Sup Forums told me to come here

For some reason, GTA V freezes and crashes every 10-15 minutes, despite me having a fuckton of usable video memory, RAM and VRAM.

It's usually triggered by jumping or attacking, and I don't have any mods installed that effect movement or combat. Even running the vanilla backup copy doesn't keep it from crashing.

Sup Forums said it wasn't a problem with my hardware and told me to fuck back off to Sup Forums, so here I is.

What do I do Sup Forums I'm tired of sitting through an eight minute loading screen for ten minutes of fun.


I'm pretty sure could help you with that.

They could, but they won't. They hate people who use computers for gaming.

Watch Dogs 2 doesn't have first person so urban exploration isn't as fun.

is the game on steam? if yes, have you tried verifying the game's cache? it'll take forever since the game's file size is huge
you could always try reinstalling it but again, the game's file size is huge

No, I bought it when it first came out on Xbox 360, then pirated the PC version after 3DM cracked it because I'd already shelled out my 60 dollarydoos for an incomplete version of the game.

That's because you should use a console for gaming, Sup Forumstard.

Now go back to

>pirated the game
>complains it doesn't work right
fucking mongoloid

Joke's on you, we can't help you because nobody here plays video games.

>They hate people

this is enough

But I wanna use mods :(

Well, Rockstar didn't give me a free code even after I proved I'd pre-ordered the original version. They expected me to pay twice for the game, I wasn't about to do that with how boring the console version was.

you can:

>update your drivers

>buy the fucking original game you fucking son of a jew

Dull people

>pirated a 60+gb game
>crying about it not working properly
LMAOing @ ur lyfe

Thanks for reminding me why I don't use Sup Forums.

I did buy it.

The first time, before we all found out the game was incomplete as fuck.

Since when are you supposed to purchase updates and patches?

first off, download afterbutner, turn your gpu fan ABOVE the stock speed of 35%.
if you are overclocking, revert to stock settings.

report back once these steps are done.

Buying the game usually fixes that,
>8 min loading
Nevermind, your setup is too poorfag to run the game

well, put your 360 disc in your disc drive

Welcome to why Sup Forums hates triple A games. This board hates things for a reason, it isn't just useless and pointless hatred.