Why does this game look like shit?

Why does this game look like shit?

Why do you keep making threads about it?

It doesn't, it looks great.

Huh? I recently just bought the game

Come on out, Barry. I'm sick of reading all this political shit flinging, and I need a laugh.

Why didn't you wait for a completed version or until it was cheaper?

I don't think you bought it, and you're just trying to summon him.

Why are you shitposting?

I've seen you for the past few hours making FFXV shitpost threads trying to summon XV-kun. For what purpose?

It's $30 on the PSN store

Not even worth that. Surely you've read about how the game was shipped incomplete and they're still adding shit to it right?

>trying this hard

It's more than worth it and already has a full games worth of content, anything they're adding now is extra additional or side stuff.

Squenix clearly wanted the characters to look European but Asian features seeped through regardless and the resulting mongrels are really off-putting, it's most prominent and Prompto and Luna.

No they didn't. They just look like the character designs from 2D realized into 3D in semi realistic style.

He's here.

You didn't OP, are you happy now?

Not OP but I searched for the catalog for an XV thread because his meltdowns are infinitely more entertaining than the same tired old Sup Forumsshit being amplified x100 by Wolfenstein.


You're so fucking transparent. You don't think I didn't notice you making FFXV threads the past few hours with shitposts or negative posts against the game in the OP to try and draw me to the threads? You are cancer.

>calling shitposters out is a meltdown

Yeah, OP is trying too hard with these threads. He's been at it all day. He should go in the trash where he belongs.

I'm the first post though. I know exactly what this faggot is trying to do.

It most certainly is when he does it.

just report OP and sage this thread

He must really be butthurt about XV if he needs to keep trying to make threads like this to shitpost against it.

You're actually asking XV-kun look good. Cut it out you sperg.

>Calling out shitposters while people who are getting called out just post reaction images and memes in response
>Somehow that is a meltdown

Shitty game has worst graphics than zelda desu.

>it's E3 and xv-kun has nothing better to do than keeping bait threads alive
Don't you have an Xbone X to preorder?

Shut up, Barry. You need mental help.

Trying too hard.

I'm using sage on all my posts so no I'm not the one bumping it.

>calling out shitposters means you need mental help
or maybe you just need to stop being wrong


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