Are you fucking HYPED sonybros?!?
Are you fucking HYPED sonybros?!?
Rather have a new setting
I'm more hyped for Dreams desu
>t.b.h. is filtered
wtf? That is a legitimate acronym that people say.
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No source no care ԅ(¯ิϖ ¯ิԅ)
Wait are you telling me that people aren't manually typing out desu?
That's gay desu
get the fuck out underage
Why? Van Helsing souls is the best setting.
>Aztec shit
>Fuedal Japan shit
>Norse mythology shit
>Cyberpunk shit with melee everywhere even though it's the future
All inferior to the beasts, pseudo-vampires and aliens in the industrial-revolution type setting we get in Bloodborne
No joke
It took me a long time to figure that out.
I thought everyone had just turned into a faggot and I'm too old to understand.
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes ye sye syse yse yes yesy es ysey weyesysey
literally not gonna happen you fucking idiots
unless it was made by the original team, i do not care.
Why should I be?
It'll e great. It's not like that story was finished or anything. It'll be just as good as Dark Souls 2 (aka SUPER DUPER HARD MODE:-))
I think it's time I actually finish Demon's Souls and Bloodborne.
filters got me fucked up 2bh f@m
screenshotting the thread to mock and laugh delusional borne niggers in their general when it doesn't happen.
So is senpai and it's still filtered.
I love it.
you're doing it wrong t឴b឴h f឴a឴m