skirmish with ISIS or something, they want to join that fight, let em'.

>health system
>highest average life expectancy in the world
REALLY makes my noodle streudel

>But Divine Motheru Goddessu Amaterasu will save us! CHARGE MOTHERFUCKER JUST TENNOHEIKA BANZAI!

There really was some incident where the islands were about to be invaded and a tropical storm just up and scuttled the invading fleet out of the blue which is where the origin of the "divine wind" thing comes from but shit happens. Same thing happened to Russia in WWII when Germany was about to roll up on Moscow and then Winter happened which changed the fighting conditions overwhelmingly to the Moscow Militia men and regular armies advantage cause they were used to it.

I think the joke is he was listing everything that Japan does good. To get (You)s.

t. strategic coward
just run forward until you win or die

>Japan didn't just invent the genre
They did?

I read once that the Japanese industry doesn't know the difference between "gameplay" and "button presses" anymore.

I think that might be true. It'd explain why they focus so much on combos and other shit no one cares about.

>I read once that the Japanese industry doesn't know the difference between "gameplay" and "button presses" anymore.
What does this even mean? And that is even worse in western games with one button dialogue and QTEs infesting all games.

And again, where are all the fighting games outside Japan? Skullgirls and Mortal Kombat are all I can think of. And one of those is directly copying Japanese games.

Can't be best at everything senpai
>leading in robotics
>most technologically advanced civ on earth
>decent populous
>numerous game genres native to the region

The west is still on top but japan is pretty much one of the only non-western country to be on it's level pretty much across it's entire country.

Capcom invented it to be more exact.

Japan doesn't realize what their western audience wants

Capcom didn't invent fighting games. But SFII did popularize them.

>Japan doesn't realize what their western audience wants
Yeah. They want Japanese games to remain different from the west. Which is why you're seeing stuff like Square games getting a major backlash for trying to cater to western trends.

they can't steal ideas from am2 anymore

They don't.

yes, yes it does...

Pretty sure OP is talking about players, not devs.

but Tekken7, GGxrd but even SFV are way more depthful and better designed than NRS games

NRS games only get better scores recently because they simply have more content (because they are more mainstream, like 3 times more people buy them resulting in bigger budget)


You aren't their audience.

>Japan doesn't realize what their western audience wants
Oh I think they do.