We have one like this every year
Quiet, slow e3 thread for calm discussion
No spam or shitposting
Get in here, chill bros
We have one like this every year
Quiet, slow e3 thread for calm discussion
No spam or shitposting
Get in here, chill bros
Other urls found in this thread:
Link your MS account to Mixer and watch/run the stream there to get free shit.
Why is that frog so fucking swoll?
dont you mean why is he so ribbit?
nanomachines, son
got my pizza and OJ ready
all smiles here
Because Phil Spencer is about to announce Battletoads
Hungover for E3
Feels not so good, man
Nothing good will get announced
Anything that piques your interest will be cancelled a year from now for no real reason
They're still focusing on hardware instead of games, the industry is dead yo
Is the twitch pop-out player not working for anyone else?
when are they gonna show fifa?
get streamlink and vlc or mpc-hc
trust me
I've got mpc-hc, now what do I do?
>youtube grabbed literal retard to get normie impressions
Ya gd right
I said yesterday that I hadn't watched E3 before! I'm ready now! I didn't buy snacks because I was more in the mood for an actual meal than snacks but at least I bought something! I'm really excited to watch with you all. :3
Who here /comfy/
I literally don't care about anything xbox but it's E3. Gotta watch it all.
3 comfy thread already up
>pepsi max
Might as well drink bleach faggot.
It's the best soft drink.
What kind of free shit?
2 are dead and 1 is just a post your snack and argue about being fat or not thread
this one is comfy xbox
>tfw starting a naked BotW run for silly dialogue
>Sup Forums on laptop and stream on extneral monitor
>gonna bake some chicken for dinner as the rain pours outside
Comfy, lads
phone fag totally ready for the shitshow
>EA previously announced that Anthem will be an action-adventure title that will work as a “live service,” similar to how games like Destiny are run. The publisher also said in May that, although BioWare’s project was originally set to launch by the end of its current fiscal year, Anthem has since been delayed past March 2018. It will launch sometime during EA’s 2019 fiscal year.
Hyped for Scorpio. This console gen was underwhelming in terms of hardware. Consoles were always supposed to be the king of price/performance, and the Xbone and PS4 were both pretty underpowered for that price point. My $550 2012 PC is considerably more beefy than the PS4. If Microsoft manages to live up to the hype, it should be the return of price/performance consoles. I'm a PCfag, but there's no denying how much of a value a $500 4k machine would be. A 1070 alone is near that, and can't do 4k very well
What are we snacking on, bros?
I got my grilled cheese and Rolling Rock ready to go.
frog tech
that is a pretty cool setup, desu
I thought A Way Out looked pretty good. Really fresh and interesting concept imo
Pepsi? Probably.
The Max version? That just screams that you're either fat or you suck cocks. In your case it's probably both. Get Twist like a real man.
Almost time
Cheese puffs and Pibb Xtra
powerade, airheads and knockoff Smartfood white cheddar popcorn
I actually prefer the taste of Max over regular Pepsi/Coca-Cola...
Lets get comfy guys
cornflakes and orange juice
I just want PC announcements
mixer is glitching out BAD
I had a wonderful 250g steak at a steakhouse earlier with some country cut potatoes so I don't feel like snacking right now
>buying a console for performance
Explain MS shill.
This is way of topic but has anyone else tried that Pepsi Fire? I kinda dig the spicy in the back of the throat but its always flat.
Let the games begin!
*also available on pc*
say something nice about scorpio
I fucking wish I was a shill. At least then I'd have an income. My point was just that it'd be nice to have a console that offers solid performance at a solid price
>soda supremacists
it really is
This is my first E3 as a PC gamer. Scropio might end up as a POS but it will be more powerful than the xbone and it will make graphic fidelity higher for cross platform games which will be good for PC gamers with good rigs.
Ten times better than keeping up with the sticky
dude 4k lmao
>already starting with le """4k""" meme
good job
oh shit here we go
I've never even heard of it, user.
Look at these high quality pixels
These are the highest quality pixels I've ever seen.
Can't wait for them to talk about how you can watch Netflix in 4k on your XBOX.ONE SCORPIO
The ONE thing you need in your living room.
When will devs realize that like 10% of consumers have 4k capable TVs?
alright let's see where it goes i'm expecting asshurt on Sup Forums
we have
the technology
looks like we're getting some kind of LOTR game at some point so that's cool
>not a single person I know has a 4K TV
really makes me think
YouTube link for those of you who want to watch in something above 1080p or will think you'll need to pause it! The audio's a little quiet, though.
>how it feels to chew 5gum
What are the odds Emirates has a stream of the conference on flights?
Phil thundercock Spencer
crackdown 3 in there, neat
>an actual meal
i feel sorry for you
I literally have my PC attached to a 720i TV and bought a 720p notebook 2 years ago
The only 1080p thing i have is my phone
you know i think they might be going a little overboard with this, its just a console upgrade, its not gonna change that much
It's a thing...
He's right, Pepsi is the best but Pepsi Max tastes like watery piss. I'd rather drink plain water than ever taste Pepsi Max again.
Aready with brown women, geez shill enough
That's Shadow of War, dummy.
a g-girl playing video games
about time they show crackdown 3
I don't think I've ever enjoyed an EA/Microsoft E3 conference. Why are they always so shit?
phil spencer the semen dispenser is on stage lads
what the fuck is mixer
>The Head of Xbox
Is that a real title?
Doesn't really look that much better.
Phil "Chad" Spencer
4k is a meme
>Xbox One X
jesus christ
don't call me a dummy user that's rude
>Xbone X
damn, how much of the crowd is paid? Or are people actually that hype for xbawks?
Preferred Scorpio tbhwyphampais
*makes VCR noises*