Is there any other game that purposely trains you wrong?
Is there any other game that purposely trains you wrong?
You mean as a joke?
You mean Wong
this was a good plot twist
>Final showdown with kungfu master
>can stun lock him to death without breaking a sweat.
>tfw there will never be jade empire 2
why even live?
does this mean we have to stream it now?
Why did Bioware remove polyamory?
play on a difficulty higher than easy.
Because Silk Fox was the only waifu you needed.
Master Li did nothing wrong.
Its not hard to switch between styles on any difficulty user.
>tfw no sequel(s) ever
life truly is suffering
also dat dawn star+silk fox scene
this game is so bad
>wanting nu-bioware to shit on the jade empire IP
Dumb frogposter.
The Last Remnant
fuck you nigger it's great
These are great. Is there a collection of these for various movies?
>trains you so perfectly that everyone is trying to exploit a weakness they can't actually exploit
>He can though
Fuck I loved that. Dude deserved to win, shame it didn't keep me the option to support him but GOTTA HAVE THAT FINAL BOSS.
>shit combat
>extremely low amount of styles and weapons
>janky as fuck animations despite the lack of combat styles
>short as hell
>controls like dicks
>the flying minigame
>everyone looks dumb and ugly
>garbage character progression
Even KotOR is better than that.
I hate how the main character just immediately and automatically removes that weakness from himself offscreen after that. I would have expected it to be a big quest where you have to retrain yourself from scratch or he'll just defeat you in the same way again.
Then again, the game feels like Bioware super ran out of time/budget towards the end. The last four chapters were shorter together than any of the three first ones, I can't imagine that was intentional.
Actually you can support him by choosing the shitty ending where you kill yourself.
You literally can join him in the end though. That's one of the three endings.
Well not join exactly, but you can let him win and he'll make everybody believe you're a huge hero.
What are you talking about? You can support him.
Is it super obvious? The last time I played this I was a teenager. Fuck I guess I need to play through it again.
I hate myself for never making the obvious connection between JE and KP
honestly I don't see why you would offer yourself as a sacrificial lamb if you have the opportunity to rule by yourself
Never been a self serving kind of person and I realize other people are smarter than me. The dude had the patience, intelligence, and raw physical prowess to enact and accomplish a 20 year plan. He deserved to rule. He got robbed by a fucking gay ass magic water Dragon. I always sympathized with him.
It really is but theres something very charming about it. Maybe its just because I love shlock and being over the top evil
>unironically being a whole-hearted bootlicker