Can you stop pretending you care now?

>consoles shouldn't have non gaming features no one uses them!

Sup Forums btfo

They even said it on the Stream like holyshit

What did you expect?


Phil just said half of Xbox owners play BC you lying faggot.

Right, 1% of the time.

>C-can you stop pretending to care about games? g-games are not important
>S-stupid xbox one x!

Backwards compatibility is just a nice feature. On no fucking planet is it a required feature. Basically it helps transition from the previous generation to the current gen.

But how much of that is paid for and how much of that is from free game with gold?

I think he said "have tried"

You're so dumb you've forgotten what was said in the first place.

These garbage casual features, will attract a crowd of casuals.


Get out.

Who knows and who cares? It's available and a lot of people use it. Are you that assblasted to use fake news against it?

We< care as gamers and what it means to be backwards compatible. >We are not retarded enough to actually be Xbone users.

Delete this

I'm not pretending. I still go back and play jet set radio future and outrun 2 pretty often. It's extremely convenient to be able to play on one console. I still use my 360 as much as I use my xbone and ps4

>spencer himself said more than HALF of the playerbase tried the backwards compatibility

Is not about KEEP playing old games, is about having the option.

>backwards compatibility is bad
>please buy games you already own

I don't understand this line of thinking.

I've even pwned an Xbox and I think this is pretty cool


>I want my console to have less consumer friendly features!
Even if it's a minority why would you complain about this? Fucking cuck

>Sony goes as far as trying to brand BC as "anti-consumer"
>despite the fact that the PS2 sold millions on the fact that it could play your entire PS1 library and use your PS1 controllers/memory cards

Assuming there are 24 million xbox one owners out there, 12 million owners used BC for 508 million hours

So each one of those played BC for 42 hours on average, which should be more than what the average Sup Forums poster played this console generation.

does it really matter. a games a game whether it's free or not.