>Bethesda presentation soon
>Not a single thread up
Is there a less deserving company to have an E3 stage?
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I would care if it started now
I've been following this schedule but apparently it's wrong. The conference starts at 9:00PST according to their Youtubes and stuff.
I don't know if something changed or what.
Doesnt it start in 2 hours?
Is it really not starting until 1am EST? Fuck that, I'll get the news in the morning. It's probably going to be a fat lot of nothing anyway.
>not a single thread
This is a joke, right?
this, don't know why its so fucking late.
There really wasn't
>2 hours
>bethesda showcase is 11:00 pm for me
that person is obviously wrong
still 2 hours you little wiener
do we know how long the conference will last?
Well...yeah, obviously.
30 minutes
you'll just know
>tfw summer
>tfw you can stay up to the wee hours of the night and speak feverishly. . .
>mfw I'm brewing coffee rn
Better start to wind down ol' wage slaves!
This shit is taking too long. It had to start 13 minutes ago. And no, it's not in two hours. Why would Bethesda starts the transmission two hours before they start?
Fuck anyone who lives in a pacific time zone
I work 2nd shift so fuck you, you uppity cretiin
are you really surprised that Bethesda is doing something dumb.
why are u mad at me i just want to hav fun with e3 like everyone else
>West coast
God I fucking love being a college youth
>PC Gaming show
>High Noon
Evil Within and Wolfenstein sequels confirmed
transmissions for live events always start way before the actual content starts. it's to avoid technical difficulties when it matters
Bethesda's offficial Youtube stream says the presentation will begin at 9PM. Their official time.
There might be technical difficulties is all.
>yfw RAGE 2 is announced
What's that top one, TES?
who tf calls timezones "dt" this is first time i've seen it typed this way ever.
no starfield then
can't wait for the continuation of watered down rpg mechanics
Unless is a big suprise, kinda weird they would spoil the new games on a pamphlet
no, it's the "Fallout Shelter" of Elder Scrolls
Bethesda has been shitting the bed since ME:3, and I've frankly never cared for any of the Dragon Age games.
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