Best E3 game so far desu
Best E3 game so far desu
>Forced Split-Screen
Yeah, sure op, best game so far.
probably 60 burger bucks for 2 hour game.
True but there's not yet been much competition.
im hyped for it but my friend doesnt really want it
>split screen is bad
>You must be 18 or older to view this site
unless the online multiplayer forces split screen then its OK
Why do Sup Forums's underage posters hate couch co-op so much?
>split screen
>obligatory co-op
>that fucking nose
It was, until they showed you escape prison. Then it became a soapbox drama.
>tfw no friend to play this with
60 bucks for a cinematic 6 hour campaign story that has been done way better already in film, television, and novel.
its not even fully a prison escape game since we know you escape. i'd rather play the escapists 2 desu i dont give a shit about I ONLY KILLED THAT GUY TO SAVE MY FAMILY MAN THATS WHY IM IN PRISON drama
>escapists 2
i want to like it but the new art style is so shit
Unfortunately I am not underage user :(
first post most retarded post
>already in film, television, and novel
Yeah but gaming is the best form of entertainment
It genuinely reminds me of a cheap cash in off of uncharted 4
Yes, but that's not saying much.
>not playing the game with 2 controllers at the same time
fucking casuals I swear to god
Pleb. Not having two keyboards and mice
Looked like a 'cinematic experience' with incredibly shallow press X to [thing] gameplay.
Most games that aren't RPGs are 6-8 hours long and $60 nowadays so it's not surprising.
Even if the game sucks ass, I can appreciate how much like a real person the creator seems compared to all the corporate bullshit at EA's conference. What a fucking time we live in where split-screen co-op is considered an outlandish feature.
Yeah looks interesting, it's just a shame that it will probably be a 5h long game with no replayability that costs 50$
Battlefront II actually looks like it has potential as well, the fact that it just seems to be the original Battlefront II with better graphics helps
The prison break section is only going to be half hour long isn't it.
definition of a gimmick
it's a fucking braindead handholding walking simulator but you can - NO WAIT THIS IS GROUNDBREAKING, EVEN MORE THAN THE NEMESIS SYSTEM - you HAVE to play it with someone.
Imagine the numale ecstasy when after 3 hours of playtime two brothers get UNITED in POIGNANT CATHARSIS
Fuck normies fuck consumers fuck you all shills
>literally just Kane and Lynch with forced co-op
Why isn't it on Switch? It would be the perfect game fro switch with the joycons
why insult kane and lynch, both games had nice atmosphere only bad thing i remember them by is that they created giantbomb.
He's Lebanese actually
more like a jew actually
Actually he's an Assyrian from Lebanon
it will
It literally looked like Uncharted in a 70s (?) b movie setting.
I've seen that "two guys pushes a door open" animation a million times in Uncharted.