>tfw Justin Trudeau is confirmed to have a better taste in vidya than 99% of Sup Forums
Tfw Justin Trudeau is confirmed to have a better taste in vidya than 99% of Sup Forums
What is this retard doing tweeting about old video games instead of fixing his country that will be a Chinese colony by 2030?
Liking vidya doesn't make you good at your job.
It's kinda funny how much of the responses to the tweets are Americans saying he's cool.
Someone needs to introduce him to Grand Strategy genre, maybe that will make him better to actually fix the country!
literally who
>says the poster from a country that is slowly turning into corrupt Russian oligarchy 2.0
There is nothing wrong with the Chinese.
He's just saying this because Wizardry was done by a Canadian studio (SirTech).
There is a reason Japan was slaughtering them in the 30s.
I unironically believe he is Castro's biological son.
>People introduce him to Crusader Kings
>A year passes
>Canada strategically converts to Islam
>Declares holy war on Murica
>Wins via extensive web of alliances
Is he prepping for a talk with the Japanese or something?
>one of the most based leaders of any country
>also has great taste in vidya
Truly amazing. Bravo!
This! Just let us buy out all your real estate!
Thank you!
Says the burger who has a russian puppet "president".
You have not heard the news? The Trump x Putin fanfic has btfo
/r/ the user in china greenpost
Trump is a cuck.
What is this retard doing shitposting on Sup Forums about politics instead of fixing his country that will be a Russian colony by 2030?
based Weedman
>You have not heard the news? The Trump x Putin fanfic has btfo
Lol, no it hasnt. You wish it ended, but it has only begun.
I'd rather have Chinks than fucking Russians.
>Niggers have AIDs.
>Russians have AIDs.
If the two mate, we're all fucked.
Russia, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are America's new best friends now, the EU and Canada are failed cucked countries
>one of the most based leaders of any country
How can people let themselves be duped like this
That's precisely what a Chinese would say
Drumpf BTFO for the seventeenth time today. How can one weedman be so based?
When did american rednecks get access to the internet?
>Russia, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are America's new best friends now, the EU and Canada are failed cucked countries
Go to bed, Trump.
I'm not even specifically talking about the Russia/Trump thing, I'm talking about Trump systematically weakening the federal government and selling off its assets to private interests for his rich/mafia friends like Putin did in the late 90's/early 00's.
Yeah no it ended wtf are you babbling about Unless you're baiting for (You)s
>shit that never happened
Trump = Turd
>When did american rednecks get access to the internet?
Comcast started giving out really cheap plans for poor people so they could afford internet to look for work. But instead it seem they spend that time shitposting online.
thanks china
didnt they beat up protesters outside of their embassy here?
Dumb, dense Trumptards.
care to show some proof or is this a fanfic you wrote on tumblr?
>long-standing rival
>country ran by dictator
>muslim country that sponsors terrorism
great friends we got now...
Love this shit
Funny part is his mother wears the pants in her marriage and would probably get away with banging castro.
Its happening right now retard, that huge 'infrastructure' bill Trump has right now is nothing more than privatizing our shit for private corporations.
>proving grounds only fan is a legitamately insane corrupt communist tyrant
really makes you think
The PM of Canada isn't really a "literally who."
Because Japanese people are xenophobic rapists? There is a reason every country surrounding Japan hates them.
>Delusions the post
they beat up kurdish and yezidi women, erdogan is shameless
I'm a firm believer that if you make less than $50K a year, and you're Republican, you should not be allowed to vote. You clearly lack intelligence to make rational decisions.
>xenophobic rapists
That's the mainland Chinese though?
[Needs citation]
Cucked countries, that are being invaded by muslims, where government silences anyone who complains, now these are essential allies.
Macron > Trudeau desu
I'll take any news source on "He has severely reduced restrictions on sales to the mentally ill"
Any news source at all, this seem like it would be a pretty major thing
russian here
can confirm
you didnt seem to care when obama was actually doing it.
You need liberty in your life
they sub humans that are culturally dead and have no respect or love for human life.
TIL being for personal responsiblity and not a big brother nanny state means you lack intelligence.
>German Chancellor Angela Merkel had actually thought that Canada's young, charismatic prime minister, Justin Trudeau, could be counted among her reliable partners. Particularly when it came to climate policy. Just two weeks ago, at the G-7 summit in Sicily, he had thrown his support behind Germany. When Merkel took a confrontational approach to U.S. President Donald Trump, Trudeau was at her side.
>But by Tuesday evening, things had changed. At 8 p.m., Merkel called Trudeau to talk about how to proceed following Trump's announced withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement. To her surprise, the Canadian prime minister was no longer on the attack. He had switched to appeasement instead.
>What would be wrong with simply striking all mentions of the Paris Agreement from the planned G-20 statement on climate, Trudeau asked. He suggested simply limiting the statement to energy issues, something that Trump would likely support as well. Trudeau had apparently changed his approach to Trump and seemed concerned about further provoking his powerful neighbor to the south.
The PM of Canada is basically like a mayor of a small American village.
People that hire you would lower your wage to control who you vote for.
>trump got so BTFO by his handshake he withdrew from the Paris Agreement in anger
>t. Chink
Yet they still beat China in terms if technology market if anything China is only useful like how The middle East is useful resources that everyone wants
>canadian media won't even report when refugees get out of hand and rape little girls in swiming pools
Sucks to be a cucadian
again nice fanfic
How do you ancaps even manage to breathe
Macron and Trudeau are equally shitty no names who were pushed forward by their respective party machines because they weren't 60-year olds yet and could thus sell the same old shit as a "renewal".
More AIDs than niggers in a Detroit ghetto.
That's like bringing a fork to a gunfight.
>Saudia Arabia
Terrorist shithole filled with Saudi Princes who need to die.
Not that the rest of the world is any better.
I don't care about the whole Trump/Russia shit. He's so stupid that people think there's some sort of conspiracy to justify his actions while his supporters think he's playing 4D chess. This is the same dumbass who somehow managed to bankrupt a casino even after using it as a money laundering front for the mafia.
Woah.. so this.. is the power.. of Trumptards..
Proving Grounds as well as the entire Wizardry series is a shit videogame. Granted, it was revolutionary at the time, but it was also RNG shit:
Congrats on winning this fight, here's a treasure chest, wanna open it?
>Have the thief check the chest for traps
No traps dude, wanna open the chest?
>Have the cleric cast a spell to detect traps
Seriously, no traps, this chest is legit, wanna open it?
>Open the chest
(rolls the dice) oops the chest was trapped all along (rolls the dice) it's a teleport trap, you are teleported to (rolls the dice) two floors down (rolls the dice) four spaces east and three spaces north.
Sorry, you are now inside a wall.
Your party is dead forever, let me save this to disk.
Wow, what a miracle of game design.
I know this is bait though the PA doesn't help Americans in general,neven then the effects from the PA have done Jack all at this point
If only there was a board for discussing politics
yes. marco is a bigger shill to globalists.
>muh russians
off yourself
>pushed forward by party machine
full retard
That's literally China.
>Privatize air traffic control
>Privatize the internet even more
>Privatize healthcare even harder
>Privatize infrastructure
>Deregulations, deregulations everywhere
>Staffing CEO after CEO, cabinet looks like wall street
Really activates your almonds.
Republicans are known to only cater to the super wealthy while fucking over the middle and lower classes. They're doing it RIGHT NOW, trying to ram through by force the AHCA which would give massive tax reductions to the super rich and leaving millions without healthcare. They know it's unpopular and they still want to pass it.
They dont give a single fuck about you unless you make at least $100K a year minimum. And yet trailer trash still vote for them faithfully in every election. Bunch of useful idiots.
Not unless you up the minimum wage.. which should be done in big cities where the cost of living in ridiculously high.
Me on the right
Yeah, Communist-totalitarianism is the way to go!
Fuck Trudeau. Unless he takes a polaroid of the victory screen of Wizardry IV, he still isn't shit.
Good vidya taste, awful leader.
why would the guy whose been doing that for all the juicy chink money do anything to stop that?
It's true that the media truly brainwashes people. Holy fuck.
Trumptards dont listen to reason. They just call everything they dislike fake news or call you a shill. The most dense motherfuckers on the planet.
They dont discuss shit there, they just shout down anyone speaking out against their god emperor. Not a whole lot of entertainment value when your board is 100% circlejerking over the same shit, hence why they have to leave it all the time.
I believe France is welcoming all educated and tolerant Americans to emigrate to the European Union.
When you say, "the lower classes" you mean unemployed blacks who leech off of hardworking working class men.
This threads retarded trump and Trudeau have been getting along swimmingly trump even complimented him.
That being said Trudeau is an even bigger puppet. Trudeau Sr. Just wanted a second term.
He's more fucked in the head than Reagan was in his second term, there needs to be a hard age limit on who can run for president.
You exposed yourself by following media propaganda
don't talk shit 'bout wizardry nerd