Microsoft is here. Will they show any game worth a shit? Pure exclusives or still buddies with the PC? What will the Scorpion be called and how much will it cost?
Giant Bomb
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Calling it
It will be called the XBOX 4k and cost $499
Did they start streaming yet?
>Bethesda starts in 7 hours and a half
Christ Almighty, that's at 4 AM over here
As a mustard, this is the conference I'm looking forward to.
>Pure exclusives
Please, no.
I don't even know why I am going to bother with this. There's no way I'm buying a Scorpion. Show me some new IPs.
the schedule for the conferences this year is ass
so much waiting between each conference
I like it. Gives me time to do push-ups and get in shape.
Over/Under on number of times they show "Influencers" on the screen: 2
It will be way over that
This is the year of the content creator
The majority of the show. I doubt Microsoft will go full EA and say that the Youtubers are designing their games for them.
nah, gives time for a few wanks and enough time to grab some snacks for the next conference.
Im sick of that shit.
meant for
Who's Janina?
In 15min.
Black actress that came out during the Star Wars thing yesterday.
The lead actress for Battlefront 2 who was on stage at EA.
Oh, what the fuck? Are those tweets real? That's kind of pathetic but also a bit qt
This looks like a nice pure girl. I'd like to talk about anime with her.
So much better when the conferences were almost straight after each other. Can E3 get anything right any more?
w e w
Gotta leverage that newfound e-celeb status to boost your follower count.
pretty sure she's joking
*queefs in your general direction* hay gurl that one was just for you, please follow me back haha :)
Can't wait for Ben to keep proving he was a terrible hire. Dude couldn't shut up for a second yesterday.
She's not. Janine has actually tweeted at Vinny for years. She's a fan of the Beastcast.
Yeah, sure. She was just "joking"
She wants that Italian Sausage
>Vinny negging her that badly
I actually stopped listening to GB late last year and haven't heard a single thing out of Ben yet, but boy does he take the cake for Ugliest GB Member.
She wants that Big Papa Vinny
Good eye, my friend.
Do I even bother getting excited for whatever Remedy is working on?
Actual Gamer Girl, or bandwagoning poser?
I don't think a poser would be listening to something like the Beastcast for years.
You never know, user. Might be some ultra advanced falseflag operation.
you think she's been trying to fuck vinny?
he's probably scared of his big jewish wife
>just missed lockdown
>Live Now
>Not actually live
I'm more sick of GB spewing salt every time YouTubers are involved with anything ever.
They only played it for 15sec.
>Microsoft one of the main events
The Arrogance
>ben already talking
This can't be real
Fucking hell
Geez, dragging out a non-joke that long?
Ben is such an unfunny faggot
I think he might actually be worse than Dan
Stay mad sony friend
I hate Ben in quick looks but I like him in live content. Shrug.
>xbox Furkay
Why not?
why the fuck is dan holding a knife?
Reminder: Alex is a huge shill for Microsoft and will be the only one trying to get people excited for shitty exclusives and "power."
Wonder how many times they'll let us know it's THE MOST POWERFUL CONSOLE OF ALL TIME during the conference.
>Alex attempting a comb-over
>sleep shirt
>Dan pretending like he doesn't know something he obviously knows and then asks everyone about it
I just tried to make some microwave popcorn, the ONLY snack I have here, but the fucking microwave started sparking and making really loud electrical noises. Goddamnit.
Quantum was really terrible
>$499 for an xbox one
Microsoft is fucking FINISHED.
Jeez I never noticed how bald he is.
That's how you know it's good, user, the sparks seal in the flavor.
In case somebody asks a stupid question.
>Jason mentioned that Ryan would have liked the Scorpio and Jeff looked absolutely devastated
brad looks super tired
I just read that you can make microwave popcorn in a pot, so that's what im gonna do
He´s fully embracing the nu-male look.
Stop writing GB fan fiction, froggy.
Im retarded and have never watched Giant Bomb for e3 but I want to this year. Where the fuck do I find their stream?
Can you poorfags keep the console war shit in another thread?
jesus Jeff's hair is looking so thin
I can't wait for Microsoft to win E3 this year. It's OUR YEAR finally. Sonyfags and Nintenbros are on confirmed suicide watch. Tens of thousands are watching from the ER tonight ready to check themselves into the mental ward once Xbox comes out on top.
>i'm retarded
fucking hell you are, literally their website and youtube
Watching video game streams is the most work Brad does all year. Give him a break, he's still getting used to the new office as well.
it's literally non-existent
Can see his entire dome
Nah, it was a fine time-travel story that was fun piecing together, combat was competent, also graphics and production values.
nevermind found it
>give him a break
i'm not being mean, he's /ourguy/ after all
It was incredibly tedious. Not even CIA could save it.
>tfw have to wait for the archive because I'm downloading teen drama shows
Finished Bubsy on snes back in the days. Shit game
It looks like Sif´s fur in DS1
He's still recovering from reviewing Mass Effect Andromeda
>basically invented let's plays
>invented the whole live commentary over e3 conferences thing that EVERYONE does now
I'd be pissed too everyone stealing your shit.
Please leave
>in a couple years they will be renamed Bald Bomb
Jeff will lose another 50 pounds and become a second vinny
oh my GOD ben is fucking HIDEOUS holy FUCK