Is It Time To Give Up On This Generation Early?

I'd say this generation has till sometime around 2019 when the new consoles will come out...unless the Scorpio and PS4 are it...which sounds like viable options. How much more can they REALLY improve graphics past the Pro/Scopio?

With that said, at least for consoles gaming, i'm feeling like it might be time to go ahead and throw in the towel and get me a gaming laptop...

Looking at the PS3 and Xbox 360(I'm omitting the wii cause who cares) within the first 3 years there were TONS of either exclusive titles are new franchises that started up.

Thats not true with the current gen. Even now with upcoming games, they're either boring continuations of franchises 3+ deep in games or another HD remake.

I'm talking about AAA titles btw because they drive the sales and success of consoles.

Sure theres been new indie titles with cool ideas, but indie devs can't carry consoles on their back.

Unless new franchises start coming out, core gamers might start moving towards PC.

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Next gen is going to be VR and augmented reality.

4K is the limit. No need to get better from there.

>4K is the limit.
Being this young and naive.

>No need to get better from there.

That's when you start getting BIGGER. Which will lead to needing to get better and higher resolution stuff

I hope we get proper physics and AI instead of muh graphics. Right now there is no real destruction aside from Red Faction and Crackdown 3, whenever that comes out. Battlefield uses scripted sequences instead of GeoMod-like stress system, and is thus roughly on par with mid-00s.

Why the lack of new ideas/franchises?

Theres more to lose from big companies.

Games on PS4/XBOX One undoubtedly cost more than previous generations. From a risk/reward stand point, they would rather put out a tried and true squeal that barely needs any promotion and will rake is easy cash than spend millions creating, marketing, etc. a new game that might not even make back the initial investment.

Indie Devs come in cause they have nothing to lose. But they also try new ideas that tend to work out well. Typically the budgets are smaller too, so theres less to worry about.

Outlast 1 was made with 1.4M and a small team of 10...thats pretty low compared to big budget games.

Hell, a game like Undertale was a huge success and made with $50k. Since then after sales on steam it has made 15.6 million...Steam prob took some of that profit so lets say the dev made $13M back.

But yeah, indie devs have less to loose and more to gain

We've already reached a dead end with current processing hardware architecture. Stacking more cores doesn't solve it. PC or console it doesn't matter, you're only going to see marginal improvements from this point onward. One of the reasons why I don't expect there to be a real new generation of consoles, just updated moneygrabbing models of the 8th.

Yup 4k seems like the best we can get. At this point, we have the ability to play games that look like they could've been a Disney Pixar film.

VR and AR are cool ideas i guess, i'm not too wild about them though...seems like a slippery slope into us being taken over by simulated indulgences

Is it just me or does it feel like the PS4/XBONE/WiiU gen just started? Like I don't feel like anything happened that gen.

>Like I don't feel like anything happened that gen.
That's because their libraries consist of generational ports instead of new games.

Yea I feel like they'll just make those SMALL improvements that only really show if you have the right TV for it.

Kinda like the iPhone method...make it small/slimmer/whatever and add a few bells and whistles that could've been done the first time.

At least from Dell, a decent laptop with the ability to run MOST games, the XPS or Alienware laptop will run you $1000-1,200.

Since most indiegames have a PC release and the big budgets come out on the PC anyways, you might as well get a gaming laptop

>4k is the limit
There is already 8k televisions.
Who the hell has a superman vision to use those? fuck if I know.

I just watched a video on this...when the 360/PS4/Wii came out, most of the games weren't able to down graded and put on the prev. gen.

When the PS4/XBOX One dropped it wasn't uncommon to see a new title get put on both systems.

And since big devs aren't pushing new ideas, they either remake, port, or add to a boring old franchise( CoD WW2)

Somehow exciting games like Metal Gear Solid 5 get fucked over too...that was trash if you're a true MGS fan.

BF1 was the best i've seen from a big dev. trying someting new( first WW1 game) and they lowkey fucked that game up too( Too little guns, over all just kinda boring, i sold it today for R6 siege

>When the PS4/XBOX One dropped it wasn't uncommon to see a new title get put on both systems.
Hell, isn't Persona 5, a game people are calling 2017 goty, on the PS3? The next gen has technically already started with Switch and X.B.O.X. coming November. We have a game on a last gen system being praised as the best in a year next gen systems are releasing. It's like this gen was just skipped.

>gaming laptop
Don't make that mistake user, just build yourself a gaming PC and use the leftover money saved to buy vidya during the steam sales

I had no idea Persona 5 was on both gens.

So do you think i should sell my PS4 when my dad buys me a new laptop this summer? I haven't had a new laptop since i started college in 2013. My inspiron 5000 series was able to run gamecube and PS2 game pretty well. I think if i get the right specs, the 2-17 inspiron should be able to play shooters.

This current gen is so disappointing...its like nothing new is coming out.

Why not? My PC now runs most games fine. If emulation is any indication, i've ran at last PS2 games fine. honestly an inspiron 5000 series or XPS should work.

Maybe i should invest in a desktop....i use FL Studio to make music so i'm sure a gaming desktop could run FL Studio without a hassle.

You increase pixel density until you are not capable of distinguishing individual pixels and then you increase size.

And by "you can no longer distinguish individual pixels", I really mean it. Like, text might render pretty well on a 4k set, but it's anti-aliased. If the resolution was high enough, you could display pure black and white text with all the letters looking perfectly smooth. 4k at normal use distances is still a ways from being the highest distinguishable resolution.

Is it necessary? Probably not. But the technology will advance, and we'll get cooler shit.

>and get me a gaming laptop
Literally off yourself m8, get a desktop you've built yourself.

What difference does it make?

4k and VR really are the only things next gen can bring us.

That a gaming laptop is usually more shit than a desktop
plus, it's easier to mix and match with hardware on a desktop, than a laptop

Laptops overheat, they are not intended for prolonged use and you damage the battery by having the charger plugged all the time, so eventually your "mobility" meme effectively dies with it.
Also good luck making the default battery pack last more than 30-45 minutes while gaming unless you buy an expensive as fuck improved battery.

>What difference does it make?
Look, if you actually NEED a laptop for the portability, then it is fine if you want to pay a premium for gaming. It's just that for the same amount of cash you can get a far better desktop.

*sigh* looks like i'll be attached to consoles for life.

That is true we are losing a lot of creative ideas where studios just experimented and did what they felt like was fun than follow the money.

And you are right Indie devs are that spirit. I just hope that we start buying more Indie games and games that actually try something new than same shooter 3000 etc.

Not really, it does not cost that much to create a pc.
You could most likely have done it will all the money you have wasted on Xbox live/PS plus.

You don't have to buy the newest top end hardware to be able to play games on the highest graphics.

And they'll both be done poorly

>laptops not recommended
>better disregard the personal computer platform entirely


Buy a Pre-Built gaming PC from let's say and don't be an idiot and buy a Laptop for Gaming they will shut off and overheat on you right in the middle of playing a game

I had forgotten how retarded the console gamers are.

Thats true. As long as I can make music, play games, and browse news i'll be fine. If i can built a decent one for around $700-$800 i'll consider it...anything more and its a no from me dawg.

I'd use the extra money and get a surface pro


>Ah! I can't carry my laptop around so a nigger steals it, fuck Pc gaming then.

Im pretty sure you could build a quite good desktop for 700-800$


My Dad has a dell account and said he'd get me a new laptop. It'll be hard to convince him to get me straight gaming PC, but i could at least get a Dell computer out of him.

How does this look?

These are the recomended specs for BF1:

OS: 64-bit Windows 10 or later

Processor (AMD): AMD FX 8350 Wraith

Processor (Intel): Intel Core i7 4790 or equivalent
Memory: 16GB RAM

Graphics card (AMD): AMD Radeonā„¢ RX 480 4GB

Graphics card (NVIDIA): NVIDIA GeForceĀ® GTX 1060 3GB
DirectX: 11.1 Compatible video card or equivalent

Online Connection Requirements: 512 KBPS or faster Internet connection

Available Disk Space: 50GB

I would recommend building it from scratch, prebuilt desktops usually arent that great.
But that's up to you really

If you super mega absofuckinglutely have to use a laptop then be sure to get it custom and add liquid cooling to it.
That's the only fucking way you can get it to work.

I'm not good with tech spec stuff. I'll just confuse myself better off buying it pre built

Just go to some pc hardware forums and ask for a setup in the range from 700-800$.

Im no good with hardware either, but i asked around instead of buying something that is lacking in quality

Buy the parts and pay some internet cafe owner to build it for you.

Well its between me getting an inspiron 5000 laptop or an XPS desktop.

My Dad has already said he'll get me a new computer but he's not gonna understand me getting a custom laptop or desktop for gaming...and he'd prob be against it.

So based on my current situation, i'm attached to the indiestation 4

Can't you get the money? if you can't then yeah shit sucks.

There won't be a new gen for a while. Too risky. PS4 and xbone are basically nogames machines, a new gen would be even worse off. With everyone having a smartphone, consoles as a concept are outdated as fuck, especially for the average normie.

>sometime around 2019 when the new consoles will come out
There's no point releasing new hardware when there haven't been enough good games released this generation. Half the developers don't even know what to do with the hardware we have now.

>Next gen went full VR
RIP console gaming if that is what they are planning.

Nah, knowing my dad it'll be easier less of a headache to just stick to the original plan and get the newer model of my current laptop, which i already love.

I had no problem runing Outlast on my laptop 3 years ago. If i get some type of cooling pad oi should be fine.

I'm already tired of big budget shooters so for the most part i'll be playing indie games, which are already low on CPU usage for the most part...

>I'll be playing indie games
Well then have fun user.

Because it's not necessary and waste of time, mobage shit is popular for a reason and in this age people don't really need an over the top graphic to have fun with video game. Console market kind of rub it the wrong way with the whole sell point thing if you ask me.

This gen is absolutely great of you are a PS4 owner. I pity the cucks that got baited into buying a Xbox or PC.

Not if you're picky like me. I don't like ultra futuristic stuff or most shit with aliens===> Destiny, Halo, Planetside, any CoD after Mw3, Overwatch (Gears of War is fine, but its not on Ps4)

And i'm not crazy about a lot fantsy/ middle earth stuff===>Witcher,Skyrim (Zelda games are fine, God of War is Cool, Apotheon was lit)

I really dont have many choices right now...

there was some samurai game that came out that might be cool