That fucking smattering of awkward applause applause after every reveal

>that fucking smattering of awkward applause applause after every reveal
>some shitty trailer that shows nothing
>some game no one wants to play
>XBOX ONE X instead of the much better name Scorpio
>that SMATTERING of applause after every fucking awkward reveal.

Why is Microsoft so fucking bad at marketing. Not even a Sony fag. Really sad to see Microsoft doing so fucking badly. It's seriously like their marketing team has no respect for their customers and is completely out of touch.

>clap.... clap... clap?

>Getting terry crews to try and appeal to millennials
>terry's script is completely tone deaf and not like him at all.
>completely missing the point of why people like him

I skipped the Xbox One for the Scorpio. guess I'll skip it as well. where's all the games?

Your fault for expecting anything positive from Microsoft

you forgot
*timed and on windows 10

>sonyfags are THIS worried
>yesterday the only thing they thought they could use against scorpio domination was "no gaemz!!"
>today it's "too many gamms! Too many exclusives stop it we don't like games"

Pretty pathetic Pete, Xbox wins again it seems

there have been no exclusives announced

Handy guide: If it says:
> Xbox One and Windows 10 Exclusive

Its a true exclusive as we usually think of it. Everything else is timed.

>closing with EA

Did they even show ONE AAA exclusive title other then Crackdown?

>on PC
>true exclusive


they didn't show one exclusive period, Crackdown is on PC

Still no reason to purchase a xbone.

a) They're exclusive to Windows 10 and the Xbox platform - still exclusive to MS just letting us play on all THEIR platforms

b) Is effectively exclusive to me, and everyone else who doesn't own dedicated, over $1000 gaming rigs capable of 4K 30fps like the Xbonx, which is most the population of earth

Let's see, if I was a normie who's interest was piqued by one of these MS exclusives:

- pay over $1000 for parts then invest my own time to figure out how to properly build a gaming PC, and then invest my time to actually build it, hoping nothing goes wrong or needs to be replaced

- buy Xbonx and game for half of that, have it ready out of the box

Normies and the general public are not autistic like you, the vast differences in cost between these two options make the games effectively an Xbonx exclusive to anyone relevant, ie. your average consumer.

>still exclusive to microsoft

sure, it's on PC though and the xbone is shit

>exclusive to me

means nothing

>over 1000 for 4k and 30fps


>it's on PC!
>it's on PC! but only a very tiny proportion of PCs can play it anywhere near to the specs of the Xbonx, and even so they need genuine MS OS to play
>but it's not a MS exclusive
>also everyone is neet and has a gaming PC they can play it on instead
>these are my brilliant austistic generalisations

Exclusive means its on one platform. If its on more than one platform, its not exclusive. This is what the word means.

Normies don't want to pay $500 for a console.

>Effectively exclusive to me as the costs of getting the game and playing on Xbonx are tiny compared to getting the game and playing on PC
>Means nothing, everyone has spent years of their life and their welfare cheque to build and upgrade a gaming PC like I have, the barriers of entry to that platform are nonexistent


I can't believe they went with One X. They had Xbox One Elite ready for them already

Normies don't want to pay $1500 for a PC

They absolutely do want to pay $500 for a console - you realise these price points don't just come out of MS's ass right? There's a fucktonne of market research, prospecting and surveying to find a measure for willingness to pay for this console. I'd happily pay between $500 and $1500, as it is the equivalent of building a $1500+ gaming PC - as long as it's cheaper than that I, and 99.9% of all Normies ever, are happy.

It doesn't take years of your life to build a pc unless you're literally retarded


Okay? I imagine it still takes a fair few hours to work out what I want, what parts I can get to make that happen, which parts are comparable and what's the best/cheapest combination of parts I can get, ordering of said parts while finding the best deal for each, waiting for those parts to arrive to me by mail, figuring out how to properly connect all the parts and build a PC, hoping that you do it properly and don't break or have to reorder any parts, install your OS and all your drivers etc. depending on what you're doing, buy and install game


Buy Xbonx, buy and install game

Ignore your burning autism for one second and tell me which option will be chosen buy almost all normies ever

>calling me a welfare check holder when you can't even afford a 800 dollar PC

fucking kek, I'm a CLS making 80k a year, a good PC costs nothing for me and it should cost much to you either unless you're an underagefag, which is consistent with you owning an xbox one

Found a picture of this underage faggot, guys.

You must have severe down syndrome if you think 1000 dollars is a lot of money. Get a job you ugly neet faggot. Your mom bought you an xbox for Christmas, didn't she?

Refer to:
People will always pick the option with the much lower time and monetary cost with a comparable outcome.

What you just said only proves that you either get a high return on the time you invested in your PC (ie. you actually enjoyed building it and find that sort of thing fun), or you're actually retarded and irrationally spend your time and money for no reason, making it hard for me to believe you aren't on welfare.

>people will always pick the option with the much lower time and monetary cost with a comparable outcome.

so a ps4? also you're wrong anyway since more people play on PC than xbone

you realize making a PC takes like 2 hours maximum right?

Do you want to buy my shit for $1000? I mean come on, we know you're autistic but you're not also POOR are you user? It's only $1000, where else could you possibly get shit for cheaper?

This is your argument man, is pretty sad no?

Xbox 720 would've been gud

>a retard assmad xbox child is trying to compare a gaming pc's value to feces to form an argument

When did xbox cucks become more pathetic than sony ggers?

The games aren't available on PS4, they're exclusive. That's the point of what we're talking about. I think you're finally starting to get it :)

Also fuck off it takes two hours, jesus how are you guys SO BAD at being objective? To YOU it may take two hours, to your average consumer it is going to take at least a day of research to complete this process: If you honestly can't remove yourself and your anecdotal evidence from this argument and see the aggregate, general affects over all consumers that I'm talking about then you're too stupid to be worth my time friend.

at least sony.ggers/nintenbabbies have good exclusives, xbone has nothing. This is why xtards have gone full retard trying to rationalize their purpose

I mean, The switch will have more good exclusives in its first year (Q1 2017-Q1 2018) than the Xbone ever had with mario, splatoon 2, Arms, xenoblade 2, and Fire emblem. Let that sink in

>gaming PC's value
>has no value or capabilities beyond what a $500 Xbonx has
>defending paying $1000+ and building your own
>I WANT to spend $500+ more and invest my own apparently completely invaluable time for the exact same result!
>I'm the retard

Okay matey

It was a great conference for literally anyone but people who actually own an xbone.

A day of research is apparently too much for tiny brained Xbox owners, I guess that solves why they bought an xbone

I mean, from the past 3 years the xbox guys have been damage controlling really hard. This is sad to watch. We all know they are underage as fuck or neets that get an xbox for christmas. The retard just compared a PC to feces because he's so buttblasted.

You're an underage retard that is obsessed with feces. That was a cringey argument. Are you a chimpanzee that plays with his own shit?

Just admit you're underage and or unemployed and I'll leave you alone, sperg.

feels fucking fantastic to be a PC/nintendo/sony idort Tbh, and all it cost me was a fraction of my monthly salary

>A day of research is too much
You won't go far in life

Literally the same. I don't have a switch yet though. I mostly game on the PC but I have a ps4 and wii u. The only people who act like this retard
are poor, angry little children who only have one console because all of their purchases require mom's wallet.

>clearly autistic people completely unable to self remove and be objective looking at a simple trade off decision extrapolated across a larger population ie. the population of potential Xbonx consumers

It's pretty obvious you're all very stupid, and either don't or can't understand my completely legitimate points. Have a look at some utility theory, consumption preference relations and the like from microeconomics, you might learn a thing or two if you can wrap your sub-par minds around it.

Just admit it man. You don't have a real job and you're an ugly fat loser, that's why you're a salty faggot getting too upset over console wars. Feel free to prove me wrong at any time, although I'm 100% sure you'll dodge my question again because you're a pathetic faggot who takes video games too seriously so I know you have no life.

the damage control is unreal

>If you don't share my exact opinion, you are an autistic idiot