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a pregnant l-lady stabbing a nazi its f-fucking bananas

'America: The New Order'
Very subtle, Todd

What was wrong with him? Did he get into Adam Sessler's cocaine stash?

Would Klansmen still be a thing in a Nazi America?

Wasn't the whole deal with the robes and masks to hide their identity? They could just be open about their hate of niggers with Nazis in charge.


Its just virtual signaling to all the SJW and minorities

Someone tell Todd that Homefront Revolution - Nazi Edition is a shitty rip-off of Man in the High Castle

considering nazis didn't like the klan they'd probably be in camps.

>"Were going to start a revolution!"
>"We going to fight back against the nazi regime in America"

Not really digging the commie undertones or the clear allusions to the modern political climate. Just wait for the Vox and Buzzfeed articles.

its pretty retarded

Haahwheheh FUCK it's hehehe FUCKING BANANAS haheeehehehahah

Why would you even need to hide your identity if the order is racist?

Really makes you think

>f-fuck off Sup Forums you're so triggered


The KKK did nothing wrong, but by the 1960s it was a crumbling bulwark against negro savagery.

HA i didn't even think of that. wtf is the point?

They like to dress up.


Watching Sup Forums get triggered over Wolfenstein is better than the actual game is going to be.

I was entirely on board until the proletariat scene
fuck communists and fuck nazis
hopefully by the end of the campaign we see that the commies are just as bad but I highly doubt it

10 out of 10 will buy

Why do people think the kkk and nazi would be friends? They know political beliefs are more complex than hatting niggers and jews right?

>fuck communists and fuck nazis
Only Neoliberalism for us, right?

If I can join the Nazis I'll buy it.

>false trichotomy
I prefer paleolibertarianism

>teens have been pushed so far to the right that they literally are annoyed when the klan is portrayed negatively

too nuanced for americans, niggers, and jews.

Yeah. If anything Klansmen would probably be at the forefront of a type of American resistance movement against Nazis. As if they would ally themselves with church hating foreigners.

They did nothing wrong.

I didn't pay attention too much to the trailer, but I thought the Nazi soldier was arresting the klansmen, or at least ushering them away. Am I wrong?

Except for hanging people, I guess.

That was my impression too

Yeah. It's kind of weird because there are only two of them which makes it look like the KKK is extremely fringe group in Nazi controlled America. This makes me think that they may be opposed to the Nazis but they're allowed to remain since at least they aren't communists trying to knife every German in sight.

Did all these games that portray white people so negatively and muh stonk womyn of color like unstoppable badasses go into production when all the polls were showing Trump getting BTFO? Are the developers secretly worried about these actually selling now seeing how things turned out?

They never hanged people.

I don't care about negative portrayals of them, but to see them rubbing elbows with nazis just seems off.

>terrorists against big government with communist sympathies helping fascists

This is literally what my street looks like under Drumpf's rule.

Maybe it'll pull a Far Cry 4 or a BioShock Infinite.

notice how nice the world looks with no niggers

What is this? A new game? I support the "EVIL" alignment in this game.

They conquered america, why would it be subtle? It's just life.

>Germans build a prosperous, peaceful society
>It's your job to tear it all down

>nazis seen as villains in video games
>"hehe, yeah! no-one likes nazis! kill those nazis! kill em!"
>KKK members seen as villains in video games
>"goddamn SJW's ruining my video games..."

And a man getting his brain put in a giant nazi robot isn't off?

it's a fictional alternate history game.

good night Sup Forums

>buy this game
>spend the whole time just idling in the intro area

honestly they could have avoided all of this if they actually made nazi society seem insane and brutal

instead it's just happy life for average people and there's no crime except people like BJ killing local police and military forces

I think it's just funny and goofy, in the same way as hitler interlocking arms with satan and having a laugh.

it slep time bunner

>Fags are mad Wolfenstein exists

Why the Fuck would the Klan get along with nazis? May as well show nazis hanging out with Satan himself in case people don't realize they're supposed to be treated as the bad guys

I want to live in that world.

What people did they hang?

And don't say niggers, they're not people.

I thought BJ died at the end of New Order? It kind of robs the ending of New Order of its impact now...

why does it look so utopian? what did Bethesda mean by this?

it slep time bunner

>muh klan dindu nuffin dey never kill nobody

You'd think americans would know more about america

Todd has fuck all to do with this game you dip, ID is the dev.

if that's your vision of utopia you're too unambitious to be classified as a human

>MFW i have to explain to people over chat how making a friendfiction team-up of every group you hate to be one big easily defeatable super boogieman is hamfisted and embarrassing to me as a consumer.

Yeah, I always expected more subtlety in Wolfenstein, a series where you fight Mecha Hitler.

You're a retard if you actually thought that. You can hear Anya's voice at the end of the game when they go back for him

wtf I love Bethesda now

she did nothing you stupid fag are you mad at master raven in tekken 7 too

That looks like a pretty lovely place desu

what exactly is wrong with it? everyone is cheery and the street is nice and tidy, all the businesses are well kept and booming, what's not to like?

>It's an all White people are racist together game

Ha. I'd be off to the fucking potato fields for my filthy Irish genes

honestly looks asthetic as fuck. i see their point now.

>defending this game

The commie guy is a pussy who is giving in
In revolutions or rebellions, you're going to have to team up with people who you don't like or may be extremists because you need the manpower.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend and so on.

You mean hanging black criminals and traitors? How is that bad? Too bad the KKK was too pro-jew, which ended being their destruction.

Sup Forums was a mistake and teenagers are dumbasses, what else is new


I didn;t see a single irishman in the trailer. so your ilk probably already have been banished to the 'tater mills

>team up with commies, sassy black afro lady stereotype and some crackhead degenerate to destroy the peaceful society
Really gets the noggin joggin

Considering the characters went on to talking about FREEDOM and AMERICA, I'm guessing the story is still going to be a tongue in cheek affair focusing on jingoism and classical liberalism.
Also, Hitler hated communists as much as he hated the Jews (inb4 "muh 6million") so it's pretty natural for some to appear in a story about an anti-Nazi resistance force.

>there was literally shit like this in the previous game which came out 3 years ago
why is Sup Forums full of whiny Sup Forumstards lately?

Even ignoring how barbaric and hypocritical that line of thought is what evidence was there that the black folk they hanged were criminals?

>Get to kill Nazis and Klansmen.

Sign me up.