Why do people still buy consoles in 2017???!!??

Why do people still buy consoles in 2017???!!??

These threads are so very low effort but they always get replies.

Remember, newfriends, if you are only posting in a thread to call the OP a faggot remember to put "sage" in the "options" thread in your reply, that way you don't bump his silly little thread.

OP is a fag. Remember to sage.

>assblasted consolefag

Anti-sage bump
Keep the good work, OP.

Because they're cheaper and more practical than gaming PCs. Unlike Sup Forums, people's lives don't revolve around a computer.

>consoles will never, EVER have a higher framerate than 60

>humans will never, EVER have eyes capable of seeing over 28fps

what's the point in going higher than 60?

>people's lives don't revolve around a computer
a computer is an essential tool in everyone's life unless you're in a third world country

Games playerbase last longer, cheaper, games work, not dominated by neckbeards....

I really dont know, the only thing I can imagine is that they like split screen which does not appear in many pc games.

But even then you can just run something like Aster and get 2 pc's/users running from one rig. Which opens up far more to play than consoles have.

They're comfy and I don't want to have to run Windows or spend double or triple the price of a PS4 building a PC just for the one or two modern games I play a year. Literally 99% of what I play in a given 12 month span is either on a modded PS2 or a modded PS3.

a better userbase


How many people own both a console AND a PC. For the price of both you could have a PC capable of beating a console.

Exactly: tools.
Even in third world countries computers are everywhere and are needed to do a lot of jobs.
But, for all of those people said computers disappear from their lives when they get out from the workplace, unlike Sup Forums whose live starts and ends in front of the screen.

>How many people own both a console AND a PC
Not as many as you want to believe, especially in the age of smartphones.
Why do you think PC sales, both desktops and laptops, have been in freefall for the last five years?

You can get a PS4 for £200 these days
Try building a PC that'll match it at that price.

You want a real answer? It's because in the mind of normies, video games == consoles.

Two years ago when I was in college, I was in one of those bullshit "let's just talk about stuff" classes, and somehow the topic of Rollercoaster Tycoon came up. Almost the whole class had played it when they were kids and pretty much everybody had RCT nostalgia, but when I referred to it as a video game, someone unironically said "but user, it can't be a video game because it's on a computer". When I asked why that matters, they said because it's a computer game. Pretty much the whole class agreed with this except for me and the one other vidya guy.

This is the kind of thinking that is going on in the minds of the majority of people buying video games, and it's a big part of why console games tend to dominate the sales charts. The fact that their PC could play a video game simply doesn't even occur to most normies.

You need to go back.

>buy 2000 dollar pc for gaymen
>buy new early access game
>get 15 frames

because they don't invest time and effort into learning about what their highest entertainment threshold could be. They get a console because its a 1-2 step procedure plugging it in and playing.

PC isn't unified by any brands or anything so it doesn't have nearly as big of an advertising base as consoles do

I'm a console guy and I don't really care about frames as long as they're over 20 but this is BS. I can easily tell the difference between 30 and 60.

Because why even bother with PC "games" when Denuvo is a thing?

PC is nothing but shovelware and ports.

I bought a PS4 Pro so I can use it as a Netflix machine

I bought a PS4 Pro so I can use it as a Prime Video machine

>a fucking console fag

Low IQ