







I'm not watching the stream, what happened?

i feel like they just raped me


margaret a cute
did anyone see the actress' name in the credits



it was great

at least it was better than Bethesda's conference, it briefly made me forget how horrible that was

They did some adult swim tier humor and the underages on Sup Forums are eating it up

Theyre going full JUST
They want to beat Konami



so you have no sense of humor? i see

fuck me and call me ishmael

They took the piss for 20 minutes

the year 2010 when tim & eric was still funny

So they have never made a good game?

>Redditfags will think this is funny

Did they show / announce any games?


Am I starting to see a pattern?

>people are so dumb they thought it was real up til the cut off hand


reaction images and all caps are okay as long as i'm an edgelord who hates everything

>lol so randum humor is now considered good
No fuck off

didnt watch this conference what happened

>Devolver Digital payed for a spot on E3 specifically so they could shitpost

No they even did an announcment that they weren't announcing anything it was some "epic satire"

That's actually true, their games are decent at best

Yeah cuz what's really funny around here is todd posting and bane posting hehe!

ANy video link?

I'm intrigued about this

You call anything lolsorandum because you're an empty shell memer

funhaus was the best part


what the fuck happened

>have 0 good games to show
>we want the reddit crowd

you really got a fat stick up your ass, Pete.

Should have ended at the credits. Now its just Eric Andre mixed with Nintendo Treehouse.

But it wasn't random, you dumb fuck.

Tim and Eric was funny. This isn't.

No because you eat up the most blantent shit in the pool
Stop deluding yourself kid

They basically did a pre-recorded "conference" that consisted of them shitposting about E3 and the industry in general in the style of Tim and Eric

if it had just been mindless humor then it would have been just stupid reddit shit

but they had the stones to shit on early access and pre ordering, so they're based in my book

im so high right now, what the fuck

did i just accedentally drop acid and watch scanners?

>try to copy all of eric andre's humor without any of the understanding of what makes him funny
>end up making a really awkward 20 minute conference that isnt funny enough for the jabs at the industry to actually stick

>make fun of how other companies do e3 presentations
>this year the other companies actually did e3 presentations where they just show video games and omit the normal bullshit

They made fun of the other conferences' bullshit and people are mad that they didn't spend the time hyping up their games.

IT was like we stepped into a time warp back into 2010

Did anyone actually read the credits. They were all memes.

wow, what outstanding bravery from a publisher with 0 good games!

Guarantee there will be idiots contributing nothing by saying it's not funny when in reality the only smart thing they can do is not participate in the discussion as the facade they want everyone else to see is that they don't care

Ironic "humor" is cancerous. Post modernism was a mistake

i was sitting here

They made fun of what the big companies do, and what Sup Forums is always complaining about, yet you didn't like it? Fuck you Sup Forums

I don't think it's funny I'm just saying that's what you are.

Sad panda


The Eric Andre E3 Presentation


Just making fun of something doesn't make you funny

who is devolving?

did you even watch EA?

fucking stupid.

the fuck? what games they drop?

It's because Devolver is horribly out of touch with reality and has no business satirizing anything when they are the scummiest indie company in the industry.

eepic random sam hyde world peace

Any link to the video, anyone?

They put all their eggs in hoping the other presentations would be shit.
They fucked up

>Positive reactions everywhere
>Expecting Sup Forums to like it

Niggers aren't welcome here.

>Only applies to me
>Says it wasn't funny
Oh so you're Shitposting I see Never mind

We all are


except they had nothing to show for it, it was just empty shitposting irl

yeah, if you dont have a sense of humor.

>showing movie games
>not the same as always
You act like Sony won't fuck up on biblical proportions like they literally do every year.

Hey user you're a faggot, look I made fun of you laugh or you have no sense of humor

What the fuck are they playing

Neither are people like you

it doesnt matter anymore. they already won

>being a butthurt sonynygger or xnigger

um? if you have a problem with that why are you on Sup Forums?

screencap this post

the last game they're going to play is hotline miami 3 coop

This entire thread is pretty much the people who liked it, and the pic related people. Sup Forums really needs to stop being so predictable.

Some arcade games. One was Ninja Baseball Batman

>entire history of Sup Forums

If you really think the entirety of that thing was unfunny you have issues. Yes, it got stupid with the blood and shit but there were some legitimate funny rips on conference shit.

Then again who am I kidding, Sup Forums is so hilarious all the time. Someone post the golden laughing face again XD!

You remember Nintendo Remix? Its like a competitive version of that but with older more obscure games

They learned how to just show games.
Except for the fucking car

What are they even doing now? I'm so confused

Literally who?

>normie adult swim ripoffs=taking the piss.
Leave underage.

for me to laugh you have to prevent an actual joke?
>haha I insulted you

but WHERE?

this is probably why they didnt hire you and had actual writers.

It's satire user, laugh

what the fuck is this? this is some alternate reality shit

it was certainly refreshing to see them take the piss like that, but the sketch segments they did were really tough to sit through. The guy throwing money at the screen was a cute idea for a 5 second thing, but when they decided to turn it into a full 5 minute sketch with the punchline bieng "he got his arm in it and it cut his arm off hahaha", they dropped the ball.

eric andre is funny because he smashes you over the head with a new direction at just the right moments. everything is a non-sequiter, nothing is predictable.

This had none of that. The jokes were essentially "haha its funny becuase that would never actually happen at a real conference"

I'll admit though, the jabs at the industry, and the constantly cutting back to the b-roll of the audience smiling and laughing caught me off guard and was really well placed. It's just that the rest of it was too stale to make up for it enough.

That and the pre-pre show was a fucking mess. A real fucking mess.


WTF is happening? lmao

Protip, stupid subhuman, this site belongs to Sup Forums now. Niggers like you were NEVER welcome on this site.

Consider yourself lucky that I don't get one of my friends from the admin staff to give me your info so I can track you down and pay you a little visit with my friends from the right wing murder squad, Jamal. I'd be doing the human race a favor.

A top down serious sam and another top down game. They said before that they weren't announcing anything new beforehand, so it appears they bought a slot JUST to fuck around

They also brought Suda51 on screen only for him to go "who the fuck is devolver digital?"