>Nintendo not even listed
Nintendo not even listed
They aren't having a conference.
they're not an e3 thing
who made this poll?
>surprised by yet another zelda or mario rehash
That's why.
It's ok when Sony or MS does it.
>that Ubisoft
The normalfags are learning.
how is nintendo not an e3 thing if they have a nintendo setup at the actual event and a live show on tuesday
pffff hahahahahahahahah
They will spend half the time talking about Scorpio, then they will spend 10-15 minutes on that Destiny rip-off that EA is making and then they will probably talk about Halo.
Woah, surprising!
who is that semen daemon
>n-nintendo's not at e3!
Meanwhile people fucking die in the stampede to their booths every single year.
>Autistic Manchildren still caring about WAHOO PING PING
God bless those tiny retarded Frenchmen, biggest surprise they've done in years is not having the giant black woman hosting their conference
"Listen Geoff you fucking prick, remember when you humiliated me a few years bac? Yea, I never forgot puto".
it would be a surprise if sony or microsoft release a zelda or mario rehash
>Not caring about WAHOO PING PING
>posting on Sup Forums
>Western gaming "media" giving a shit about Nitnendo
Wow stop the presses!
>Anyone giving a shit about Nintendo