another overpriced port just like Binding of Isaac
The switch should die off already, it's just a handheld Wii U
another overpriced port just like Binding of Isaac
The switch should die off already, it's just a handheld Wii U
Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but I agree with you. I will never get a Switch.
>a fucking leaf
Nope, I own every Nintendo consoles since the NES and I already have most games that are getting ported on switch including every single good indies announced so far, I don't want to waste my money for handheld ports with a bad gamepad
That's a placeholder price you fucking retard.
Unless you're a cucknadian who should blame both Wynne and Trudeau if you're in Toronto. Excited for the price increase in the next 2 years?
It's not, many sites uses it as official E3 sale plus American sites already have the good pricetag, if it'd be placeholder it would be 79.99$ anyway just like every single games that comes out nowadays
Yea, paying a lil extra for vidya is better than having to pay $5000 for an ambulance ride like they do in Ameriland
++ Minecraft Story Mode is 55$ on Switch over there when it's 25$ on Steam, Switch is an overpriced garbage. Seeing TBOI at 55$ hurts me still
>he doesn't into placeholder prices
I work at Eb Games, the price is legit they announced the game last week.
How about you wait for 2 days for more information instead of shit posting based on pure speculation that is almost certainly not true ( ͡ಸ‿ಸ)━゚.*・。゚
There's the problem. Are you fucking retarded? Canadian dollar is fucked, it's cheaper in the US.
>op doesnt know the difference between canadian and american dollars
wew lad
Switch have overall garbage prices, Steam sell the same exact games at 15$
back to plebbit
Cucknadians BTFO
Canada is truly the most cucked country next to Sweden
$900 and insurance pays for it. Fucking leafs lmao.
Then don't buy a Switch
>A fucking LEAF
>a little extra
>500 for switch
>vidya will almost cost almost $100 PLUS tax
Don't you got a hydro bill to pay?
i already said i wont can't you read? It's just sad moronic plebs get scammed that hard for things PC got years ago for much cheaper
most games are 15% off if you preorder on amazon too
Yeah, and when they are, it shows the original price crossed out. This one however, is full priced
suck me off, Mario Odyssey is the only good thing that the switch will ever get
you need to have Prime for the discount.
>Canadian economy has been in the shitter since Harper, or before
>Conservatives pass the blame on Pretty Boy PM
He isn't helping, but he hasn't started it
>Pcbro gets angry over something that doesn't affect him
see pic related
it shows why youre a stupid canacuck
i own all consoles have a gf and a full time job what is ur excuse
>Pokken DX
you just made that user's point
A few things
>Ask you why you're so salty, as you can just play the game on PS4 or steam
>Ask why you are here when you have a gf, a job and all consoles
to discuss video games
>Paying $50 for a flash game