>arena shooter >no reload >no ADS >oldschool weapon design >fast paced >weapons on map, no class or loadout bullshit >no microtransactions >no cases >already almost dead
How the FUCK Sup Forums. God damnit, we FINALLY get another oldschool arena shooter and it's almost dead after not even a year. The fuck's wrong with this world.
Evan Watson
arena shooters are boring
Isaac Hill
Kid detected
Jason Harris
on what basis do you think that
Chase Watson
Not liking arena shooters is fine, but thinking they're boring reeks of underdeveloped taste.
Jose Williams
No depth and too repetetive. Arena shooters were a product of hardware limitations that are long gone.
Jaxson Jones
Not him, but they're fucking boring. Titanfall 2 is superior in every way.
Angel Gutierrez
Titanfall basically stole the movement from arena shooters
also that same movement slows to a crawl when you're inside a TItan
Austin Reyes
They released the early access with no content. 1 map. Dead after a month. Devs are retards.
Ayden Cook
toxikk was just a straight up UT3 clone with less interesting weapons and maps. UT3 wasnt even that good in the first place so why they thought people wanted a clone is beyond me.
Jaxson Brown
I'm assuming this is Toxik? I just uninstalled it recently after getting Quake Champions beta.
The thing is, arena shooters are completely balanced, all weapons do the same, and all characters have the same potential. The problem is, it gets boring fast except for the ultra competitive. Also, FPS games that rely on 1v1 play, not team play for competitive nature just don't sell well and are pretty boring to watch.
I know you'll call me a retard or some shit, but it's just a fact, and I've been playing a lot of competitive based games since 2000.
Josiah Hughes
People who say they want a copy and paste arena shooter with updated graphics don't actually know what they want. Toxikk and to a certain extent Reflex were just that, but literally nobody played them.
The very same people cried that Quake Champions wasn't going to be Quake 3 on a new engine which caused id to hold back and now we have Quake 3 with choose your shitty ability and gimped-movement-turned-passive-stats as character classes with absolutely nothing new. And guess what, the open beta hype is gone and the game is already dead because yet *another* arena shooter failed to innovate all thanks to nostalgic, elitist 30-something shitposters who don't even play video games anymore.
RIP Arena Shooters, I'll remember all the good times.
Christopher Garcia
No marketing, literally no one ever heard of it. Shame, since it actually was pretty enjoyable.
Elijah Rogers
They're amateur game devs who probably started out with good intentions, but relied too heavily on UT assets and ended up just renaming the guns and tweaking them here and there. Big fucking surprise that nobody wants to play UT anymore, as if the failure of Unreal alpha was any indication.
Gavin Rodriguez
>if the failure of Unreal alpha was any indication. U4 is a failure because devs literally just made the very basic foundations of the game and told the players "do the rest yourself", while they went to work on their moba. Perhaps when Paragon leaves beta stage at the end of the year they will redirect some people to work on UT again.
Juan White
Nah, people are just bored of arena shooters, which is why ALL of them are dead. Unreal alpha is in a very playable state, it's just that nobody gives a shit.
Eli Turner
Playable, sure, but with almost no maps, game modes etc. there is nothing to keep the players around. And without proper marketing, not many people even know that this Alpha exists. There are lots of people who would play it if only it was a finished and marketed game, I know at least 8 such persons myself.
James Campbell
>No advertising, no one knows the game exists >normies and consoles have never seen an arena shooter, closest thing is Halo >even 80% of Sup Forums hasn't experienced arena shooters since most of the PCkeks on here left consoles from 2009 - present >casuals that started in 6th/7th gen and only play FPS will see the lack of sprint, ADS and loadouts as inferior "there's no reason to not have it" bullshit
>the new players that get passed all of that will then see the twitchy, fast-paced map control nature of weapons+map in the game and will be turned off >the new players that get passed that will get owned by average players/bots since modern shooters have babied them to win while standing in one spot >the new players that get past THAT will play the game for a mere 20 - 40 hours and then never play it again
Meanwhile everyone has heard of Overwatch, you then play it on your friend's PS4 and get rewarded via forgiving console controls and casual game design which leads to an easy game of dopamine. Want an audience? Then dumb your product down and make it accessible to people who don't play video games.
Nathan Thomas
Confirmed for never having played it
Nicholas Jenkins
Sad truths
Michael Foster
I do own it you dumb fuck and the game gets less than 1000 players daily it's dead as fuck.
You are slow as fuck in Titans unless you run a fucking upgrade that gives you an extra dash
The only thing good about TiF is the movement which crouch jumping other than that and stim it's slow and generic as fuck just like it's predecessor CoD
Liam Collins
>dead Not on PS4, stay mad fag
Robert Powell
It's simple really. We just need a big studio to do an Arena Shooter and lure normies with waifus, crates and esport memes, who with some luck will then in turn shill and overhype it to stratosphere. That's how Overwatch got popular, that's how Lol got popular and what's more important, that's why they still maintain an active playerbase.
Now, the problem is that of course some dev would first need to do it and not screw it up, but what's more important, people here don't really want the arena shooters to become popular again. This would feel them with kids, normies and would require ruining them in ways mentioned above. They want them to become just relevant enough again to maintain a small, but active and stable, low profile playerbase. And that's a very difficult sweetspot to hit.