Why does Western games always have to be so politicized?

why does Western games always have to be so politicized?

if you don't want us talking about politics, then stop putting politics in your games. this is why I turn to weeb games, because I don't have to deal with Sup Forums shit in my game.

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Free marketing, Sup Forumstards and stupid Americans like you can't keep your mouth about anything political

DELETE Sup Forums

Jap games are equally politicized, you just don't notice it because you're not engaged in that culture to any significant degree.

Persona 5 is a big example.

No clue, I used to be so jolly before I started browsing online, seeing both right and left duke it out 24/7, corrupting everything just makes me sad.
I'm not sure if it was always there but I didn't notice, or if it's getting worse. Either way I wish I could go back.

>I w-won't s-stop throwing a t-tantrum unless you push outdated white pro male propaganda

lol get fucked OP

Because building fictional worlds without showing the politics would be almost impossible, especially if the world is shaped by the said politics.

The majority of them really aren't, it's just nutters baying at the moon. The actually politicized games are often indie stuff that is often not very popular for that very reason.

Your shit taste in games is mimicked by your shit taste in manga.

I want to feed Marcille.

Good ole George Washington warned us of the perils of political parties centuries ago. We were fools not to heed his words.

what is MGS, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Ace Combat?

Video games have tremendous cultural impact on young impressionate minds. Not using it for education is not only wasteful but actively harmful as it opens the way for retrograde ideologies to creep in.

I'd say it sucks I was born into the world already fucked, but I probably couldn't have changed anything if I was born earlier.
Either way the world seems too far gone at this point.

with mgs it always felt more like political ideas than current issues though i only played 2 and 3 so maybe im wrong

I have a hard time understanding this question.

Where there is discourse there is politics. Maybe you can argue puzzle and low-plot games escape this; but otherwise it's in every fiction going back to the Epic of Gilgamesh. You can't avoid it; you can only fail to understand it.

name 1 game with Sup Forums shit
name 14784523784 games with /lgbt/ shit

MGS2 was about the President organizing a false flag terrorist attack on New York.

yank partisan faggotry

Pretty sure most of 4 and beyond were a direct commentary to the Iraq war and before that MGS1 was shitting on the Korean War. Nearly all of them were shitting on proxy wars and cold wars though. It's a pretty anti-American series when it comes to wars.

whats activly harmful is just telling people what to think whether is a good or bad idea give some one an idea to think about

tell me what's political about Bloodborne?

muh /pol boogeyman.
s-surely drumpf will be impeached any day now guys. grow a spine faggot not everyone that disagrees with current videogame agendas is the monster /pol your so afraid of

Absolute truth

Careful, user might spin some bullshit as a response.

Lone black youth struggling against the system trying to crush him at every corner.

Nope, a former president who was against the current government.

came out in november 2001 was in development long before that any similarities to 9/11 are literally coincidence and youd have to be retarded to think otherwise like they even removed flags from the final fight becuase of it
and solidus didn't false flag anything he launched an actual attack to disable the patriots

sure it has concepts and ideas but not actual caricatures of politicians that they go out of their way to dehumanize them

Gamers are politicizing the games. That's all it is. It's guaranteed that all those 90s, 80s classic movies and games with female leads would be roasted today as 'forced'. Anyone who says otherwise is lying. The 'anti sjw' sjws would hate Ripley if Aliens came out today. This is a fact.

>let's flood all other boards with Sup Forumstards
how about no

Alright guys, i will let you in on this.
I'm behind 37^2&*62 proxies, so don't try to find me.

Do you know why are they pushing politics so much suddenly in medias?
movies, TV shows, comics, Video Games.
It's all to form up a Sup Forums boogeyman to destroy Sup Forums
moot had to leave due to pressures, so he pass it on to a japs where CIA can't reach him.
Sup Forums had poked their nose way too deep into the government and they are not liking this.
Remember, all of these, is just to destroy Sup Forums.
If you want politics out of your vidya, you need to help take down Sup Forums and the CIA can terminate their plan once and for all.
Do it now, do it for the greater good.

Aliens was a horror movie and making the main character a female was actually to make it more frightening because conventional wisdom would tell you she stood even less of a chance than a male did. She ended up having to outsmart it and use technology after the entire crew died trying to fight it directly. In this sense it was her weakness that she was able to use against the alien.

If aliens came out today she would just do some bullshit ninja flips and kill the xenomorph.

I'm assuming this thread is just shit posting about wolfenstein but why the fuck was there that shot of the kkk like they look and feel so out of place in that game series.

last minute addition after November 2016? who the fuck knows.

pls stop triggering me alien not aliens

that doesnt even make sense

>why does Western games always have to be so politicized?

If I told you that there are powerful people in game corporations that force their propaganda on you, then you would call me a gamer, a consumer advocate and an industry watchdog.

If I told you who those people are, then you would call me a nazi.

Politics are in most things you pleb, you just choose to ignore the ones you find inoffensive.

sorry, but you could probably just pretend i was talking about the second movie, or the series as a whole, its a reoccurring theme

You realize "politics" is not limited solely to your definition, right?

This is something you and everyone who expresses this sentiment doesn't understand. Modern university classes ALL follow the idea that EVERYTHING is political.
This is basic postmodernism. This is basic critical theory. This is basic Marxism. These schools of thought believe that politics are inherent in everything, and those schools of thought are what are taught.

This is not me spouting some Sup Forums conspiracy. I'm a college student. A literature student, specifically.
Every single professor beyond the most basic-level English courses teaches critical theory, referred to pejoratively as cultural Marxism.
They believe that all people and all forms of art implicitly display biases, subconscious thoughts, etc.

Applied to an extreme, this idea is why Soviet Russia banned any art that was anti-state. Even on the opposite end, it's why books were burned in Nazi Germany.
It's the idea that people are influenced by art whether they believe it or not, and therefore you have to get rid of art with any trace of "negative influence."
It's the idea that you have to actively create or promote the creation of anything which furthers what you believe is a "good influence."

In a less extreme variety, it's how you get forced diversity.

Want racism/sexism to end? Put stronk black womyn in your videogames.
Believe it or not, that's what people believe. They genuinely believe it is what they're doing.
They believe that, by NOT having forced diversity in games, you are implicitly promoting white supremacy. It's what they've been taught in college, and it's what my professors have tried to teach me.

From their perspective, YOU are forcing your politics into video games by accepting white men as the "default" protagonists.

It's a fucking retarded, brainwashed way to view the world that is historically rooted in Soviet propaganda, but there you go.

The opinions of the characters in the game.
There's a old woman prude that is offended if you save and accept a blood donation from a prostitute.
You or hunters in general are repeatedly accused of causing problems that at least demonstrably are not the case..
That's before the extremely general tone and setting reads you can use to argue defamation of anything that's presented as an enemy such as the catholic church, institutionalized medicine, or tri-cornered hats.

Bloodborne isn't a political manifesto; but that doesn't change its actual political content.

Because things are too well in the western world so a lot of people have too much time to worry about lofty things like that.

also we know what the movie would be today we have promethius and covenant

No I would never call anyone a gamer.

What are elves for?

Video games.

Isn't that pretty much how the Manchester Bombing pictures got leaked? People here in the US are too caught up in sensationalist news garbage. It affects basically everything, and it's getting more tiresome every year.

seems like when japanese games get political there's a more broad philosophical message

these days, western political messages are just cheap shots toward someone or something that will be irrelevant in a few years

>name 1 game with Sup Forums shit
The Witcher
They are all whites


Sir, we are taking away your internet connection cause of your distaste towards Freedom Of Speech. You are not worthy it since you can't respect it in other human environments.


It'd be like chemo, they'd fuck off eventually and the site would be better for it. Moot should have stuck it out.

The USSR hasn't been a thing for decades, Sup Forums. If education doesn't help, then at least try to take your pills.

>they'd fuck off eventually and the site would be better for it
That's not how censorship works. Specially not in an annonymous site.



That is not a video game.

Are you sure? I saw videogames about that theme.

But I do want to play with her :3


Is it really remotely any kind of surprise?

Doesn't pass a single day where the autists don't mock "anything-but-STEM" as a waste. The left functionally has monopoly on creative free expression.

What was the politics of P5 though? Forced confessions of minors?

Games in wich the political side isn't focused on dumb identity politics and isn't motivated by guilt and corporate executives wanting to get in on the current trend.

I like games that have political and philosophical commentary. But when the commentary is "hurr durr women can be ugly" "[insert minority] can be heroes too ! look at how awesome and cool they are ! Say it ! SAY IT !". It's all part of a trend and at this point it just feels boring and unnecessary. They don't make anything with it, it's just moral grandstanding to create the illusion of artistic innovation (when in fact they've been making the same games for a while now).

Political/philosophical commentary is hard to do right, if you aren't committed to it then don't do it and certainly don't half-ass it. Because if you do it will just turn people off.

why does Eastern games always have to be so anime?

if you don't want us talking about anime, then stop putting anime in your games. this is why I turn to western games, because I don't have to deal with /jp/ shit in my game.

The political ideology divide between the youth and senior adults, centered around how youth seemingly have no say in the direction society takes. It's something that would seem relatively harmless and detached from reality unless you knew the current Japanese political climate.

I heard rumors that MGS2 was inspired by the Japanese government trying to whitewash their history books.

oh okay so politics are bad unless I say so


That makes sense. Thanks.

It is perfectly fine to not like anime and avoid Japanese games.

The game is telling its audience to not get walked over by status quo

Politics are bad when it's done badly and have no personal/artistic vision behind it. It's a shame that you can't grasp such a simple concept.

If they did a good game that actually said or did something about racism or feminism, then that would be interesting. But they can't so they stick to having "diversity" and shallow political commentary. It's pop-politics for the lazy that actually doesn't teach you anything.

False equivalency. There are plenty of Western games without dumb SJW shit in them. So Western =/= SJW.
However "anime" is a huge part of japanese pop-culture, it's not political, it's not a ideology. It's a bunch of tropes and aesthetics that are a part of that culture. A good equivalence would be a fan of japanese games complaining that western games don't have anime tropes in them. Wich would make him effectively retarded.
You're free to not like a culture and not buy shit from that culture. But complaining that japanese games are japanese or that western games are western is stupid.


Not video games.

Fuck my shit up

Not video games

>Politics is videogames
>OP started with the lewd elf, he knew what he was doing


Not a video game.

The thread so far has been pretty good, though. Could be much much worse.


Well it should be