Bloodborne 2 has a scifi setting

>Bloodborne 2 takes place in space where you explore gothic space stations and spacecrafts, bringing us closer to Celestials than ever before.

Remember that this is the first you hear these news from.

Not even trying man.

The Bloodborne Ayylmao's arent actually from space.

That would be fucking sick.
But it ain't happening. Sony has about a dozen games announced with no release date/ no game play yet, they probably ain't gonna announce anything else

>Gothic space stations and spacecrafts

>He still think this image is legit and BB II will be at E3
Lmao'ing at ur lifu

Literally Warhammer 40k.

I'm assuming fake pic but I know there are rumors of sci-fi souls and using the db for roman numeral 2 is a great design choice

90% chance From announces something but it's not going to be BB2

Where are they from? Are they Lovecraft-style alternate dimension dwellers?

I haven't played it but it sounds like a good time


They're from the dreamlands in a reality stacked on top of our own.

You know Lovecraft had planets and shit as well, right? Not everything was a dreamworld.

nigga did you play the game
of course you didn't but still

Armored Core 6

I own the game and have played it. You DO know that Lovecraft's shit wasn't all dreams, right? Have you even read any Lovecraft?

you do know that bloodborne wasn't written by lovecraft right

Oh wow, no shit

What's your point? The game explicitly tells you where the celestials come from (๑꒪▿꒪)*

why are you acting smug when you have literally nothing to go on

The games inspired by Lovecraft stories not a fucking recreation of them retard.

That already exists, it's called Hellpoint.

You're making completely baseless claims about a hypothetical sequel set in space.
>hurr it's all dreams it can't happen durr

lol more like Bloodborne 2 has a wifi setting :)

They already said they ain't making another Bloodborne, they are focused on a new IP.

Youre fucking pathetic. Go suck some ecelb cock while youre at it

no, you are just a literal retard

Some of the old ones are from space you fools

Odeon is basically an omnipresent incarnation of the cosmos

>Sonybros going full retard - the thread

B-but the dreams...the dr-dreams...

I'm genuinely anxious to see all of those games they're going to announce after an hour for Scorpius. Enjoy your 400$ update.

Haven't you guys seen the leak?

kart racing?

Bloodborne Karts my man

If only it was sonybros, its just shitposter#8759 at it again, starting pointless bait threads.

I swear to god if this is real...

Bloodborne metroidvania for Vita?


instead of that blood sound when you start it has a throttle sound

>Souls/Bloodborne-themed kart racer
yes, YES
