Assassin's Creed set in Egypt

>Assassin's Creed set in Egypt
>non-enslaved black Africans everywhere
>black African protagonist

What the actual fuck?

As someone who most likely actually has direct Ancient Egyptian heritage (Levant/Egyptian), this makes me fucking mad. These African-Americans cause a bitch fit because they have no ancient culture of their own so they have to steal other people's culture?

How disgusting.

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>retarded Sup Forumstards actually believe that Egyptians looked like pic related

because you're a bunch of losers?

Was interested until they showed the gameplay.

Same old braindead gameplay with even worse combat. Eagle was cool but that's it.

I only saw caucasoids so far. no matter what their skin was there were different from congoids and they knew it

>Hopefully now you will realise why so many of us whites got triggered about Battlefield 1

And Watch Dogs 2. And FIFA. And Mafia III. And how many other games in the past year or so?

His voice is literally the stereotypical African tribal nigger in a B-movie lmao

Yeah, I don't get it. His nose is clearly not negroid, while his skin is pretty dark, which is something many Egyptians even nowadays can be.

>As someone who most likely actually has direct Ancient Egyptian heritage (Levant/Egyptian)


But seriously, no, fuck off, you're Arab.

>Hopefully now you will realise why so many of us whites got triggered about Battlefield 1.

I definitely do. And you guys have it worse anyway, because you're being portrayed as the bad guys everywhere for absolutely no reason.

Meant to quote OP.

I love when americans talk about their "most likely heritage". It's too cute. We get it Jamal, your ancestors were slaves that raped their masters daughter no need to be salty


I don't think he is black


>As someone who most likely actually has direct Ancient Egyptian heritage



A friend of mine is from Egypt and, while not as tanned as Bayek, he looks close enough, and has a similar nose and such.

Doesn't Bayek also have light eyes? I don't know, I think they did it alright in terms of design: he could have been purely black, or whiter, but this is a good decision.

give them a break OP, they can't make a game with an arab protagonist nobody would fucking buy it

The protagonist wasn't black, though

What about his voice then? Literally a stereotypical African voice.

Look up the recent research papers on DNA of Ancient Egyptians being extremely close to current day Levants. Yes, I know that I'm an Arab by being an Egyptian, but I'm closer to the Ancient Egyptians than the Africans are.

I'm not American.


we wuz white egyptians

dumbass cumskins even if they werent black they werent white either

Are we not gonna talk about that giant snek


>implying liberal americans and europoeans wouldn't buy it by the truckload

They are literally re-writing history for the new generation
no its not a fucking joke, they are doing it in all games and media

Thank God the assassins kill em all

Dark skinned Africans in Africa???? Race war now! Fucking white genocide loving lib cuck commies.

Sup Forums shitter get back to your fucking containment board.

What about it? Spoopy mosnters are canon in AC. Ezio sees one, Edward sees one.

Arab vs Nigger Civil War is coming...

>if they're not black, they must be white
Who are you calling tards?

no he's just saying they weren't niggers




That's actually pretty fucked up. Like the other user said, that is some 1984 shit.


why does pic related trigger you so much?

it's not hard to believe that people living in the desert would have dark skin, and that a civilization as expansive as egypt would have people across all skin tones.

>M-muh identity politics.
Just leave

They weren't white. But they weren't fucking sub saharan blacks either.

I'm not saying that the Ancient Eygptians were white, I'm saying that they weren't black. At least, the non-slaves weren't.

there are two africas
the one above the sahara and the one under it

If someone takes his history lessons from Assassins Creed he deserves even worse than this. Fiction is fiction. Nobody should take fiction as fact.

>a desert the size of the US separating west coast African niggers from Egyptians

holy shit you're fucking retarded. just kys kid

Yea he looks similar to an Egyptian calc teacher I used to have

>while his skin is pretty dark, which is something many Egyptians even nowadays can be.
Caramel to coffee black, not nigger shit.
The niggers are in the south, they're not even egyptian to us.

"we wuz da first civilizashuns n shiet" - actual quote from the game

Ass Creed set in Sumeria when?

Not trying to defend Ubishit, but desu, Bayek looks more like the ones killing the Nubians.

I lived there in the early 00's and there were less (0) niggers there than in western Europe.

But they did

>The study found that modern Egyptians share more ancestry with Sub-Saharan Africans than ancient Egyptians did.

>The study found that ancient Egyptians were most closely related to ancient populations in the Levant, and were also closely related to Neolithic populations from the Anatolian Peninsula and Europe

Thinking Ancient Egyptians were black is some Trump hater level of stupidity.

>it's not hard to believe that people living in the desert would have dark skin, and that a civilization as expansive as egypt would have people across all skin tones.

The Muslim Brotherhood begins

>Sup Forumstards getting butthurt over race in a videogame
what a concept

>If someone takes his history lessons from...
i keep seeing this retarded argument in all threads like this. Are you some retard that's on 24/7 or a shill?

If every piece of media is saying this and the schools are too, of course kids are going to think that niggas was kangs

So enough about the retarded race shit. The thing that looked truly terrible about this game was the combat.

>but but muh based blacks was kangz. white people was living in caves

go back to l.eddit you faggots.

>historical revisionism is fine

>>black African protagonist

Nubia was first noted in the Ancient Egyptian trade records around 2300 B.C. The Nubians, whose civilization was to the south of the Egyptians, were a source of gold, exotic woods and African animals. This extensive trade brought wealth and stability to Nubia, but the Egyptians began expanding southward into Nubian territory between 2040 B.C. and 1640 B.C. Archaeological evidence appears to support the position that the Egyptians conquered and incorporated parts of Nubian territory into their kingdom during this time. The Nubians eventually began their own expansions northward, and by the eighth century, had gained control of the Egyptian kingdom.

We get the stupid world we deserve.

>The thing that looked truly terrible about this game was the combat.

It was a trailer you retard, literally no real gameplay was shown.

Leave your judgement for when it releases.

Like anyone takes an Assassins Creed game that seriously. You weren't going to buy it anyway, you dumb fuck.

During the chaotic Third Intermediate Period of Egyptian history, four kings were claiming rule within the Upper and Lower Kingdoms, and local chieftains were controlling their own small regions in the Nile Delta and elsewhere. Piye, who held Egypt in high esteem, moved to conquer and unify the land once again. He first conquered Egypt up to Thebes. Here he had his sister Amenirdis named the successor of Shepenwepet to make her the highest ranking priestess of the powerful cult of Amun, a critical political and religious position. Amenirdis later adopted Piye's daughter, who married her brother and pharaoh in a move to cement the Kushite rule.
After a brief pause for a trip back to Nubia to celebrate the new year, Piye came back and continued northward, conquering city after city. To the north, the Libyan king Tefnakhte conquered the important city of Memphis and was threatening Hierakleopolis, a city ruled by Piye's ally Peftjauawybast. Piye came to his assistance, and taking every major city on the way, he then conquered Memphis in order to reunite Egypt. Rather than rule himself, he allowed petty kings and rulers of the conquered areas to swear allegiance to him as Pharaoh, then returned home to Kush.

They already did it in Britain. The mandatory lines in education now have the first settlers in the British Isles as Black Africans.

m8, we all know the game will be shit. The WE WUZ meme is the only good thing about the game.

Please tell me you're lying.


Yeah i read that too
Really fucked up

It literally showed him fighting someone. Are you one of those tards who thinks that alpha gameplay is significantly different from the final product?

Source or ass talk?

>Nubian civilization
>This is what westerns actually believe
N*bians are to us what gypsies are to France.




>Ezio sees one

No, it's a shitty forced meme that stopped being funny a fucking week after it was made.

What is wrong with correcting history? History should serve the modern world and improve it, and sometimes history itself needs to be improved to do that.

The Gypsies didn't have their own civilization or took over France.

>alpha gameplay is significantly different from the final product

It literally is...

It's not a forced meme, its something Afrocentrics actually believe.


Sub-saharan Africa isn't all of Africa as the name implies. North Africa is nothing like that. Stop trying to overwrite history. There were a couple of Nubian pharoahs, but that was not the norm. 95% of Egyptian history was not African.

Black Africans were the original Brits, that is the official word from British government mandated education now.

The game is releasing this year. If you are actually stupid enough to believe that they are going to completely change the shit that they just showed, I want you to state that directly.

>African history isn't African

The jews and white liberal brainwashing children need taking down a peg

They can almost completely change the shit that they just showed by release.

Can you give the website name? Seems like the Onion.

It's like trying to talk about the aztecs when talking about canadian natives.
They're both Americans but they're not the same thing.

Have you been to a school in Britain? You think any of our shitty teenagers give a flying fuck about history? They wouldn't take anything away from it and if they did do history at college or university I'm sure they'd be motivated to find out the truth. You're giving them too much credit.

So they're going to completely overhaul the awful combat they just showed by the time the game releases? You are in for some serious disappointment.

WE WUZ KINGZ the game

That's what beta testing is for.

It's during a timed challenge. Of course nobody would stop and look into the water for 10 seconds during that but if you do that, a short cutscene starts and that thing swims by

>Hollywood actor portraying a jew
So what exactly is wrong here?

>Sup Forums is so fucking stupid that they think since Egypt is on Africa, then sub-saharan Negroids had easy access to, and built Ancient Egypt, completely ignoring there is a desert larger then many US states that isolated Egypt from the rest of Africa, with the only access being the Nile River.

You're dumb and you need to fuck off back to r/esist.

>Aztecs don't count as Native Americans because they didn't love in the same specific area.
Now I bet you'll say German history isn't European history.

If you just tell it to children from a young age and give them no alternative, it will become accepted "fact".